Krishna P Rao
Published © Apache-2.0

Climate - control - AI - remote - vision- telehealth

Indoor/Outdoor climate control concepts using AI /ML. Eliminate travel requirements using tele - commute and telehealth. Funny App !!

IntermediateProtipOver 1 day571
Climate - control - AI - remote - vision- telehealth

Things used in this project

Hardware components

QuickFeather Dev Kit with UART Cable + SensiML
QuickLogic Corp. QuickFeather Dev Kit with UART Cable + SensiML
In addition to board -- connector , debugger ..etc..
SmartThings Shield for Arduino
SmartThings Shield for Arduino
Smart items --- added to make it IOT compatible for remote access...

Software apps and online services

Microsoft windows as starting point
Public domain ubantu linux download. Partially use google cloud with linux features in developing and testing perl/python code. Some Visual studio debug/run python.

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Mastech MS8217 Autorange Digital Multimeter
Digilent Mastech MS8217 Autorange Digital Multimeter
Multiple tools are needed -- from digikey and microchip, quick logic .. attached later.. Started to include linux as a second OS to Windows. Hard to swich and not sure of comming mack to full functional Windows. Bought few webcams . May need dedicated laptop attached to hardware.


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Smart HOME

IOT,AI,ML -- combination for smart home. Smart weather control inside.

Use windows terminal using mobx kind

Nedd to use linux machine ;; on laptop ;; next install ...

fpga use to programmable IOs --etc..

Program the FPGA based on the type of IO.. Software programmable kind..


Real front page

Quick feather and software

Day/night timer set for auto on/off

Smart weather control inside using temperature differences inside/outside at different time of the day/night.

Linux platform source ..

On laptop install this to get linux environment .. ...

some steps convenient/minor details..

disable/enable --- windows10/linux

AI- Tensorflow

Testing tensor flow - image detection -AI :: flower detected by the flower trained model. Similarly CAR detection and read number plate.


Car detected and plate detected. Sample try.. Similar face detection from a real/poster...

smart window weather

IOT and Iphone -- control/weather/inside in smart way


The code will be at GITHUB.

Python combination..


OPEN-VINO -- AI/ML  projects --tensor flow 
image detection and classification. projects. 
Tele-health image and diagnostics ..

Weather smart control , tele-health , remote AI applications.

AI supported software - python like tensorflow for machone vision -- object detection. Smart phone App for weather control. QF and SensiML combination -- setup on laptop ubantu linux.
References and backgrounds:

at Cloud:


Welcome to Cloud Shell! Type "help" to get started.
Your Cloud Platform project in this session is set to nth-glider-290301.
Use gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID] to change to a different project.
krishnajy@cloudshell:~ (nth-glider-290301)$
krishnajy@cloudshell:~ (nth-glider-290301)$ pwd
krishnajy@cloudshell:~ (nth-glider-290301)$
krishnajy@cloudshell:~ (nth-glider-290301)$


The laptop used to test code crashed away..
Used another laptop and github/cloud to work
out the details. 


AI -- Tensorflow

Code in python and test/train the model for application. Use it in real life detections.
from tensorflow.keras.applications.inception_v3 import decode_predictions
# Predicted class index.
idx = np.argsort(res[0])[-1]
top3_pred = decode_predictions(res, top=3)[0]

print('Top 3 Predictions:')
for pred in top3_pred:
    print(f"{pred[1]}: {pred[2]*100 :.2f} %")
#Display the result on screen
from IPython.display import display 
pred_class = top3_pred[0][1]
pred_prob = top3_pred[0][2]
print(f"Prediction: {pred_class}: {pred_prob*100:.2f} %")
Top 3 Predictions:
golden_retriever: 95.70 %
Labrador_retriever: 1.40 %
kuvasz: 0.58 %
Prediction: golden_retriever: 95.70 %

; tele - AI vision 
similar to flower  detection 

AI code in python tensorflow

AI- machine learn -- train the model and use it to detect.
sample Python code : detection


from tensorflow.keras.applications.inception_v3 import decode_predictions
# Predicted class index.
idx = np.argsort(res[0])[-1]
top3_pred = decode_predictions(res, top=3)[0]

print('Top 3 Predictions:')
for pred in top3_pred:
    print(f"{pred[1]}: {pred[2]*100 :.2f} %")
#Display the result on screen
from IPython.display import display 
pred_class = top3_pred[0][1]
pred_prob = top3_pred[0][2]
print(f"Prediction: {pred_class}: {pred_prob*100:.2f} %")

Top 3 Predictions:
golden_retriever: 95.70 %
Labrador_retriever: 1.40 %
kuvasz: 0.58 %
Prediction: golden_retriever: 95.70 %

AI/ML/Python -- cloud applications

Google cloud linux/ubantu development environments .
google cloud  and  codes for  python/perl


Krishna P Rao

Krishna P Rao

3 projects • 2 followers
Embedded system design, 5G , wireless, chip design Masters degree
