The M5 Stack is an ESP32 Arduino development platform that comes in a nice case with buttons and a large number of IO ports.
In the picture below, the M5 Stack is in the upper right.
It’s possible to control the THETA V using the M5 Stack.
This picture from KA-2 on Qiita.
KA-2 also has it working with as a external screen monitor for THETA information.
You can see a demo of his project here:
Project code from KA-2 is here:
RICOH THETA V plug-in to communicate with M5Stack using USB OTG - theta360developers/theta-plugin-m5-serial-remote-sample
Everything comes in a nice plastic box. I got this for $40 from Amazon with 2 day free Prime shipping.
Display looks great.
Compiles no problem on Android Studio.
First, connect to the THETA via USB.
Second, you must give the plug-in permission to use the USB port in order to connect with the M5 Stack. So run the following commands:
$ adb shell settings put global usb_debug true
$ adb tcpip 5555
$ adb connect
NOTE: In the example above, replace the IP address with the IP address of your THETA such as if you have your THETA connected to your computer in Client Mode (connecting THETA to router ).
Third, now connect from your computer directly to the THETA via Wi-Fi.
Connect Vysor to THETA with Wi-FiIf you skipped the adb commands above, the THETA will not show up in Vysor over Wi-Fi.
On the camera itself, if the Wi-Fi LED briefly blinks yellow, this is another indication the plug-in does not have permission to use the USB port. Please repeat the steps in this section to Set Permissions with Wi-Fi.
When you plug the M5Stack into the THETA, you will see the message below.
Click the checkbox and press OK.
With Arduino IDEIMPORTANT: The instructions below are for Linux. For Mac and Windows, please see the alternate instructions
Install Espressif ESP32 Support
After adding URL in previous step, go to boards manager and select espressif esp32.
Hit install.
From inside of Library Manager, search for ArduinoJsonInstall version 5.x not the beta version 6, which is installed by default.
This step likely only needed on Linux.
I needed to update pyserial with
pip install pyserial
Select Board M5Stack-Core-ESP32If the USB port does not show up (on Mac), you may need to install the serial driver for CP210x USB to UART Bridge.
See this document for more information.
Add User to Access USB PortOn Linux Ubuntu, I needed to add my user to the group that controls the USB port ttyUSB0
The Arduino file is in the same repo as the THETA Plug-in.
In folder M5QR_sample.
Press Center Button on the M5Stack to take a picture.
Left button clears image.
Right button restores last QR code.
M5Stack Can Draw Power From RICOH THETAIn my testing of the plug-in, it draws down power from the THETA quickly. Be sure to fully charge your THETA ahead of time for longer testing.
Google Pixel automatically finds URL to go to.
Opens up browser to preview image.
KA-2 “Katsu”
