Eric James LauJinCan Lin
Created July 20, 2016

Luxel - Control the light in your life.

Luxel gives you control of your light to make every task easier.

IntermediateWork in progress24 hours78
Luxel  - Control the light in your life.

Things used in this project


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Luxel's Cost Modeling

The Financials behind Luxel


Luxel RGB LED colors

Setting the color of RGB LEDs with PI
RED_PIN   = 17
BLUE_PIN  = 24
STEPS     = 1

import os
import sys
import termios
import tty
import pigpio
import time
from thread import start_new_thread

bright = 255
r = 255.0
g = 0.0
b = 0.0

brightChanged = False
abort = False
state = True

pi = pigpio.pi()

def updateColor(color, step):
	color += step
	if color > 255:
		return 255
	if color < 0:
		return 0
	return color

def setLights(pin, brightness):
	realBrightness = int(int(brightness) * (float(bright) / 255.0))
	pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(pin, realBrightness)

def getCh():
	fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
	old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
		ch =
		termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
	return ch

def checkKey():
	global bright
	global brightChanged
	global state
	global abort
	while True:
		c = getCh()
		if c == '+' and bright < 255 and not brightChanged:
			brightChanged = True
			brightChanged = False
			bright = bright + 1
			print ("Current brightness: %d" % bright)
		if c == '-' and bright > 0 and not brightChanged:
			brightChanged = True
			brightChanged = False
			bright = bright - 1
			print ("Current brightness: %d" % bright)
		if c == 'p' and state:
			state = False
			print ("Pausing...")
			setLights(RED_PIN, 0)
			setLights(GREEN_PIN, 0)
			setLights(BLUE_PIN, 0)
		if c == 'r' and not state:
			state = True
			print ("Resuming...")
		if c == 'c' and not abort:
			abort = True

start_new_thread(checkKey, ())

print ("+ / - = Increase / Decrease brightness")
print ("p / r = Pause / Resume")
print ("c = Abort Program")

setLights(RED_PIN, r)
setLights(GREEN_PIN, g)
setLights(BLUE_PIN, b)

while abort == False:
	if state and not brightChanged:
		if r == 255 and b == 0 and g < 255:
			g = updateColor(g, STEPS)
			setLights(GREEN_PIN, g)
		elif g == 255 and b == 0 and r > 0:
			r = updateColor(r, -STEPS)
			setLights(RED_PIN, r)
		elif r == 0 and g == 255 and b < 255:
			b = updateColor(b, STEPS)
			setLights(BLUE_PIN, b)
		elif r == 0 and b == 255 and g > 0:
			g = updateColor(g, -STEPS)
			setLights(GREEN_PIN, g)
		elif g == 0 and b == 255 and r < 255:
			r = updateColor(r, STEPS)
			setLights(RED_PIN, r)
		elif r == 255 and g == 0 and b > 0:
			b = updateColor(b, -STEPS)
			setLights(BLUE_PIN, b)
print ("Aborting...")

setLights(RED_PIN, 0)
setLights(GREEN_PIN, 0)
setLights(BLUE_PIN, 0)



RGB LED pigpio

Changes RGB LEDs settings with PI


Eric James Lau

Eric James Lau

2 projects • 0 followers
UC Berkeley Product Designer and Sociology major
JinCan Lin

JinCan Lin

1 project • 0 followers
