

Autonomous omni-mobile robot.

AdvancedWork in progress7,230

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Master and Slave



//This sketch created by Dimitris Kagioulis.You can modify it at your need.
//Library belongs to Kristian Sloth Lauszus

#include <PS3BT.h>
#include <Wire.h>

USB Usb;
BTD Btd(&Usb);
PS3BT PS3(&Btd);

int sensor1 = A0;
int sensor2 = A1;
int sensor3 = A2;

void setup() {

  Wire.begin();  // 0 adress of Master
  if (Usb.Init() == -1) {
    Serial.print(F("\r\nOSC did not start"));
    while (1); //halt

 pinMode(sensor1, INPUT);
 pinMode(sensor2, INPUT);
 pinMode(sensor3, INPUT);

void loop() 

  long safety1 = digitalRead(sensor1);
  long safety2 = digitalRead(sensor2);
  long safety3 = digitalRead(sensor3);

    char c =;

  if (PS3.PS3Connected || PS3.PS3NavigationConnected) {

    if (PS3.getButtonPress(UP)) {
      if(safety1 == LOW){
    Wire.beginTransmission(1); // transmit to device #1
    Wire.write( 'A' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting

    Wire.beginTransmission(2); // transmit to device #2
    Wire.write( 'A' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting  
        else if (safety1 == HIGH){
    Wire.beginTransmission(1); // transmit to device #1
    Wire.write( 'C' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting

    Wire.beginTransmission(2); // transmit to device #2
    Wire.write( 'C' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting
    else  if  (PS3.getButtonPress(DOWN)) {
    Wire.beginTransmission(1); // transmit to device #1
    Wire.write( 'B' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting

    Wire.beginTransmission(2); // transmit to device #2
    Wire.write( 'B' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting    

       else  if  (PS3.getButtonPress(RIGHT)) {
        if(safety2 == LOW){
    Wire.beginTransmission(1); // transmit to device #1
    Wire.write( 'D' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting

    Wire.beginTransmission(2); // transmit to device #2
    Wire.write( 'D' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting    
        else if (safety2 == HIGH){
    Wire.beginTransmission(1); // transmit to device #1
    Wire.write( 'C' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting

    Wire.beginTransmission(2); // transmit to device #2
    Wire.write( 'C' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting
        else  if  (PS3.getButtonPress(LEFT)) {
          if(safety3 == LOW){
    Wire.beginTransmission(1); // transmit to device #1
    Wire.write( 'E' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting

    Wire.beginTransmission(2); // transmit to device #2
    Wire.write( 'E' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting    
        else if (safety3 == HIGH){
    Wire.beginTransmission(1); // transmit to device #1
    Wire.write( 'C' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting

    Wire.beginTransmission(2); // transmit to device #2
    Wire.write( 'C' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting   
     else  if  (PS3.getButtonPress(CIRCLE)) {
    Wire.beginTransmission(1); // transmit to device #1
    Wire.write( 'F' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting

    Wire.beginTransmission(2); // transmit to device #2
    Wire.write( 'F' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting 
        else  if  (PS3.getButtonPress(SQUARE)) {
    Wire.beginTransmission(1); // transmit to device #1
    Wire.write( 'G' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting

    Wire.beginTransmission(2); // transmit to device #2
    Wire.write( 'G' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting 
    Wire.beginTransmission(1); // transmit to device #1
    Wire.write( 'C' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting

    Wire.beginTransmission(2); // transmit to device #2
    Wire.write( 'C' );            
    Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting

   if (PS3.PS3Connected) {

      if (PS3.getButtonClick(PS)) {


Slave 1

// Start the I2C Bus as Slave 1

#include <Wire.h>
void setup() 
  Wire.begin(1); // Adress 1

    //Setup Channel A
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT); //Initiates Motor Channel A pin
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT); //Initiates Brake Channel A pin

  //Setup Channel B
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //Initiates Motor Channel A pin
  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);  //Initiates Brake Channel A pin

void loop() 

void reciveEvent ( int howMany)
  char c =;
  if ( c == 'A')
  //Motor A forward @ full speed
  digitalWrite(12, HIGH); //Establishes forward direction of Channel A
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel A
  analogWrite(3, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed

