Kevin Loeffler
Created May 31, 2021 © CC BY


Birds are migrating earlier each year due to climate change. Let's track their arrival to better allocate conservation resources.

Intermediate3 hours349

Things used in this project

Hardware components

QuickFeather Dev Kit with UART Cable + SensiML
QuickLogic Corp. QuickFeather Dev Kit with UART Cable + SensiML
Adafruit Large 6V 3.5W Solar Panel
Adafruit 3.5mm / 1.1mm to 5.5mm / 2.1mm DC Jack Adapter
Needed to connect the solar panel to the battery charger board.
Adafruit Lithium Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7v 2500mAh
Adafruit USB / DC / Solar Lithium Ion/Polymer charger - v2
Solderless Breadboard Half Size
Solderless Breadboard Half Size
Plastic Case
Custom designed case and lid. STLs available, scale is in millimeters. The model is also fully customizable if you know CAD:
A good pair of bird watching binoculars
Just for fun.

Software apps and online services

SensiML Analytics Toolkit
SensiML Analytics Toolkit
Used to train the bird call recognition model.
SensiML Analytics Toolkit
SensiML Analytics Toolkit
Used to label the bird calls.
Used to design the plastic case and export the STL for printing.
3D printing service I used since my personal 3D printer isn't big enough to print the plastic case.
Free software for any OS for converting and resampling bird calls and songs from the internet.

Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
Used to print the optional plastic case.
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Needed to assemble the solar battery charger board.


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Custom parts and enclosures

Plastic Enclosure

This enclosure provides a case for the electrical components and mounting holes for the solar panel.


This lid covers the electrical components and provides holes for the solar panel barrel jack and for sound to get to the QuickFeather's microphone.


Wiring Diagram

Wiring diagram showing how the solar battery charger and battery should be connected to the QuickLogic Feather. Additionally, it shows how the electrolytic capacitor should be soldered to the solar battery charger.


Pre-trained Willow Flycatcher and Whooping Crane model, as well as WAV files

This pre-trained model for the QuickLogic Feather is trained on the calls and songs of the Southwestern Willy Flycatcher and the Whooping Crane.


Kevin Loeffler
4 projects • 4 followers
Hacker from Colorado that's into renewable energy, ed-tech, and open source.
