Konstantin T
Published © MIT


A tiny, versatile and fun toy robotics platform made from a mini-breadboard, two servo-motors with wheels, a battery box and some hot glue.

BeginnerFull instructions provided2 hours700

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040
Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040
The Xiao RP2040 is the recommended starter MCU for the BreadboardBot, because it is cheap (get a few extras), tolerant to (some) wiring mistakes and easy to program with CircuitPython. You can later upgrade your MCU to Xiao ESP32S3(-Sense) for built-in Wifi, BLE, Camera & Microphone. An M5Stack Atom would work as well, although it leaves much less wiring room for gadgets.
170-point mini breadboard with screw holes
Screw holes are optional, but highly recommended. You will need two M2 screws (~5-8mm length) to make use of those.
FS90R continuous rotation micro-servo with a wheel
Note that you can usually buy this along with a wheel (a 4x kit on AliExpress is a good option). Prefer the the "lego wheel" variant, as it is slightly more convenient to take the wheels off and put back on. A possibly even better alternative is the (green/orange) "GeekServo" model, which is also often sold with a wheel.
Battery Holder, 3 x AAA
Battery Holder, 3 x AAA
Make sure you get one with an on-off switch. If you plan to use rechargeable NiMH 1.3 AAA batteries, get a 4xAAA box. If you get one with a connector you can save yourself some soldering / crimping effort.
Breadboard jumper wire kit
Make sure you get the "flat" wires, *not* the "Dupont" ones.
Pin headers
Male pin headers for soldering onto the microcontroller and male or female pinheaders for soldering / crimping on the battery box.
TCRT5000 line tracker sensor
RCWL-1601 ultrasonic distance sensor
The two sensors mentioned in this list are just an example. You can plug much more things into the breadboard and make them work - see the main project website for an updated list of example projects.
Seeed Studio 6x10 RGB Matrix for Xiao
This is optional, but cute. Two of those are shown attached to the BreadboardBot on the cover image.

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Hot glue gun (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
You might want to use two-sided tape as well.
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
You only need this to solder the pinheaders onto the microcontroller board and (possibly) on the battery box (you can use a crimper tool for those, if you have one).


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Konstantin T
1 project • 2 followers
Blog: http://fouryears.eu Github: @konstantint
