Mahmood ul Hassan
Published © GPL3+

How to interface Nordic Thingy:53 with PCA9685

Learn how to interface Nordic thingy:53 with PCA9685 based 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver board to drive stepper motors etc.

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How to interface Nordic Thingy:53 with PCA9685

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Nordic Thingy:53
Nordic Semiconductor Nordic Thingy:53
Adafruit PCA9685: 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)

Software apps and online services

nRF Connect SDK
Nordic Semiconductor nRF Connect SDK


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// To get started, press Ctrl+Space to bring up the completion menu and view the available nodes.

// You can also use the buttons in the sidebar to perform actions on nodes.
// Actions currently available include:

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&pinctrl {
	i2c2_default: i2c2_default {
		group1 {
			psels = <NRF_PSEL(TWIM_SDA, 0, 4)>,
				<NRF_PSEL(TWIM_SCL, 0, 5)>;

	i2c2_sleep: i2c2_sleep {
		group1 {
			psels = <NRF_PSEL(TWIM_SDA, 0, 4)>,
				<NRF_PSEL(TWIM_SCL, 0, 5)>;

&i2c2 {
	compatible = "nordic,nrf-twim";
	status = "okay";
	clock-frequency = <I2C_BITRATE_STANDARD>;

	pinctrl-0 = <&i2c2_default>;
	pinctrl-1 = <&i2c2_sleep>;
	pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";

	pca9685: pca9685@40 {
		compatible = "i2c-device";
		reg = <0x40 >;
		label = "PCA9685";


 * Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Wind River Systems, Inc.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <zephyr/zephyr.h>
#include "pca9685.h"

PCA9685 pca9685;

void main(void)

		for (uint8_t i=0; i<5; i++) {
			pca9685_setPWM(&pca9685, 0, 4096, 0);       // turns pin fully on
			pca9685_setPWM(&pca9685, 0, 0, 4096);       // turns pin fully off

		for (uint8_t pin=0; pin<16; pin++) {
			pca9685_setPWM(&pca9685, pin, 4096, 0);       // turns pin fully on
			pca9685_setPWM(&pca9685, pin, 0, 4096);       // turns pin fully off


 *  @file pca9685.h

#ifndef _PCA9685_H
#define _PCA9685_H

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define PCA9685_MODE1		0x00    /**< Mode Register 1 */
#define PCA9685_MODE2 		0x01    /**< Mode Register 2 */
#define PCA9685_SUBADR1 	0x02    /**< I2C-bus subaddress 1 */
#define PCA9685_SUBADR2 	0x03    /**< I2C-bus subaddress 2 */
#define PCA9685_SUBADR3 	0x04    /**< I2C-bus subaddress 3 */
#define PCA9685_ALLCALLADR 	0x05 	/**< LED All Call I2C-bus address */
#define PCA9685_LED0_ON_L 	0x06  	/**< LED0 on tick, low byte*/
#define PCA9685_LED0_ON_H 	0x07  	/**< LED0 on tick, high byte*/
#define PCA9685_LED0_OFF_L 	0x08 	/**< LED0 off tick, low byte */
#define PCA9685_LED0_OFF_H 	0x09 	/**< LED0 off tick, high byte */
// etc all 16:  LED15_OFF_H 0x45
#define PCA9685_ALLLED_ON_L 0xFA  	/**< load all the LEDn_ON registers, low */
#define PCA9685_ALLLED_ON_H 0xFB  	/**< load all the LEDn_ON registers, high */
#define PCA9685_ALLLED_OFF_L 0xFC 	/**< load all the LEDn_OFF registers, low */
#define PCA9685_ALLLED_OFF_H 0xFD 	/**< load all the LEDn_OFF registers,high */
#define PCA9685_PRESCALE 	0xFE    /**< Prescaler for PWM output frequency */
#define PCA9685_TESTMODE 	0xFF    /**< defines the test mode to be entered */

// MODE1 bits
#define MODE1_ALLCAL 	0x01  	/**< respond to LED All Call I2C-bus address */
#define MODE1_SUB3 		0x02  	/**< respond to I2C-bus subaddress 3 */
#define MODE1_SUB2 		0x04  	/**< respond to I2C-bus subaddress 2 */
#define MODE1_SUB1 		0x08  	/**< respond to I2C-bus subaddress 1 */
#define MODE1_SLEEP 	0x10  	/**< Low power mode. Oscillator off */
#define MODE1_AI 		0x20  	/**< Auto-Increment enabled */
#define MODE1_EXTCLK 	0x40  	/**< Use EXTCLK pin clock */
#define MODE1_RESTART 	0x80	/**< Restart enabled */
// MODE2 bits
#define MODE2_OUTNE_0 	0x01 	/**< Active LOW output enable input */
#define MODE2_OUTNE_1                                                          \
  0x02 /**< Active LOW output enable input - high impedience */
#define MODE2_OUTDRV 	0x04 	/**< totem pole structure vs open-drain */
#define MODE2_OCH 		0x08    /**< Outputs change on ACK vs STOP */
#define MODE2_INVRT 	0x10  	/**< Output logic state inverted */

