Scott Beasley
Published © CC BY-NC

Boom and Gripper bot

Remote controlled Boom and gripper bot. Control via Phone or a Python GUI.

IntermediateWork in progress1,431
Boom and Gripper bot

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Android device
Android device


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   Bluetooth Boom-Gripper bot.

   Goal in life...
      Follows your commands sent magically through the air! Or from USB :)

   Written by Scott Beasley - 2015
   Free to use or modify. Enjoy.


// Various time delays used for driving and servo
#define TURNDELAY 475
#define TURNDELAY45 235

// Pololu servo controller commands
#define SETSPEED 0x01
#define SETPOS 0x04

   Globals area.

// Create the motor, servo objects to interface with
SoftwareSerial Serial_servo (10, 11);
SoftwareSerial Serial_motors (10, 12);

void setup ( )
   // Change the baud rates here if different than below
   Serial.begin (9600); // Bluethooth connection
   Serial_servo.begin (9600);
   Serial_motors.begin (19200);

   halt ( );
   set_servo_speed (0, 10); // Set the servo movement speed
   set_servo_speed (1, 10); // to make them move a bit smoother
   home_boom ( );
   home_gripper ( );

   delay (500);

void loop ( )
   byte command = 0, val = 0;
   // The following need to stay intact during the life of the 
   // session so they are made 'static'. This keeps us from 
   // having to have them as globals
   static byte dist = 1; // Start with short moves
   static byte speed = 1; // slow speed
   static byte speed_offset = 40;
   static byte turn_style = 1; // and with hard turns
   static byte boom_val = 60;
   static byte gripper_val = 60;

   if (Serial.available ( ) > 0) {
      // read the incoming command byte
      command = ( );

   switch (command) {
      case 'w':
         go_forward (speed_offset);
         //Serial.println ("Going Forward");

         if (dist == 1) {
            delay (750);
            halt ( );
         } else if (dist == 2) {
            delay (1250);
            halt ( );


      case 'z':
         go_backward (speed_offset);
         //Serial.println ("Going Backwards");

         if (dist == 1) {
            delay (750);
            halt ( );
         } else if (dist == 2) {
            delay (1250);
            halt ( );


      case 'a':
         go_left (speed_offset, turn_style);
         delay (TURNDELAY);
         halt ( );
         //Serial.println ("Turning Left");

      case 's':
         go_right (speed_offset, turn_style);
         delay (TURNDELAY);
         halt ( );
         //Serial.println ("Turning Right");

      case 'q':
         go_left (speed_offset, turn_style);
         delay (TURNDELAY45);
         halt ( );
         //Serial.println ("Turning Left");

      case 'e':
         go_right (speed_offset, turn_style);
         delay (TURNDELAY45);
         halt ( );
         //Serial.println ("Turning Right");

      case 'h':
         halt ( );
         //Serial.println ("Halting");

      case '>':
         // Gripper X move sends servo set value
         val = ( );
         gripper_val = val;
         // We limit the value to real movemovent limits of the setup
         set_gripper (val);
         //Serial.println ("GripperX");

      case '^':
         // Gripper Y move sends servo set value
         val = ( );
         boom_val = val;
         // We limit the value to real movemovent limits of the setup
         set_boom (val);
         //Serial.println ("GripperY");

      case 'c':
	       gripper_val = 60;
	       boom_val = 60;
         home_boom ( );
         home_gripper ( );
         //Serial.println ("GripperHome");

      case 'v':
         // Set the spped the bot will move; 1 = slowest, 3 = fastest
         speed = ( );

         if (speed == 1) {
            speed_offset = 40;    // Slow
         } else if (speed == 2) {
            speed_offset = 20;    // Med
         } else if (speed == 3) {
            speed_offset = 0;     // Fast!

