Matthew Lee
Published © GPL3+

The FTP Data Logger by Using a PHPoC

"FTP Data Logger" with PHPoC which transmit the serial data from the console to remote FTP server to monitor your device's console easily.

IntermediateFull instructions providedOver 1 day928
The FTP Data Logger by Using a PHPoC

Things used in this project


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System diagram

System diagram


The FTP Data Logger with PHPoC Source Codes - main task

Use this code with PHPoC
Email me in order to get rest source codes
	exit; // avoid php execution via http request

include_once "lib/sd_340.php";
include_once "lib/vn_ftp.php";
include_once "envs.php";
include_once "parse.php";

define ("THRES_TIMER_ID", 1);

$pid_envu = pid_open("/mmap/envu");
$buf = "";
pid_read($pid_envu, $buf);

$ftp_server      =      find_value_with_key($buf, "ftp_server"      , ":", "\r\n");	
$ftp_port        = (int)find_value_with_key($buf, "ftp_port"        , ":", "\r\n");
$ftp_id          =      find_value_with_key($buf, "ftp_id"          , ":", "\r\n");
$ftp_pass        =      find_value_with_key($buf, "ftp_pass"        , ":", "\r\n");
$ftp_root_dir    =      find_value_with_key($buf, "ftp_root_dir"    , ":", "\r\n");
$uart_thres_time = (int)find_value_with_key($buf, "uart_thres_time" , ":", "\r\n");
$uart_thres_size = (int)find_value_with_key($buf, "uart_thres_size" , ":", "\r\n");

$ftp_state = 0;

$ftp_cur_fn = "";  // current filename
$ftp_cur_dir = ""; // current directory

$uart_pid = 0;

function system_setup()
	global $uart_pid;

	$envs = envs_load();

	$uart_pid = pid_open("/mmap/uart0");

	$unpack = envs_unpack_uart(envs_find($envs, 0x10, 0));

	$temp = $unpack[5];
	pid_ioctl($uart_pid, "set baud $temp");
	$temp = $unpack[3];
	pid_ioctl($uart_pid, "set parity $temp");
	$temp = $unpack[1];
	pid_ioctl($uart_pid, "set data $temp");
	$temp = $unpack[2];
	pid_ioctl($uart_pid, "set stop $temp");
	$temp = $unpack[4];
	pid_ioctl($uart_pid, "set flowctrl $temp");

	st_free_setup(THRES_TIMER_ID, "sec");

// change directory, makes directory if it doesn't exist
function change_dir($dir)
	$retb = ftp_chdir($dir);
	if($retb == TRUE) return TRUE;

	$dir_list = array();
	$dir_list = explode("/", $dir, 10);
	$cnt = count($dir_list);

	// move to root
	$retb = ftp_chdir("/");
	if($retb == FALSE) return FALSE;

	for($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++)
		if($dir_list[$i] == "") continue;

		$retb = ftp_chdir($dir_list[$i]);
		if($retb == TRUE) continue;

		$ret = ftp_mkdir($dir_list[$i]);
		if($ret === FALSE) return FALSE;
			$retb = ftp_chdir($dir_list[$i]);
			if($retb == TRUE) continue;
			else return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

function loop_session()
	global $ftp_state;
	global $ftp_server, $ftp_port;
	global $ftp_id, $ftp_pass;
	global $ftp_cur_dir;

	if($ftp_state == 0)
		$retb = ftp_connect($ftp_server, $ftp_port, 10);
		if($retb == FALSE) 
			echo "ftp - failed to connect to the FTP server.\r\n";
		else $ftp_state = 1;
	if($ftp_state == 1)
		$retb = ftp_login($ftp_id, $ftp_pass);
		$ftp_cur_dir = "";
		if($retb == FALSE) 
			echo "ftp - login failed.\r\n";
			$ftp_state = 0;
		$ftp_state = 2;

	$tcp_state = ftp_cmd_session_state(); // checking ftp tcp session
	if($tcp_state == 0) $ftp_state = 0;

function loop_uart()
	global $ftp_cur_dir, $ftp_cur_fn, $ftp_root_dir;
	global $uart_thres_size, $uart_thres_time, $uart_pid;

	$rbuf = "";

	$timer = st_free_get_count(THRES_TIMER_ID);
	$rxlen = pid_ioctl($uart_pid, "get rxlen");
	if($timer < $uart_thres_time && $rxlen < $uart_thres_size)
		$len = pid_read($uart_pid, $rbuf);

	if($len > 0)
		echo "$rbuf";
		$curr_time = date("Ymd-His");
		$today = substr($curr_time, 0, 8);
		if($today !== $ftp_cur_dir)
			$ftp_cur_dir = $today;
		$ftp_cur_fn = substr($curr_time, 0, 11) . '.log';
		ftp_append($ftp_cur_fn, $rbuf);
		st_free_setup(THRES_TIMER_ID, "sec");

function loop_dns()




