Stefan G.

Home Improvement DIY: WiFi Gas Detector with Text Alerts

How to build a DIY Wi-Fi gas detector that sends SMS alerts using a Particle Photon, a gas sensor and a buzzer

BeginnerShowcase (no instructions)7,435
Home Improvement DIY: WiFi Gas Detector with Text Alerts

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Photon
MQ-4 Gas Sensor
5V Buzzer
Wall-mounted phone jack box
Right-angle USB Mini B cable
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Hot glue gun (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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Plain text
#include "HttpClient/HttpClient.h"

TCPClient client;
//add your server address here. In my case it was a LAN address similar to
char server[] = "";
//add your server port, usually if it's a standard http request the port is probably 80
int port = 80;
//Initialize timer to 0
int AlertSentSecsAgo = 0;
//This is used to publish Spark events
char strTxt[40];
//Define the PIN for the gas sensor
int GasSensor = A0;
//Define the PIN for the buzzer
int Beeper = D0;
//Define how often to send text alerts
int AlertFrequency = 30;

void setup() 
     pinMode(Beeper, OUTPUT);
     pinMode(GasSensor, INPUT);

void loop()
     //I had to fine tune this value at which the alert is triggered based on some trial tests
     if (analogRead(GasSensor) > 750)
          //If we sent an alert more than 30 seconds ago, send another one
          if (AlertSentSecsAgo >= AlertFrequency)
               //Send alert every 30 seconds
               AlertSentSecsAgo = 0;
               sprintf(strTxt, "%u", analogRead(GasSensor));
               //Publish an event to the spark dashboard with the current value of the sensor
               Spark.publish("Gas Sensor Triggered", strTxt); 
          digitalWrite(Beeper, HIGH); //Sound the buzzer
          digitalWrite(Beeper, LOW);  //Silence the buzzer
          sprintf(strTxt, "%u", analogRead(GasSensor));
          Spark.publish("Gas Sensor:", strTxt);
          //Make sure that the alert will be sent next time the sensor is triggered
          AlertSentSecsAgo = AlertFrequency + 1; 
          delay(5000); //Wait 5 seconds before checking the sensor again

void sendAlert()
     if (client.connect(server, port))
          client.println("GET /<your address to the text web app or service here> HTTP/1.0");
          client.print("Host: ");
          client.println("Accept: text/html, text/plain");

Photon Firmware Code

Photon Firmware
#include "HttpClient/HttpClient.h"
TCPClient client;
//add your server address here. In my case it was a LAN address similar to
char server[] = "";
//add your server port, usually if it's a standard http request the port is probably 80
int port = 80;
//Initialize timer to 0
int AlertSentSecsAgo = 0;
//This is used to publish Spark events
char strTxt[40];
//Define the PIN for the gas sensor
int GasSensor = A0;
//Define the PIN for the buzzer
int Beeper = D0;
//Define how often to send text alerts
int AlertFrequency = 30;
void setup() 
     pinMode(Beeper, OUTPUT);
     pinMode(GasSensor, INPUT);
void loop()
     //I had to fine tune this value at which the alert is triggered based on some trial tests
     if (analogRead(GasSensor) > 750)
          //If we sent an alert more than 30 seconds ago, send another one
          if (AlertSentSecsAgo >= AlertFrequency)
               //Send alert every 30 seconds
               AlertSentSecsAgo = 0;
               sprintf(strTxt, "%u", analogRead(GasSensor));
               //Publish an event to the spark dashboard with the current value of the sensor
               Spark.publish("Gas Sensor Triggered", strTxt); 
          digitalWrite(Beeper, HIGH); //Sound the buzzer
          digitalWrite(Beeper, LOW);  //Silence the buzzer
          sprintf(strTxt, "%u", analogRead(GasSensor));
          Spark.publish("Gas Sensor:", strTxt);
          //Make sure that the alert will be sent next time the sensor is triggered
          AlertSentSecsAgo = AlertFrequency + 1; 
          delay(5000); //Wait 5 seconds before checking the sensor again
void sendAlert()
     if (client.connect(server, port))
          client.println("GET /<your address to the text web app or service here> HTTP/1.0");
          client.print("Host: ");
          client.println("Accept: text/html, text/plain");


Stefan G.

Stefan G.

1 project • 5 followers