         //Serial.println ("Set speed");

      case 'd':
         // Set how long the bot will move; 1 = short, 2 medium,
         // 3 = continuous
         dist = ( );
         //Serial.println ("Move distance set");

      case 't':
         // Set the way the bot does turns, one wheel (soft) or two (hard)
         turn_style = ( );

         //Serial.println ("Turn style");

      case '+': // Speed set from phone
         if (speed >= 4)
            speed = 1;
         if (speed == 1) {
            speed_offset = 40;    // Slow
         } else if (speed == 2) {
            speed_offset = 20;    // Med
         } else if (speed == 3) {
            speed_offset = 0;     // Fast!

      case '-': // Dist moved from phone
         if (dist >= 4)
            dist = 1;
         //Serial.println ("Move distance set");

      case ',': // Open Gripper from phone
         gripper_val += 10;
         if (gripper_val >= 179)
            gripper_val = 179;

         set_gripper (gripper_val);

         //Serial.println ("Gripper set");

      case '.': // Close Gripper from phone
         gripper_val -= 10;
         if (gripper_val <= 0)
            gripper_val = 0;

         set_gripper (gripper_val);

         //Serial.println ("Gripper set");

      case '0': // Lower boom from phone
         boom_val += 10;
         if (boom_val >= 179)
            boom_val = 179;

         set_boom (boom_val);

         //Serial.println ("Boom set");

      case '1': // Raise boom from phone
         boom_val -= 10;
         if (boom_val <= 0)
            boom_val = 0;

         set_boom (boom_val);

         //Serial.println ("Boom set");

      case 255: // Sent after all gripper commands
         Serial.flush ( );

   Serial.flush ( );

void go_forward (byte speed_offset)
   //Serial.println ("Going forward...");
   Serial_motors.write ((byte)1 + speed_offset);
   Serial_motors.write ((byte)128 + speed_offset);

void go_backward (byte speed_offset)
   //Serial.println ("Going backward...");
   Serial_motors.write ((byte)127 - speed_offset);
   Serial_motors.write ((byte)255 - speed_offset);

void go_left (byte speed_offset, byte turn_style)
   //Serial.println ("Going left...");
   if (turn_style == 1)
      Serial_motors.write ((byte)1 + speed_offset);
      Serial_motors.write ((byte)64); // Turn off the left motor (soft turn)

   Serial_motors.write ((byte)255 - speed_offset);

void go_right (byte speed_offset, byte turn_style)
   //Serial.println ("Going right...");

   Serial_motors.write ((byte)127 - speed_offset);

   if (turn_style == 1)
      Serial_motors.write ((byte)128 + speed_offset);
      Serial_motors.write ((byte)192); // Turn off the right motor (soft turn)

void halt ( )
   //Serial.println ("Halt!");
   Serial_motors.write ((byte)0);

// Set a servos position
//   servo_id is the servo number (0-7)
//   angle is the abs position from 500 to 5500
void move_servo (int servo_id, int angle)
   unsigned char buff[6] = {0x80, 0x01, SETPOS, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};

   unsigned int temp;
   unsigned char data_hi, data_low;

   temp = angle & 0x1f80;
   data_hi = temp >> 7;
   data_low = angle & 0x7f;

   buff[3] = servo_id; //servo number
   buff[4] = data_hi; //data1
   buff[5] = data_low; //data2

   Serial_servo.write (buff, 6);
   Serial_servo.flush ( );

void set_servo_speed (int servo_id, int speed)
   unsigned char buff[5] = {0x80, 0x01, SETSPEED, 0x00, 0x00};
   if (speed > 127)
      speed = 127;

   buff[3] = lowByte (servo_id);
   buff[4] = lowByte (speed);
   Serial_servo.write (buff, 5);
   Serial_servo.flush ( );

void set_boom (byte angle)
   move_servo (0, map (angle, 0, 179, 2500, 4000));

void set_gripper (byte angle)
   move_servo (1, map (angle, 0, 179, 2500, 4000));

void home_boom ( )
   move_servo (0, 3000);

void home_gripper ( )
   move_servo (1, 3000);

#!/usr/bin/env python
# For Linux, BSD or Mac OSX you can chmod +x on this script to make executable
# Rover control app
# Allows for simple multi-byte commands.
# Written by Scott Beasley - 2015
# Free to use or modify. Enjoy.

