kathleen kuypers

Fitnez Meter

You can without calories, not without Fitnez Meter! Sport smart not hard... The tool that tells you when you've reached your goal.

BeginnerShowcase (no instructions)4 hours870
Fitnez Meter

Things used in this project

Hardware components

IOTOPIA Rapid Development kit
AllThingsTalk IOTOPIA Rapid Development kit

Software apps and online services


Hand tools and fabrication machines

Sewing kit


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Fitnez Meter

Wifi UART, buzzer, green led, blue led, tph sensor

Lengthen cables

Lenthen cables with metal wire



Assumptions: You've trained enough is your temperature has increased with 1 degree C for 10 seconds, these values can be changed by changing timer and increase. Make sure you connect sensors and actuators to the pin as defined in the code.
Author: students JOMA secundair Merksem and K. Kuypers
Contact: kathleen.kuypers@gmail.com or kkuypers@jomasecundair.be

Arduino UART Demo Sketch. This Sketch is made for an Genuino 101 IoT board with a Grove
UART WiFi module based on the popular ESP8266 IoT SoC to communicate to the AllThingsTalk
IoT developer cloud.
The Grove UART WiFi module has firmware installed which includes the ATT_IOT library. It
communicates through Serial1 of the Genuino 101 board.

Version 1.0 dd 19/03/2016

This sketch is an example sketch to deploy the Grove TPH (temperature, pressure, humidity)
sensor (114990245) to the AllThingsTalk IoT developer cloud.

### Instructions
1. Setup the Arduino hardware
  - Use an Arduino Genuino 101 IoT board
  - Connect the Arduino Grove shield, make sure the switch is set to 5V
  - Connect USB cable to your computer
  - Connect a Grove TPH board to pin I2C of the Arduino shield
  - Grove UART wifi to pin UART (D0,D1)
  - Connect a Grove Buzzer actuator to pin D8 of the Arduino shield
  - Connect a Grove Green Led actuator sensor to pin D6 of the Arduino shield
  - Connect a Grove Green Led actuator sensor to pin D5 of the Arduino shield
2. Add 'ATT_IOT_UART' library to your Arduino Environment
     More info can be found at http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries
3. Fill in the missing strings (deviceId, clientId and clientKey) in the keys.h file
4. Optionally, change sensor names, labels as appropiate
5. Upload the sketch

Note: for use of extra actuators, extend the callback function at the end of the sketch


#include "ATT_IOT_UART.h"               // AllThingsTalk Arduino UART IoT library
#include <SPI.h>                        // Required to have support for signed/unsigned long type.
#include "keys.h"                       // Keep all your personal account information in a seperate file
#include <Sodaq_TPH.h>

ATTDevice Device(&Serial1);                  
char httpServer[] = "api.smartliving.io";                       // HTTP API Server host                  
char mqttServer[] = "broker.smartliving.io";                    // MQTT Server Address

//** PIN numbers 
#define temperatureId 0
#define buzzerId 8
#define greenLedId 6
#define blueLedId 5
#define messageBoardId 9 //to communicate with sportsman

// Required for the device
void callback(int pin, String& value);

//** setup
void setup()
  Serial.begin(57600);                                 // Init serial link for debugging
  while(!Serial && millis() < 1000);                   // Make sure you see all output on the monitor. After 1 sec, it will skip this step, so that the board can also work without being connected to a pc
  Serial.println("Starting sketch");
  Serial1.begin(115200);                               // Init serial link for WiFi module
  while(!Device.Init(DEVICEID, CLIENTID, CLIENTKEY))           // If we can't succeed to initialize and set the device credentials, there is no point to continue
  while(!Device.Connect(httpServer))                           // Connect the device with the AllThingsTalk IOT developer cloud. No point to continue if we can't succeed at this
  //*** Add assets to the smartliving IOT cloud
  Device.AddAsset(temperatureId, "TEMPERATURE", "temperature", false, "{\"type\": \"number\", \"minimum\": -40, \"maximum\": 85, \"unit\": \"°\"}");   // Create the Sensor asset for your device
  Device.AddAsset(blueLedId, "INITIALISING", "blueLED", true, "boolean");    
  Device.AddAsset(greenLedId, "WELL DONE", "greenLED", true, "boolean");    
  Device.AddAsset(messageBoardId, "MESSAGE BOARD", "message", false, "string");    