The FTP Data Logger with PHPoC Source Codes - FTP function library

Use this code with PHPoC
Email me in order to get rest source codes
	exit; // avoid php execution via http request

include_once "/lib/vn_tcp_mc.php";
include_once "/lib/sd_340.php";

define("REPLY_TIMEOUT", 1000);
define("FTP_ASCII",  "A");
define("FTP_IMAGE", "I");

$cmd_id = 0;
$data_id = 1;

$pasv_ip = "";
$pasv_port = 0;

define ("FTP_TIMER_ID", 0);
$rbuf = "";

function vn_ftp_data_client()
	global $data_id;
	global $pasv_ip, $pasv_port;

	tcp_client($data_id, $pasv_ip, $pasv_port);
	st_free_setup(FTP_TIMER_ID, "sec");

		if(tcp_state($data_id) == 4) 
			echo "data connection OK.\r\n";
			return TRUE;
	while(st_free_get_count(FTP_TIMER_ID) < 5);

	echo "data connection fail.\r\n";

	return FALSE;

function vn_ftp_get_reply($timeout_ms = 1000)
	global $cmd_id;

	$rbuf = "";
	$lbuf = "";
	$ret = 0;

	st_free_setup(FTP_TIMER_ID, "ms");
		$len = tcp_read_until($cmd_id, $lbuf, "\r\n");
		$ret += $len;
		$rbuf .= $lbuf;
		if($len >= 4 && substr($lbuf, 3, 1) == " ")
			echo "<< $rbuf";
			return $rbuf;
	}while($timeout_ms > st_free_get_count(FTP_TIMER_ID));

	return "";

function vn_get_unix_time($year, $month, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, $adj_h)
    $dmonth = array(0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365);
    $iday = 365 * ($year-1970) + $dmonth[$month-1] + ($mday - 1); // reg. days since 1/1/70
    $iday += ($year - 1969) / 4; // add leap days since 1/1/70
    if(($month > 2) && ($year % 4 == 0)) $iday++; // if leap year and past Feb add a day
    $ret = $sec + 60 * ($min + 60 * ($hour + 24 * $iday)); // compute seconds since 1970
    //$ret += 32400; // set to UTC (Korea zone: +9)
	$ret += ($adj_h * 3600); // set to UTC (Korea zone: +9)
    return $ret;

function ftp_pasv($pasv)
	global $cmd_id;
	global $pasv_ip, $pasv_port;

	$pasv_param = array();

	echo ">> PASV\r\n";
	tcp_write($cmd_id, "PASV\r\n");
	$ret = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($ret, 0, 3) === "227")
		echo "PASSIVE Mode.\r\n";

		$ret = substr($ret, strpos($ret, "(") + 1);
		$pasv_param = explode(",", $ret);
		$pasv_ip  = $pasv_param[0] . ".";
		$pasv_ip .= $pasv_param[1] . ".";
		$pasv_ip .= $pasv_param[2] . ".";
		$pasv_ip .= $pasv_param[3];
		echo "pasv_ip : $pasv_ip\r\n";
		$pasv_port = ((int)$pasv_param[4] * 256) + (int)$pasv_param[5];
		echo "pasv_port = $pasv_port\r\n";

		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

function vn_ftp_append_put($remote_file, $local_file, $mode, $cmd)
	global $cmd_id, $data_id;

	if(ftp_pasv("I") == FALSE) return FALSE;
	if(vn_ftp_data_client() == FALSE) return FALSE;

	echo ">> TYPE $mode\r\n";
	tcp_write($cmd_id, "TYPE $mode\r\n");
	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) != "200")
		echo "failed to set to mode $mode.\r\n";
		return FALSE;
	echo "set to mode $mode.\r\n";

	echo ">> $cmd $remote_file\r\n";
	tcp_write($cmd_id, "$cmd $remote_file\r\n");
	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) === "150")
		echo "ret = $rets\r\n";
		$len = tcp_write($data_id, $local_file);
	else echo "ret = $rets\r\n";