import sys
import serial
import time
from Tkinter import *
import tkFont
import tkMessageBox

# Create the window for the application
class App (Frame):
    # Make the window
    def createWidgets (self):
        self.connected = False
        self.message = StringVar ( )

        # Make a little font for the gripper set buttons.
        helv6 = tkFont.Font (family = 'Helvetica',
                             size = 6, weight = 'normal')

        self.frame = Frame (self.master)
        self.frame.pack ( )

        self.f1 = Frame (self.frame)
        self.l1 = Label (self.f1, text = "Comm Port: ")
        self.l1.pack (side = LEFT)
        self.comm_entry = Entry (self.f1, bd = 5, name = "comm_entry")
        self.comm_entry.pack (side = LEFT)
        self.connectButton = Button (self.f1, text = "Connect",
                                    command = self.SerialConnect,
                                    name = "b_connect")
        self.connectButton.pack (side = LEFT)
        self.disconnectButton = Button (self.f1, text = "Disconnect",
                                    command = self.SerialDisconnect,
                                    name = "b_disconnect")
        self.disconnectButton.pack (side = RIGHT)
        self.f1.grid (row = 0, column = 0)

        self.f2 = LabelFrame (self.frame, bd = 3, relief = "groove",
                              text="Ground Control")

        self.g_vert_fm = Frame (self.f2)
        self.grip_vert = Scale (self.g_vert_fm, from_ = 0, to = 180)
        # Bind on mouse button 1 release to set the boom position
        self.grip_vert.bind ('', self.GripperY)
        self.grip_vert.grid (row = 0, column = 0, rowspan = 4, sticky = W)
        self.master.bind ("", self.GripperY)
        self.g_vert_fm.grid (row = 0, column = 0, rowspan = 4, sticky = W)

        self.leftforwardButton = Button (self.f2, text = "\\",
                                 command = self.TurnLeft45,
                                 name = "b_left_forward")
        self.leftforwardButton.grid (row = 0, column = 1)
        self.master.bind ("<a rel="nofollow">", self.TurnLeft45)

        self.leftButton = Button (self.f2, text = "<",
                                 command = self.TurnLeft, name = "b_left")
        self.leftButton.grid (row = 1, column = 1)
        self.master.bind ("</a><a rel="nofollow">", self.TurnLeft)

        self.rightforwardButton = Button (self.f2, text = "/",
                                 command = self.TurnRight45,
                                 name = "b_right_forward")
        self.rightforwardButton.grid (row = 0, column = 3)
        self.master.bind ("</a><a rel="nofollow">", self.TurnRight45)

        self.haltButton = Button (self.f2, text = "Halt!",
                                 command = self.Halt, name = "b_halt")
        self.haltButton.grid (row = 1, column = 2)
        self.master.bind ("</a><a rel="nofollow">", self.Halt)

        self.rightButton = Button (self.f2, text=">",
                                  command = self.TurnRight, name = "b_right")
        self.rightButton.grid(row = 1, column = 3)
        self.master.bind ("</a><a rel="nofollow">", self.TurnRight)

        self.upButton = Button (self.f2, text="^",
                               command = self.Forward, name = "b_forward")
        self.upButton.grid (row = 0, column = 2)
        self.master.bind ("</a><a rel="nofollow">", self.Forward)

        self.leftdownButton = Button (self.f2, text = "/",
                                      command = self.TurnRight45,
                                      name = "b_left_down")
        self.leftdownButton.grid (row = 2, column = 1)

        self.downButton = Button (self.f2, text="V",
                                  command = self.Reverse, name = "b_reverse")
        self.downButton.grid (row = 2, column = 2)
        self.master.bind ("</a><a rel="nofollow">", self.Reverse)
        self.f2.grid (row = 1, column = 0, pady = 25)

        self.rightdownButton = Button (self.f2, text = "\\",
                                       command = self.TurnLeft45,
                                       name = "b_right_down")
        self.rightdownButton.grid (row = 2, column = 3)

