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LED Table

Our LED Table is a simple DIY project for Arduino beginners.

BeginnerWork in progress554
LED Table


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Let's take a closer look at the outputs of the Arduino and the shield we've attached. The output pins 0 to 4 (5 in total) are connected to transistors that act as switches. If they are supplied with a low current, switch
this. With a HIGH = 1 at the Arduino output, the connected transistor is turned on and all 5 LEDs in the corresponding row are supplied with (+) voltage.
However, the LEDs do not light up. So far, only one strand is "connected" through the transistor. The second is missing, so that electrons can flow away again. If outputs 8 - 12 are set to LOW = 0, the columns will be "connected" to (-) Ground. Again, transistors are used as switches.
As we have seen, the pins of the Arduino act as outputs and are executed with the command pinMode (0, OUTPUT); as such. In addition, the designation "row_" or "column_" is used instead of the pin number of the hardware. This makes it easier to respond to an accurate LED. There is a pin associated with the respective (integer variable) name. With LEDs of different colors, it helps to enumerate the colors [red: R, blue: B, green: G] in the comment in the present sequence.
int reihe_1
= 0;  //R B R G B
  int reihe_2 = 1;  //G G B R G
  int reihe_3 = 2;  //B R B G R
  int reihe_4 = 3;  //R G R G B
  int reihe_5 = 4;  //G B G B R
  int spalte_1 = 8;
  int spalte_2 = 9;
  int spalte_3 = 10;
  int spalte_4 = 11;
  int spalte_5 = 12;
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run
  pinMode(reihe_1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(reihe_2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(reihe_3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(reihe_4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(reihe_5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(spalte_1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(spalte_2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(spalte_3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(spalte_4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(spalte_5, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run
for (int s =8; s<=12; s++){
  for (int r =0; r<=4; r++){

einzel_LED (int reihe, int spalte) {
  digitalWrite(reihe_1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(reihe_2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(reihe_3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(reihe_4, LOW);
  digitalWrite(reihe_5, LOW);
  digitalWrite(spalte_1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(spalte_2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(spalte_3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(spalte_4, LOW);
  digitalWrite(spalte_5, LOW);
// Setzen
  digitalWrite(reihe, HIGH);
  if (not(spalte == 8))
digitalWrite(spalte_1, HIGH);
  if (not(spalte == 9))
digitalWrite(spalte_2, HIGH);
  if (not(spalte == 10))
digitalWrite(spalte_3, HIGH);
  if (not(spalte == 11))
digitalWrite(spalte_4, HIGH);
  if (not(spalte == 12))
digitalWrite(spalte_5, HIGH);

// In the following source code, individual LEDs in the
turned on and turned off after 3 seconds. The LEDs are looped
switched on one after the other. Before the next switch-on, all LEDs will be lit.
briefly turned off.

 int reihe_1 =
0;  //R B R G B
  int reihe_2 = 1;  //G G B R G
  int reihe_3 = 2;  //B R B G R
  int reihe_4 = 3;  //R G R G B
  int reihe_5 = 4;  //G B G B R
  int spalte_1 = 8;
  int spalte_2 = 9;
  int spalte_3 = 10;
  int spalte_4 = 11;
  int spalte_5 = 12;
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run
  pinMode(reihe_1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(reihe_2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(reihe_3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(reihe_4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(reihe_5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(spalte_1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(spalte_2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(spalte_3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(spalte_4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(spalte_5, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(reihe_1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(reihe_2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(reihe_3, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(reihe_4, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(reihe_5, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(spalte_1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(spalte_2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(spalte_3, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(spalte_4, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(spalte_5, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(reihe_1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(reihe_2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(reihe_3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(reihe_4, LOW);
  digitalWrite(reihe_5, LOW);
  digitalWrite(spalte_1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(spalte_2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(spalte_3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(spalte_4, LOW);
  digitalWrite(spalte_5, LOW);




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