Published © GPL3+

Intel Edison Setup USB Microphone as Default

In this tutorial, I will show you how to setup a USB microphone on Edison as the default input device in Alsa.

IntermediateFull instructions provided30 minutes915
Intel Edison Setup USB Microphone as Default

Things used in this project

Hardware components

SparkFun intel Edison Arduino Breakout
This board will be used for USB adapter, but any other board that has a USB connector for Intel Edison will be good
USB Webcam with microphone by Logitech
I'll use this webcam just for the builtin microphone, in this guide the camera won't be used. Any other USB compatible webcam will be good
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable
Used for serial communication. If you want you can also use SSH to communicate with Edison, I noticed that with SSH after a few minutes the connection becomes very slow, so I will use Serial. You can use another cable like this to power the Edison or you can use an external power adapter

Software apps and online services

Putty SSH and Serial communication
I recommend you to use putty because I found it useful on Windows, but you can use any similar program. On Linux and macOS you can use "Screen" that's usually pre-installed on those systems.


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