        self.g_horz_fm = Frame (self.f2)
        self.grip_horz = Scale (self.g_horz_fm, from_ = 0, to = 180,
                                orient = HORIZONTAL)
        # Bind on mouse button 1 release to set the gripper position
        self.grip_horz.bind ('</a><a rel="nofollow">', self.GripperX)
        self.grip_horz.grid (row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 7, sticky = E)

        self.master.bind ("<u>", self.GripperX)
        self.g_horz_fm.grid (row = 4, column = 0, columnspan = 7, sticky = E)
        self.master.bind ("</u></a><a rel="nofollow"><u>", self.GripperHome)

        self.f_spd_dist = Frame (self.frame)
        self.l_speed = Label (self.f_spd_dist, text = "  Speed: ")
        self.l_speed.grid (row = 0, column = 0)
        self.speed_spin = Spinbox (self.f_spd_dist, values = (1, 2, 3),
                                   width = 2, command = self.SetSpeed)
        self.speed_spin.grid (row = 0, column = 1)
        self.l_dist = Label (self.f_spd_dist, text = "  Distance: ")
        self.l_dist.grid (row = 0, column = 3)
        self.dist_spin = Spinbox (self.f_spd_dist,
                                  values = ('Short', 'Medium', 'Continuous'),
                                  width = 10, command = self.SetDistance)
        self.dist_spin.grid (row = 0, column = 4)
        self.l_turns = Label (self.f_spd_dist, text = "  Turns: ")
        self.l_turns.grid (row = 0, column = 5)
        self.turns_spin = Spinbox (self.f_spd_dist,
                                   values = ('Hard', 'Soft'),
                                   width = 5, command = self.SetTurns)
        self.turns_spin.grid (row = 0, column = 6)
        self.f_spd_dist.grid (row = 2, column = 0)

        self.f3 = Frame (self.frame)
        self.l2 = Label (self.f3, text = "Last action: ")
        self.l2.pack (side = LEFT)
        self.l3 = Label (self.f3, text=" ", textvariable = self.message)
        self.l3.pack (side = RIGHT)
        self.f3.grid (row = 5, column = 0, pady = 8)

    # Set the state of the bot control buttons. Enable when connected,
    # Disabled otherwise.
    def CtrlButtonsState (self, bstate):
        self.leftforwardButton.config (state = bstate)
        self.leftButton.config (state = bstate)
        self.rightforwardButton.config (state = bstate)
        self.rightButton.config (state = bstate)
        self.upButton.config (state = bstate)
        self.leftdownButton.config (state = bstate)
        self.downButton.config (state = bstate)
        self.rightdownButton.config (state = bstate)
        self.haltButton.config (state = bstate)
        self.disconnectButton.config (state = bstate)
        self.grip_horz.config (state = bstate)
        self.grip_vert.config (state = bstate)

    # Set the state of the comm port entry. Enable when not connected,
    # Disabled when the bot is connected.
    def ConnCtrlsState (self, bstate):
        self.connectButton.config (state = bstate)
        self.comm_entry.config (state = bstate)

    # Connect to the comm port typed in the comm entry field.
    def SerialConnect (self):
            # Change the baud rate here if diffrent then 9600
            self.ser = serial.Serial (self.comm_entry.get ( ), 9600)
        except IOError:
            tkMessageBox.showerror ("Invalid comm port", "Comm port not found.")

        self.ConnCtrlsState (DISABLED)
        self.CtrlButtonsState (NORMAL)
        self.message.set ("SerialConnect")
        self.connected = True
        time.sleep (3) # Dwell a bit for the connection to happen

        # Do some after connection bot talking.
        if self.connected == True:
            self.setbotParms ( )

    # Disconnect from the bot (close the comm port).
    def SerialDisconnect (self):
            # Send a Halt command just in case the bot is still moving.
            self.send_cmd ('h', "Halt!")
            time.sleep (1)
            self.ser.close ( )
        except IOError:
            print "Could not close port..."

        self.message.set ("SerialDisconnect")
        self.ConnCtrlsState (NORMAL)
        self.CtrlButtonsState (DISABLED)
        self.connected = False
        time.sleep (2) # Dwell a bit for the disconnection to happen