#define PCA9685_I2C_ADDRESS 	0x40		/**< Default PCA9685 I2C Slave Address */
#define FREQUENCY_OSCILLATOR 	25000000 	/**< Int. osc. frequency in datasheet */

#define PCA9685_PRESCALE_MIN 	3   	/**< minimum prescale value */
#define PCA9685_PRESCALE_MAX 	255 	/**< maximum prescale value */

typedef enum PCA9685_clk {
  PCA9685_intclk = 0,
} PCA9685_clk;

typedef struct PCA9685 {
	uint8_t _i2caddr;
	uint8_t _prescaler;
	uint16_t _pwmfeq;
	PCA9685_clk _clksrc;
	uint32_t _oscillator_freq;
} PCA9685;

void pca9685_getconfig(PCA9685 *pca9685_module);
void pca9685_init(PCA9685 *pca9685_module);
void pca9685_reset(PCA9685 *pca9685_module);
void pca9685_sleep(PCA9685 *pca9685_module);
void pca9685_wakeup(PCA9685 *pca9685_module);
void pca9685_setExtClk(PCA9685 *pca9685_module);
void pca9685_setPWMFreq(PCA9685 *pca9685_module);
void pca9685_setOutputMode(PCA9685 *pca9685_module, bool totempole);
uint8_t* pca9685_getPWM(PCA9685 *pca9685_module, uint8_t num);
void pca9685_setPWM(PCA9685 *pca9685_module, uint8_t num, uint16_t on, uint16_t off);
void pca9685_setPin(PCA9685 *pca9685_module, uint8_t num, uint16_t val, bool invert /*= false*/);
uint8_t pca9685_readPrescale(PCA9685 *pca9685_module);
void pca9685_writeMicroseconds(PCA9685 *pca9685_module, uint8_t num, uint16_t Microseconds);

void pca9685_setOscillatorFrequency(PCA9685 *pca9685_module, uint32_t freq);
uint32_t pca9685_getOscillatorFrequency(PCA9685 *pca9685_module);



 *  @file Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.cpp
 *  @mainpage Adafruit 16-channel PWM & Servo driver
 *  @section intro_sec Introduction
 *  This is a library for the 16-channel PWM & Servo driver.
 *  Designed specifically to work with the Adafruit PWM & Servo driver.
 *  Pick one up today in the adafruit shop!
 *  ------>
 *  These displays use I2C to communicate, 2 pins are required to interface.
 *  Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
 *  please support Adafruit andopen-source hardware by purchasing products
 *  from Adafruit!
 *  @section author Author
 *  Limor Fried/Ladyada (Adafruit Industries).
 *  @section license License
 *  BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution

#include "pca9685.h"

#include <zephyr/zephyr.h>
#include <zephyr/kernel.h>
#include <zephyr/device.h>

#include <zephyr/drivers/sensor.h>
#include <zephyr/drivers/i2c.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define PCA_NODE DT_NODELABEL(pca9685)
static const struct i2c_dt_spec pca_i2c = I2C_DT_SPEC_GET(PCA_NODE);

uint8_t pca9685_txBuff[8];
uint8_t pca9685_rxBuff[8];
static uint8_t pca9685_read8(PCA9685 *pca9685_module, uint8_t addr);
static void pca9685_write8(PCA9685 *pca9685_module, uint8_t addr, uint8_t d);

 *  @brief  Setups the I2C interface and hardware
 *  @param  prescale
 *          Sets External Clock (Optional)
void pca9685_getconfig(PCA9685 *pca9685_module){
	pca9685_module->_i2caddr = PCA9685_I2C_ADDRESS;
	pca9685_module->_prescaler = 0;
	pca9685_module->_pwmfeq = 1000;
	pca9685_module->_clksrc = PCA9685_intclk;
	pca9685_module->_oscillator_freq = FREQUENCY_OSCILLATOR;

 *  @brief  Setups the I2C interface and hardware
 *  @param  prescale
 *          Sets External Clock (Optional)
void pca9685_init(PCA9685 *pca9685_module) {

	if (pca9685_module->_prescaler) {
	} else {
		// set a default frequency

 *  @brief  Sends a reset command to the PCA9685 chip over I2C
void pca9685_reset(PCA9685 *pca9685_module) {
	pca9685_write8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_MODE1, MODE1_RESTART);

