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On the Technoblogy website, David Johnson-Davies designed an anagram game called Conundrometer to help his son improve his anagram solving skills. This seemed like a great project to upgrade with a PCB and a 3D printed case. I also changed the circuit to use a more modern microprocessor.
VideoSchematicThe circuit is designed around a ATtiny3216 microprocessor. This 20pin device has 32K Flash memory and 2K Static memory which happens to be the same sizes as the ATmega328 used by the Arduino UNO. Unlike the ATmega328 microprocessor, the ATtiny3216 can run with a 1MHz clock. This means it uses at lot less power while it is running and while it is in sleep mode thus allowing the battery to last longer.
I designed the schematic with a 3V3 regulator thinking I might power the unit from an external power source. In the end, I didn't use it so you can leave U$2, C6 and X2 off the PCB if you wish.
Converting a 5V 1602 LCD display to run on 3.3VMost 1602 LCD displays are designed to run at 5V. There are 3.3V versions available but they can be quite expensive. Most 5V boards can be converted to run from a 3.3V supply by added three components and changing a jumper.
1. Add a ICL7660 SOIC chip to U3
2. Add two 10uF 1206 capacitors to C1 and C2
3. Open J1 (remove solder) and close J3 (add solder bridge)
3D printingThe STL files are included. Either take these to a 3D print shop or if you have your own printer, run them through your slicing software. I used a 0.2mm layer height and no supports.
Drill out the two PCB mount holes with a 2.5mm drill and create a thread with a 3mm tap.
If the lid is lose, add blue painters tape around the rim of the bottom until the fit is tight.
The PCBAs the ATtiny3216 microprocessor only comes as a Surface Mount Device (SMD), I decided to use SMD packages for most of the components in the build.
The Eagle files have been included should you wish to have the board commercially made or you can do as I did and make it yourself. I used the Toner method.
Assembly - Step 1Start by adding the SMD components. I find it easier to use solder paste rather than use solder from a reel when soldering SMD components.
Also solder the pin header for the UPDI programmer and the polarized connecter for the battery connection onto the copper side of the board.
Careful of shorts when soldering the 10K trimmer potentiometer that is used to set the contrast of the LCD.
Add the 16 pin header for the 1602 LCD display. Also super glue some padding onto the top of the board to support the LCD PCB. Make sure when the display is placed on PCB, it's PCB sits parallel.
Add the LCD display, switches and buzzer to the top side of the board.
Screw the assembled board to the case top with two 6mm M3 screws.
The ATtiny3216 is part of the new breed of ATtiny microprocessors. Unlike the earlier series such as the ATtiny85, the new breed use the RESET pin to program the CPU. To program it you need a UPDI programmer. I made one using a Arduino Nano. You can find complete build instructions at Create Your Own UPDI Programmer. It also contains the instructions for adding the megaTinyCore boards to your IDE.
My home made UPDI programmer outputs 5V. Since the 1602 LCD display is now configured to run from 3.3V, you can't power the board with the UPDI programmer. Instead connect only the ground and UPDI wires (leave the 5V wire unconnected) and apply the power from the 3.7V LIPO battery.
Once the board has been installed in the IDE, select it from the Tools menu.
Select board, chip (ATtiny3216), clock speed (1MHz), millis()/micros() timer (TCD0) and the COM port that the Arduino Nano is connected to.
The Programmer needs to be set to jtag2updi (megaTinyCore).
Open the sketch and upload it to the ATtiny3216.
ConclusionThanks David Johnson-Davies for a delightful project. Unfortunately English was my worst subject at school and while I enjoyed the build, my ability to solve the words sucks big-time.