  //Motor B forward @ full speed
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH); //Establishes forward direction of Channel B
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel B
  analogWrite(11, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel B at full speed

  else if ( c == 'B')
  //Motor A backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(12, LOW); //Establishes backword direction of Channel A
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel A
  analogWrite(3, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed

  //Motor B backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(13, LOW); //Establishes backword direction of Channel B
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel B
  analogWrite(11, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel B at full speed

   else if ( c == 'D')
  //Motor A backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(12, LOW); //Establishes backword direction of Channel A
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel A
  analogWrite(3, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed

  //Motor B backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH); //Establishes backword direction of Channel B
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel B
  analogWrite(11, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel B at full speed

  else if ( c == 'E')
  //Motor A backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(12, HIGH); //Establishes backword direction of Channel A
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel A
  analogWrite(3, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed

  //Motor B backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(13, LOW); //Establishes backword direction of Channel B
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel B
  analogWrite(11, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel B at full speed
    else if ( c == 'F')
  //Motor A backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(12, LOW); //Establishes backword direction of Channel A
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel A
  analogWrite(3, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed

  //Motor B backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH); //Establishes backword direction of Channel B
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel B
  analogWrite(11, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel B at full speed
  else if ( c == 'G')
  //Motor A backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(12, HIGH); //Establishes backword direction of Channel A
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel A
  analogWrite(3, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed

  //Motor B backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(13, LOW); //Establishes backword direction of Channel B
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel B
  analogWrite(11, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel B at full speed
 else if ( c == 'C')
      digitalWrite(8, HIGH);  //Engage the Brake for Channel B
      digitalWrite(9, HIGH);  //Engage the Brake for Channel A



Slave 2

// Start the I2C Bus as Slave 2

#include <Wire.h>
void setup() 
  Wire.begin(2); // Adress 2

    //Setup Channel A
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT); //Initiates Motor Channel A pin
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT); //Initiates Brake Channel A pin

  //Setup Channel B
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //Initiates Motor Channel A pin
  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);  //Initiates Brake Channel A pin

void loop() 

void reciveEvent ( int howMany)
  char c =;
  if ( c == 'A')
  //Motor A forward @ full speed
  digitalWrite(12, HIGH); //Establishes forward direction of Channel A
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel A
  analogWrite(3, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed

  //Motor B forward @ full speed
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH); //Establishes forward direction of Channel B
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel B
  analogWrite(11, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel B at full speed

  else if ( c == 'B')
  //Motor A backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(12, LOW); //Establishes backword direction of Channel A
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel A
  analogWrite(3, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed

  //Motor B backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(13, LOW); //Establishes backword direction of Channel B
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel B
  analogWrite(11, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel B at full speed

   else if ( c == 'D')
  //Motor A backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(12, LOW); //Establishes backword direction of Channel A
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel A
  analogWrite(3, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed

  //Motor B backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH); //Establishes backword direction of Channel B
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel B
  analogWrite(11, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel B at full speed
    else if ( c == 'E')
  //Motor A backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(12, HIGH); //Establishes backword direction of Channel A
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel A
  analogWrite(3, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed

  //Motor B backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(13, LOW); //Establishes backword direction of Channel B
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel B
  analogWrite(11, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel B at full speed
    else if ( c == 'F')
  //Motor A backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(12, HIGH); //Establishes backword direction of Channel A
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel A
  analogWrite(3, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed

  //Motor B backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(13, LOW); //Establishes backword direction of Channel B
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel B
  analogWrite(11, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel B at full speed
    else if ( c == 'G')
  //Motor A backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(12, LOW); //Establishes backword direction of Channel A
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel A
  analogWrite(3, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed

  //Motor B backword @ full speed
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH); //Establishes backword direction of Channel B
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);   //Disengage the Brake for Channel B
  analogWrite(11, 200);   //Spins the motor on Channel B at full speed
 else if ( c == 'C')
      digitalWrite(8, HIGH);  //Engage the Brake for Channel B
      digitalWrite(9, HIGH);  //Engage the Brake for Channel A




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