Joy Talking
Created August 4, 2020 © GPL3+

TRF Bug Zapper

Safety first with LiDar for Human Sense, we expose multiple angles of all the surfaces in a room using one UV-C lamp and drones and swarm

AdvancedProtip22 hours84

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Ubidots Robot base

Software apps and online services

Snappy Ubuntu Core
Snappy Ubuntu Core

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Breadboard, Metal Back Plate
Breadboard, Metal Back Plate


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Custom parts and enclosures

components listed


TRF Bug Zapper

this is a robot with drones some human sense and safety first. virus killing bug zapper lamp




Joy Talking

Joy Talking

1 project • 2 followers
Senior Software Engineer, Robotics passions since childhood. Also fan of R2D2 which might be part of the robotics passion.
Thanks to Bill Rees and Rushabh Jain.