 *  @brief  Puts board into sleep mode
void pca9685_sleep(PCA9685 *pca9685_module) {
	uint8_t awake = pca9685_read8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_MODE1);
	uint8_t sleep = awake | MODE1_SLEEP; // set sleep bit high
	pca9685_write8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_MODE1, sleep);
	k_sleep(K_MSEC(5)); // wait until cycle ends for sleep to be active

 *  @brief  Wakes board from sleep
void pca9685_wakeup(PCA9685 *pca9685_module) {
  uint8_t sleep = pca9685_read8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_MODE1);
  uint8_t wakeup = sleep & ~MODE1_SLEEP; // set sleep bit low
  pca9685_write8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_MODE1, wakeup);

 *  @brief  Sets EXTCLK pin to use the external clock
 *  @param  prescale
 *          Configures the prescale value to be used by the external clock
void pca9685_setExtClk(PCA9685 *pca9685_module) {
  uint8_t oldmode = pca9685_read8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_MODE1);
  uint8_t newmode = (oldmode & ~MODE1_RESTART) | MODE1_SLEEP; // sleep
  pca9685_write8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_MODE1, newmode); // go to sleep, turn off internal oscillator

  // This sets both the SLEEP and EXTCLK bits of the MODE1 register to switch to
  // use the external clock.
  pca9685_write8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_MODE1, (newmode |= MODE1_EXTCLK));

  pca9685_write8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_PRESCALE, pca9685_module->_prescaler); // set the prescaler

  // clear the SLEEP bit to start
  pca9685_write8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_MODE1, (newmode & ~MODE1_SLEEP) | MODE1_RESTART | MODE1_AI);

  PRINTF("Mode now 0x%02X\n", pca9685_read8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_MODE1));

 *  @brief  Sets the PWM frequency for the entire chip, up to ~1.6 KHz
 *  @param  freq Floating point frequency that we will attempt to match
void pca9685_setPWMFreq(PCA9685 *pca9685_module) {
  PRINTF("Attempting to set freq %ul\n", pca9685_module->_pwmfeq);
  // Range output modulation frequency is dependant on oscillator
  if (pca9685_module->_pwmfeq < 1)
	pca9685_module->_pwmfeq = 1;
  if (pca9685_module->_pwmfeq > 3500)
	pca9685_module->_pwmfeq = 3500; // Datasheet limit is 3052=50MHz/(4*4096)

  float prescaleval = ((pca9685_module->_oscillator_freq / (pca9685_module->_pwmfeq * 4096.0)) + 0.5) - 1;
  if (prescaleval < PCA9685_PRESCALE_MIN)
    prescaleval = PCA9685_PRESCALE_MIN;
  if (prescaleval > PCA9685_PRESCALE_MAX)
    prescaleval = PCA9685_PRESCALE_MAX;
  pca9685_module->_prescaler = (uint8_t)prescaleval;

  PRINTF("Final pre-scale: 0x%02X\n", pca9685_module->_prescaler);

  uint8_t oldmode = pca9685_read8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_MODE1);
  uint8_t newmode = (oldmode & ~MODE1_RESTART) | MODE1_SLEEP; // sleep
  pca9685_write8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_MODE1, newmode);                             // go to sleep
  pca9685_write8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_PRESCALE, pca9685_module->_prescaler); // set the prescaler
  pca9685_write8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_MODE1, oldmode);
  // This sets the MODE1 register to turn on auto increment.
  pca9685_write8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_MODE1, oldmode | MODE1_RESTART | MODE1_AI);

  PRINTF("Mode now 0x%02X\n", pca9685_read8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_MODE1));

 *  @brief  Sets the output mode of the PCA9685 to either
 *  open drain or push pull / totempole.
 *  Warning: LEDs with integrated zener diodes should
 *  only be driven in open drain mode.
 *  @param  totempole Totempole if true, open drain if false.
void pca9685_setOutputMode(PCA9685 *pca9685_module, bool totempole) {
  uint8_t oldmode = pca9685_read8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_MODE2);
  uint8_t newmode;
  if (totempole) {
    newmode = oldmode | MODE2_OUTDRV;
  } else {
    newmode = oldmode & ~MODE2_OUTDRV;
  pca9685_write8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_MODE2, newmode);
  PRINTF("Setting output mode: %s by setting MODE2 to 0x%02X\n", (totempole) ? "totempole" : "open drain", newmode);

 *  @brief  Reads set Prescale from PCA9685
 *  @return prescale value
uint8_t pca9685_readPrescale(PCA9685 *pca9685_module) {
  return pca9685_read8(pca9685_module, PCA9685_PRESCALE);

 *  @brief  Gets the PWM output of one of the PCA9685 pins
 *  @param  num One of the PWM output pins, from 0 to 15
 *  @return requested PWM output value
uint8_t* pca9685_getPWM(PCA9685 *pca9685_module, uint8_t num) {
  pca9685_txBuff[0] = (PCA9685_LED0_ON_L + 4 * num);
  memset(pca9685_rxBuff, 0, 4);


  return pca9685_rxBuff;