	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) === "226")
	if($len == strlen($local_file))
		echo "data put OK.\r\n";
		return TRUE;
		echo "data put NG.\r\n";
		return FALSE;

function vn_ftp_close()
	global $cmd_id;

	echo ">> QUIT\r\n";
	tcp_write($cmd_id, "QUIT\r\n");
	$ret = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($ret, 0, 3) == "221")
		echo "logged out.\r\n";
		echo "fail to logout.\r\n";


	return TRUE;

function ftp_append($remote_file, $local_file, $mode = FTP_IMAGE)
	return vn_ftp_append_put($remote_file, $local_file, $mode, "APPE");

function ftp_cdup()
	global $cmd_id;

	tcp_write($cmd_id, "CDUP\r\n");
	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) === "200")
		$str_array = array();
		$str_array = explode("\"", $rets, 3);
		$cwd = $str_array[1];
		echo "changed to parent directory: $cwd.\r\n";
		return TRUE;
		echo "failed to change to parent directory.\r\n";
		return FALSE;

function ftp_chdir($directory)
	global $cmd_id;

	tcp_write($cmd_id, "CWD $directory\r\n");
	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) === "250")
/* some FTP servers don't return directory name
		$str_array = array();
		$str_array = explode("\"", $rets, 3);
		$cwd = $str_array[1];
		echo "directory changed: $cwd.\r\n";
		echo "directory changed: $directory.\r\n";
		return TRUE;
		echo "failed to change directory to $directory.\r\n";
		return FALSE;

function ftp_close()
	return vn_ftp_close();

function ftp_connect($host, $port = 21, $timeout = 90)
	global $cmd_id;

	tcp_client($cmd_id, $host, $port);
	st_free_setup(FTP_TIMER_ID, "sec");

		$state = tcp_state($cmd_id);
		if($state == 4)
			echo "Connected to the FTP server($host:$port)\r\n";

			$ret = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
			if(substr($ret, 0, 3) == "220") 
				echo "The FTP service is available.\r\n";
				return TRUE;
			else return FALSE;
	}while($timeout > st_free_get_count(FTP_TIMER_ID));

	echo "connection timeout to the ftp server($host:$port)\r\n";
	return FALSE;

function ftp_delete($path)
	global $cmd_id;

	tcp_write($cmd_id, "DELE $path\r\n");
	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) === "250")
		echo "$path deleted.\r\n";
		return TRUE;
		echo "failed to delete $path.\r\n";
		return FALSE;

function ftp_get($local_file, $remote_file, $mode = FTP_IMAGE, $resumepos = 0)
	global $cmd_id, $data_id;
	global $rbuf;

	if(ftp_pasv("I") == FALSE) return FALSE;
	if(vn_ftp_data_client() == FALSE) return FALSE;

	echo ">> TYPE $mode\r\n";
	tcp_write($cmd_id, "TYPE $mode\r\n");
	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) != "200")
		echo "failed to set to mode $mode.\r\n";
		return FALSE;
	echo "set to mode $mode.\r\n";

	if($resumepos != 0) 
		$len = tcp_write($cmd_id, "REST $resumepos\r\n");
		$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
		if(substr($rets, 0, 3) !== "350")
			echo "ret = $rets\r\n";
			return FALSE;
		echo "ret = $rets\r\n";

	$len = tcp_write($cmd_id, "RETR $remote_file\r\n");
	$rbuf = "";
	$buf  = "";
		$len =tcp_read($data_id, $buf);
		if($len < 0) break;
		$rbuf .= $buf;
	echo "retried data: \r\n$rbuf\r\n";

	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) === "226")
		if($len == strlen($local_file))
			echo "data put OK.\r\n";
			return TRUE;
			echo "data put NG.\r\n";
			return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

function ftp_login($username, $password)
	global $cmd_id;

	echo ">> USER $username\r\n";
	tcp_write($cmd_id, "USER $username\r\n");
	$ret = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($ret, 0, 3) == "230")
		echo "FTP logged in.\r\n";
		return TRUE;
	else if(substr($ret, 0, 3) == "331")
		echo ">> PASS $password\r\n";
		tcp_write($cmd_id, "PASS $password\r\n");
		$ret = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
		if(substr($ret, 0, 3) == "230")
			echo "FTP logged in.\r\n";
			return TRUE;

	echo "FTP login failed.\r\n";
	return FALSE;

function ftp_mdtm($remote_file)
	global $cmd_id;

	tcp_write($cmd_id, "MDTM $remote_file\r\n");
	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) === "213")
		$str_array = array();
		$str_array = explode(" ", $rets, 3);
		$lmd = $str_array[1];
		$unix_time = vn_get_unix_time((int)substr($lmd, 0, 4), (int)substr($lmd, 4, 2), (int)substr($lmd, 6, 2), (int)substr($lmd, 8, 2), (int)substr($lmd, 10, 2), (int)substr($lmd, 12, 2), 9);
		//$ret = date("Y:M-d-TH:i:s", $lmd);
		echo "last modified date of $remote_file : $lmd.\r\n";