  delay(1000);                                              // Give the wifi some time to finish everything
  while(!Device.Subscribe(mqttServer, callback))            // Make sure that we can receive message from the AllThingsTalk IOT developer cloud  (MQTT). This stops the http connection

  pinMode(buzzerId, OUTPUT);                           // Initialize the digital pin as an input.
  Serial.println("Buzzer is ready for use!");

  pinMode(greenLedId, OUTPUT);                              // Initialize the digital pin as an input.
  Device.Send("false", greenLedId);
  Serial.println("Green LED is ready for use!");

  pinMode(blueLedId, OUTPUT);                              // Initialize the digital pin as an input.
  Device.Send("false", blueLedId);
  Serial.println("Blue LED is ready for use!");

  Device.Send("", messageBoardId);
  Device.Send("", temperatureId);

//** Variables
boolean firstTime=true;
float increase = 1;   //degrees Celsius that the temperature has to rise
int timer = 10;       //time in seconds that temperature rise has to last
int sec = 0;          //timer
float baseTemp = 0;   //temperature when trainig was startes
float temp = 0;       //measured temperature every second

//** Loop
void loop()
  if (firstTime)
    baseTemp = initialiseBaseTemp();
    firstTime = false;
  temp = tph.readTemperature();
  Serial.print("Temperature: ");  Serial.print(temp);  Serial.println(" °C");
  Device.Send(String(temp), temperatureId);

  if(temp >= baseTemp+increase)           //if current temp is high enough
    if ( sec >= timer)                    //OK long enough so goal is reached
     Device.Send("Well done! You've made it! You can stop and cool down now.", messageBoardId);
     Device.Send("true", greenLedId);
     digitalWrite(greenLedId, HIGH);
     digitalWrite(buzzerId, HIGH);
     digitalWrite(buzzerId, LOW);
     digitalWrite(buzzerId, HIGH);
     digitalWrite(buzzerId, LOW);
     digitalWrite(buzzerId, HIGH);
     digitalWrite(buzzerId, LOW);    
     sec = 0;                             //reset timer
      Device.Send("You're doing well, hold on!", messageBoardId);
  else    //not hot enough
     Device.Send("Keep on going!", messageBoardId);
     sec = 0;                           //reset timer
  delay(1000); //measure every  sec 

//** Measure initial temperature
float initialiseBaseTemp()
  float initTemp =0; 
  int isec = 0 ; //timer
  Serial.println("Measuring base temperature...");  //before starting excercise, meassure the initial temperature
  Device.Send("Initialising base temperature during 5 seconds, please wait", messageBoardId);
  while (isec < 5) 
    Device.Send("true", blueLedId);  
    digitalWrite(blueLedId, HIGH);
    Device.Send("false", blueLedId);  
    digitalWrite(blueLedId, LOW);
    initTemp = tph.readTemperature();
  digitalWrite(buzzerId, HIGH); //signal to indicate that initiating is finished
  digitalWrite(buzzerId, LOW);
  Serial.print("Base temperature: ");  Serial.print(initTemp);  Serial.println(" °C");
  Device.Send("Base temperature is " + String(initTemp), messageBoardId);  
  Device.Send(String(initTemp), temperatureId);
  return initTemp;

//** Callback function: handles messages that were sent from the iot platform to this device.
void callback(int pin, String& value) 
	Serial.print("Incoming data for: ");         // Display the value that arrived from the AllThingsTalk IOT developer cloud.
	Serial.print(", value: ");



Register at maker.smartliving.io and create a ground and a device.
Fill in the missing strings (deviceId, clientId and clientKey) in the keys.h file you get for the device
#ifndef SETTINGS
#define SETTINGS

#define DEVICEID "xxx"           // Your device id comes here
#define CLIENTID "xxx"           // Your client id comes here;
#define CLIENTKEY "xxx"          // Your client key comes here;



kathleen kuypers

kathleen kuypers

4 projects • 11 followers