 *  @brief  Sets the PWM output of one of the PCA9685 pins
 *  @param  num One of the PWM output pins, from 0 to 15
 *  @param  on At what point in the 4096-part cycle to turn the PWM output ON
 *  @param  off At what point in the 4096-part cycle to turn the PWM output OFF
void pca9685_setPWM(PCA9685 *pca9685_module, uint8_t num, uint16_t on, uint16_t off) {
  PRINTF("Setting PWM %d : %d -> %d\n", num, on, off);
  pca9685_txBuff[0] = PCA9685_LED0_ON_L + 4 * num;
  pca9685_txBuff[1] = on;
  pca9685_txBuff[2] = on>>8;
  pca9685_txBuff[3] = off;
  pca9685_txBuff[4] = off>>8;


 *   @brief  Helper to set pin PWM output. Sets pin without having to deal with
 * on/off tick placement and properly handles a zero value as completely off and
 * 4095 as completely on.  Optional invert parameter supports inverting the
 * pulse for sinking to ground.
 *   @param  num One of the PWM output pins, from 0 to 15
 *   @param  val The number of ticks out of 4096 to be active, should be a value
 * from 0 to 4095 inclusive.
 *   @param  invert If true, inverts the output, defaults to 'false'
void pca9685_setPin(PCA9685 *pca9685_module, uint8_t num, uint16_t val, bool invert) {
  // Clamp value between 0 and 4095 inclusive.
  val = (val < (uint16_t)4095)? val: 4095;
  if (invert) {
    if (val == 0) {
      // Special value for signal fully on.
    	pca9685_setPWM(pca9685_module, num, 4095, 0);
    } else if (val == 4095) {
      // Special value for signal fully off.
    	pca9685_setPWM(pca9685_module, num, 0, 4095);
    } else {
    	pca9685_setPWM(pca9685_module, num, 0, 4095 - val);
  } else {
    if (val == 4095) {
      // Special value for signal fully on.
    	pca9685_setPWM(pca9685_module, num, 4095, 0);
    } else if (val == 0) {
      // Special value for signal fully off.
    	pca9685_setPWM(pca9685_module, num, 0, 4095);
    } else {
    	pca9685_setPWM(pca9685_module, num, 0, val);

 *  @brief  Sets the PWM output of one of the PCA9685 pins based on the input
 * microseconds, output is not precise
 *  @param  num One of the PWM output pins, from 0 to 15
 *  @param  Microseconds The number of Microseconds to turn the PWM output ON
void pca9685_writeMicroseconds(PCA9685 *pca9685_module, uint8_t num,
                                                uint16_t Microseconds) {
  PRINTF("Setting PWM Via Microseconds on output %d : %d -> \n", num, Microseconds);

  double pulse = Microseconds;
  double pulselength;
  pulselength = 1000000; // 1,000,000 us per second

  // Read prescale
  uint16_t prescale = pca9685_readPrescale(pca9685_module);

  PRINTF("0x%02X PCA9685 chip prescale\n", prescale);

  // Calculate the pulse for PWM based on Equation 1 from the datasheet section
  // 7.3.5
  prescale += 1;
  pulselength *= prescale;
  pulselength /= pca9685_module->_oscillator_freq;

  PRINTF("%02f  us per bit\n", pulselength);

  pulse /= pulselength;

  PRINTF("%02f  pulse for PWM\n", pulse);

  pca9685_setPWM(pca9685_module, num, 0, pulse);

 *  @brief  Getter for the internally tracked oscillator used for freq
 * calculations
 *  @returns The frequency the PCA9685 thinks it is running at (it cannot
 * introspect)
uint32_t pca9685_getOscillatorFrequency(PCA9685 *pca9685_module) {
  return pca9685_module->_oscillator_freq;

 *  @brief Setter for the internally tracked oscillator used for freq
 * calculations
 *  @param freq The frequency the PCA9685 should use for frequency calculations
void pca9685_setOscillatorFrequency(PCA9685 *pca9685_module, uint32_t freq) {
  pca9685_module->_oscillator_freq = freq;

/******************* Low level I2C interface */

uint8_t pca9685_read8(PCA9685 *pca9685_module, uint8_t addr) {
  pca9685_txBuff[0] = addr;
  memset(pca9685_rxBuff, 0, 1);


  return pca9685_rxBuff[0];

void pca9685_write8(PCA9685 *pca9685_module, uint8_t addr, uint8_t d) {
  pca9685_txBuff[0] = addr;
  pca9685_txBuff[1] = d;



Mahmood ul Hassan

Mahmood ul Hassan

13 projects • 18 followers
Electronics Engineer with more than 13 years of experience in reverse engineering and test & measurement equipment designing
