
DIY boat with nrf24l01+

Wifi is not the only wireless method of communication your DIY project can use! think Radio, then think Frequency!

IntermediateWork in progress95
DIY boat with nrf24l01+

Things used in this project

Hardware components

RF nano
This is an integrated board, you can recreate it with an Arduino Nano and an nrf24l01+ module
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Joystick, 10 kohm
Joystick, 10 kohm
Underwater Thrusters
I used a CW and a CCW truster
ESC for the Brushless Thrusters
I bought the motor and the drivers together
3s lipo battery
SG90 Micro-servo motor
SG90 Micro-servo motor
to be used as a rudder

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Boat Receiver

I used an Arduino Uno in this file but it would work similarly if the Nano was used.

Remote Transmitter

In this design, I treated the nano board as a RF-nano board to illustrate how minimalist and compact the circuitry could be. Look at the code to read on which pins are not used and why.



This is a remote controller that sends the Joystick values, via radio communication, to the boat receiver circuit.


This is the boat circuit. It gets ADC values from the joystick pins in the transmitter circuit. Then maps the values so that the motors and use as its inputs.




1 project • 0 followers
Hello, I am a Mechatronics Engineering student and I dabble in the world of DIY electronics. I hope to deepen my knowledge as I create more.