    # Send the command to the open comm port
    # the action input variable is a tuple that allows for multy part commands
    def send_cmd (self, action, msg):
        if self.connected == True:
            for val in action:
                self.ser.write (val)
            self.ser.flush ( )
            self.message.set (msg)

    # Send the bot a turn-left command.
    def TurnLeft (self, event = None):
        self.send_cmd ('a', "Left")

    # Send the bot a turn-left-up command.
    def TurnLeft45 (self, event = None):
        self.send_cmd ('q', "Left45")

    # Send the bot a turn-right command.
    def TurnRight (self, event = None):
        self.send_cmd ('s', "Right")

    # Send the bot a turn-right-up command.
    def TurnRight45 (self, event = None):
        self.send_cmd ('e', "Right45")

    # Send the bot a Forward command.
    def Forward (self, event = None):
        self.send_cmd ('w', "Up")

    # Send the bot a Reverse command.
    def Reverse (self, event = None):
        self.send_cmd ('z', "Down")

    # Send the bot a Halt command.
    def Halt (self, event = None):
        self.send_cmd ('h', "Halt!")

    # Set the gripper (X).
    def GripperX (self, event = None):
        # Read the slider control and send the value to the bot controller
        # Note: 0 is all the way closed and 180 is all the way open
        # This is a multi-byte command. The command + the servo set val
        # + a buffer clear command (optional)
        grp_change = ('>', chr (self.grip_horz.get ( )), chr (255))
        self.send_cmd (grp_change, "Gripper X")
        self.boomchange = None

    # Set the gripper Y.
    def GripperY (self, event = None):
        # Read the slider control and send the value to the bot controller
        # Note: 0 is all the way up and 180 is all the way down
        # This is a multi-byte command. The command + the servo set val
        # + a buffer clear command (optional)
        grp_change = ('^', chr (self.grip_vert.get ( )), chr (255))
        self.send_cmd (grp_change, "Gripper Y")
        self.gripperchange = None

    # Set the gripper to the "home" position.
    def GripperHome (self, event = None):
        self.send_cmd (('c', chr (255)), "Gripper Home")
        self.grip_horz.set (90)
        self.grip_vert.set (90)

    # Set the speed of the rover.
    def SetSpeed (self, event = None):
        spd_str = self.speed_spin.get ( )

        if spd_str == "1":
            speed = 1
        if spd_str == "2":
            speed = 2
        if spd_str == "3":
            speed = 3

        # Sends a multi-byte command to set the speed.
        self.send_cmd (('v', chr (speed)), "Set Speed")

    # Set the distance travled when a for or rev is issued to 
    # the rover.
    def SetDistance (self, event = None):
        dist = 1
        dist_str = self.dist_spin.get ( )

        if dist_str == "Short":
            dist = 1
        if dist_str == "Medium":
            dist = 2
        if dist_str == "Continuous":
            dist = 3

        # Sends a multi-byte command to set the distance.
        self.send_cmd (('d', chr (dist)), "Set Distance")

    # Set the turn style to use turning.
    def SetTurns (self, event = None):
        turn = 1
        turn_str = self.turns_spin.get ( )

        if turn_str == "Hard":
            turn = 1
        if turn_str == "Soft":
            turn = 2

        # Sends a multi-byte command to set the turn style.
        self.send_cmd (('t', chr (turn)), "Set Turns")

    def setbotParms (self):
        self.Halt ( )
        self.GripperHome ( )
        self.SetSpeed ( )
        self.SetDistance ( )
        self.SetTurns ( )
    def __init__ (self, master = None):
        Frame.__init__ (self, master)
        self.pack ( )
        self.createWidgets ( )
        self.CtrlButtonsState (DISABLED)

# Kick off the GUI (Tk) then size and title the app window
def main ( ):
    root = Tk ( )
    root.geometry ("450x360")
    root.wm_title ("Rover Control Center (RCC)")
    app = App (master = root)
    app.mainloop ( )

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main ( )


Scott Beasley

Scott Beasley

9 projects • 61 followers
Well odd
