Luigi Francesco Cerfeda
Published © CC BY

IoT Thermometer Using Python

How to develop a simple but powerful IoT thermometer using a Zerynth-powered single-board MCU and the Zerynth App.

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IoT Thermometer Using Python

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Flip&Click + Wifi Plus Click + Temp&Hum Click


IoT Thermometer

# Zerynth App Oscilloscope
from wireless import wifi
from microchip.mcw1001a import mcw1001a as wifi_driver
import streams
import adc
# Import the Zerynth APP library
from zerynthapp import zerynthapp
# Import the HTS221 library
from stm.hts221 import hts221
temp_hum = hts221.HTS221(I2C0, D21) # slot A
    # Device UID and TOKEN can be created in the ADM panel
    zapp = zerynthapp.ZerynthApp("DEVICE UID", "DEVICE TOKEN",ip = "", log=True)
    # connect to the wifi network (Set your SSID and password below)
    wifi_driver.init(SERIAL2,D24) # slot B
    for i in range(0,5):
        except Exception as e:
            print("Can't link",e)
        print("Impossible to link!")
        while True:
    # Start the Zerynth app instance!
    # Remember to create a template with the files under the "template" folder you just cloned
    # upload it to the ADM and associate it with the connected device
    # Read the sensor and send values to the ADM
    while True:
        tmp, hum = temp_hum.get_temp_humidity() # Read tmp and hum
        print("Temp is:", tmp, "Humidity is:", hum)
        except Exception as e:
        if tmp>30:
            # send mobile notification
            # (there is a limit of one notification per minute per device on the ADM sandbox)
                zapp.notify("ALARM!","High Temperature!")
            except Exception as e:
except Exception as e:


Luigi Francesco Cerfeda

Luigi Francesco Cerfeda

6 projects • 95 followers
Yet another Tony Stark wannabe