		return $unix_time;
		echo "failed to getting last modified date of $remote_file.\r\n";
		return -1;

function ftp_mkdir($directory)
	global $cmd_id;

	tcp_write($cmd_id, "MKD $directory\r\n");
	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) === "257")
		$str_array = array();
		$str_array = explode("\"", $rets, 3);
		$directory = $str_array[1];
		echo "new directory: $directory.\r\n";
		return $directory;
		echo "failed to make a directory to $directory.\r\n";
		return FALSE;

function ftp_nlist($directory)
	global $cmd_id, $data_id;
	global $rbuf;
	if(ftp_pasv("I") == FALSE) return FALSE;
	if(vn_ftp_data_client() == FALSE) return FALSE;

	echo ">> TYPE A\r\n";
	tcp_write($cmd_id, "TYPE A\r\n");
	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) != "200")
		echo "failed to set to mode A.\r\n";
		return FALSE;
	echo "set to mode A.\r\n";

	$len = tcp_write($cmd_id, "NLST $directory\r\n");
	$rbuf = "";
	$buf  = "";
		$len = tcp_read($data_id, $buf);
		if($len < 0) break;
		$rbuf .= $buf;
	echo "directory list: \r\n$rbuf\r\n";

	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) === "125" || substr($rets, 0, 3) === "150")
		echo substr($rets, 0, 3) . "\r\n";

	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) === "226" || substr($rets, 0, 3) === "250")
		$reta = array();
		$reta = explode("\r\n", $rbuf);
		return $reta;
		echo "nlist command failed.\r\n";
		return FALSE;

function ftp_put($remote_file, $local_file, $mode = FTP_IMAGE, $start_pos = 0)
	global $cmd_id, $data_id;

	// $start_pos param is not supported now
	if($start_pos != 0) 
		echo "only support \$start_pos = 0\r\n";
		return FALSE;

	return vn_ftp_append_put($remote_file, $local_file, $mode, "STOR");

function ftp_pwd()
	global $cmd_id;

	tcp_write($cmd_id, "PWD\r\n");
	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) === "257")
		$str_array = array();
		$str_array = explode("\"", $rets, 3);
		$cwd = $str_array[1];
		echo "current working directory: $cwd.\r\n";
		return $cwd;
		echo "ftp command failed: PWD.\r\n";
		return FALSE;

function ftp_quit()
	return vn_ftp_close();

function ftp_raw($command)
	global $cmd_id;

	tcp_write($cmd_id, "$command\r\n");
	return vn_ftp_get_reply();

function ftp_rename($oldname, $newname)
	global $cmd_id;

	tcp_write($cmd_id, "RNFR $oldname\r\n");
	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) != "350")
		echo "RNFR command failed.\r\n";
		return FALSE;

	tcp_write($cmd_id, "RNTO $newname\r\n");
	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) == "250")
		echo "rename OK.\r\n";
		return TRUE;
		echo "RNTO command failed.\r\n";
		return FALSE;

function ftp_rmdir($directory)
	global $cmd_id;

	tcp_write($cmd_id, "RMD $directory\r\n");
	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) === "250")
		echo "directory removed: $directory.\r\n";
		return TRUE;
		echo "failed to remove directory: $directory.\r\n";
		return FALSE;

function ftp_site($command)
	global $cmd_id;

	tcp_write($cmd_id, "SITE $command\r\n");

	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) !== "200")
		echo "failed SITE $command command.\r\n";
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

function ftp_size($remote_file)
	global $cmd_id;

	tcp_write($cmd_id, "SIZE $remote_file\r\n");
	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) === "213")
		$str_array = array();
		$str_array = explode(" ", $rets, 3);
		$size = (int)$str_array[1];

		echo "$remote_file size: $size.\r\n";

		return $size;
		echo "failed to getting $remote_file size.\r\n";
		return -1;

function ftp_systype()
	global $cmd_id;

	tcp_write($cmd_id, "SYST\r\n");
	$rets = vn_ftp_get_reply(REPLY_TIMEOUT);
	if(substr($rets, 0, 3) === "215")
		$systype = substr($rets, 4);
		echo "system type: $systype.\r\n";
		return $systype;
		echo "failed to getting system type.\r\n";
		return FALSE;

// custom function
function ftp_cmd_session_state()
	global $cmd_id;
	return tcp_state($cmd_id);

// custom function
function ftp_data_session_state()
	global $data_id;
	return tcp_state($data_id);


Matthew Lee

Matthew Lee

2 projects • 28 followers
Hardware Engineer
