Lindsay Fox
Published © GPL3+

Motion Following Motorized Camera Base

Upgrade your home security camera or webcam with a motorized stand that will detect and follow any motion around the camera!

BeginnerFull instructions provided6 hours185,146

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Capacitor 100 µF
Capacitor 100 µF
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
PIR Motion Sensor (generic)
PIR Motion Sensor (generic)
Resistor 220 ohm
Resistor 220 ohm
Servos (Tower Pro MG996R)


Read more


Circuit Diagram


Base/Stand Construction - Part 1

Base/Stand Construction - Part 2


The Main Code

The PIR Sensors will calibrate for 15 seconds after powering up the Arduino. It is recommended that you leave the room during this process so that the sensors get a true image of the room without any motion.
*** The Motion Following Motorized Camera Base ***
***               by Lindsay Fox               ***

// Servor motor
#include <Servo.h>
Servo camServo; // name the servo motor controlling the camera base
int currentPIRposition = 0; // set current angle of servo

// LED status lights
int LEDpin[] = {9,10,11,12,13}; // LED pin numbers
int currentLEDpin = 9; // the current LED pin; begin with the first in the sequence above

// PIR sensors
int PIRpin[] = {2,3,4,5,6}; // PIR pin numbers
int currentPIRpin = 2; // the current PIR pin; begin with the first in the sequence above
int PIRprevState[] = {1,1,1,1,1}; // the previous state of the PIR (0 = LOW, 1 = HIGH)
int PIRposition[] = {157,117.75,78.5,39.25,0}; // assign angles for servo motor (0-157 distributed equally between 5 PIR sensors)
boolean PIRstatus; // Set status of PIR sensor as either true or false

///// SETUP //////////////////////////////////////
void setup()  {
  camServo.attach(7); // assign servo pin
  for (int p = 0; p < 5; p++)  { // set all PIR sensors as INPUTS
  pinMode(PIRpin[p], INPUT);
    } // end 'p' for
  for (int l = 0; l < 5; l++)  { // set all LEDs as OUTPUTS
  pinMode(LEDpin[l], OUTPUT);
    } // end 'l' for
  /////// CALIBRATE PIR SENSORS ///////
  Serial.print("Calibrating PIR Sensors ");
    for(int c = 0; c < 15; c++){ // calibrate PIR sensors for 15 seconds (change from 10-60 sec depending on your sensors)
      delay(1000); // wait 1 second
      } // end calibration for
    Serial.println("PIR Sensors Ready");
  camServo.write(78.5); // move the servo to the center position to begin
  } // end setup

///// MAIN LOOP //////////////////////////////////
void loop()  {
  for (int PIR = 0; PIR < 5; PIR++) { // start this loop for each PIR sensor
    currentPIRpin = PIRpin[PIR]; // set current PIR pin to current number in 'for' loop
    currentLEDpin=LEDpin[PIR]; // set current LED pin to current number in 'for' loop
    PIRstatus = digitalRead(currentPIRpin);
    if (PIRstatus == HIGH) { // if motion is detected on current PIR sensor
      digitalWrite(currentLEDpin, HIGH); // turn corresponding LED on
      if(PIRprevState[PIR] == 0) { // if PIR sensor's previous state is LOW
        if (currentPIRposition != currentPIRpin && PIRprevState[PIR] == 0) { // if high PIR is different than current position PIR then move to new position
          Serial.print("Current angle : ");
          currentPIRposition = currentPIRpin; // reset current PIR position to active [PIR] pin
          PIRprevState[PIR] = 1; // set previous PIR state to HIGH
        PIRprevState[PIR] = 1; // set previous PIR state to HIGH if the current position is the same as the current PIR pin
        } // end PIRprevState if  
      } // end PIRstatus if
    else  { //
      digitalWrite(currentLEDpin, LOW);  //the led visualizes the sensors output pin state
      PIRprevState[PIR] = 0;   // set previous PIR state to LOW
      } // end else
    } // end [PIR] for loop
  } // end main loop


Lindsay Fox
2 projects • 287 followers
I'm an artist who loves to dabble in just about every hobby you can imagine. My biggest challenge is finding the time to do it all!