Author: David Johnson-Davies - www.technoblogy.com - 6th June 2014
CC BY 4.0
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license:
2020-04-30 John Bradnam (jbrad2089@gmail.com)
Create program for ATtiny3216
Added sound
Modified code to fit into 32K Flash (99% used)
Arduino IDE:
BOARD: 20pin tinyAVR 0/1/2 Series
Chip: ATtiny3216
Clock Speed: 1MHz Internal
Programmer: jtag2updi (megaTinyCore)
millis()/micros() Timer: TCD0
ATtiny3216 Pins mapped to Ardunio Pins
VDD 1|* |20 GND
(nSS) (AIN4) PA4 0~ 2| |19 16~ PA3 (AIN3)(SCK)(EXTCLK)
(AIN5) PA5 1~ 3| |18 15 PA2 (AIN2)(MISO)
(DAC) (AIN6) PA6 2 4| |17 14 PA1 (AIN1)(MOSI)
(AIN7) PA7 3 5| |16 17 PA0 (AIN0/nRESET/UPDI)
(AIN8) PB5 4 6| |15 13 PC3
(AIN9) PB4 5 7| |14 12 PC2
(RXD) (TOSC1) PB3 6 8| |13 11~ PC1 (PWM only on 1-series)
(TXD) (TOSC2) PB2 7~ 9| |12 10~ PC0 (PWM only on 1-series)
(SDA) (AIN10) PB1 8~ 10|_____|11 9~ PB0 (AIN11)(SCL)
PA0 to PA7, PB0 to PB5, PC0 to PC3 can be analog or digital
PWM on D0, D1, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D16
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/power.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include "words.h"
#define adc_disable() (ADC0.CTRLA &= ~ADC_ENABLE_bm)
#define adc_enable() (ADC0.CTRLA |= ADC_ENABLE_bm) // re-enable ADC
//LCD Screen
#define LCD_RS 8 //PB1
#define LCD_EN 9 //PB0
#define LCD_D4 10 //PC0
#define LCD_D5 11 //PC1
#define LCD_D6 12 //PC2
#define LCD_D7 13 //PC3
#define SW_START 2 //PA6
#define SW_MOVE 0 //PA4
#define SPEAKER 1 //PA5
#define POWER 3 //PA7
#define LIGHT 14 //PA1
//Initialize the LCD
LiquidCrystal lcd(LCD_RS, LCD_EN, LCD_D4, LCD_D5, LCD_D6, LCD_D7);
#define SLEEP_TIMEOUT 15000
unsigned long sleepTimeOut;
unsigned long WordH = 0;
unsigned long WordL = 0;
char Conundrum [] = "AAAAAAAAA";
char Scramble [] = "AAAAAAAAA";
char Guess [] = "AAAAAAAAA";
#define TOTAL_WORDS 8680 //Number of 9 character words in word list
int Score = 0;
int Trials = 0;
int winNotes[] = {880,988,523,988,523,587,523,587,659,587,659,589, 0,0};
int winDelays[] = {100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,250,0};
int loseNotes[] = { 0,440,447,466, 0,415,420,440, 0,392,397,415, 0,392,415,392,415,392,415,392,415,392,415,392,415,392,415, 0,0};
int loseDelays[] = {400, 50, 50,100, 80, 50, 50,100, 80, 50, 50,100, 80, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70,400,0};
// Initialise Hardware
void setup()
digitalWrite(POWER, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LIGHT, HIGH);
//Attach interrupt handler to wake up from sleep mode
// The megaTinyCore attachInterrupt function uses to much code
// so it has been stripped down to the bare minimum
//attachInterrupt(SW_START, switchInterrupt, CHANGE);
adc_disable(); // Doesn't use ADC
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.print(" Conundrometer! ");
sleepTimeOut = millis() + SLEEP_TIMEOUT;
// Handle pin change interrupt when SW_START is pressed
// The megaTinyCore attachInterrupt function uses to much code
// so it has been stripped down to the bare minimum
PORTA.INTFLAGS |= PORT_INT6_bm; //Clear SW_START button interrupt
// Handle pin change interrupt when SW_START is pressed
// No longer used
void switchInterrupt()
// Wait for user to stop pressing start button
bool testForButtonPress(int pin)
return (!digitalRead(pin));
// Wait for user to stop pressing start button
void waitForButtonRelease(int pin)
do {
} while(testForButtonPress(pin));
// Set all LCD pins LOW or HIGH
void setLcdPins(int state)
static char Outputs[] = {LCD_RS, LCD_EN, LCD_D4, LCD_D5, LCD_D6, LCD_D7};
for (int i=0; i<6; i++)
pinMode(Outputs[i], state);
// Put the processor to sleep
void Sleep()
digitalWrite(LIGHT, LOW);
digitalWrite(POWER, LOW);
sleep_mode(); // System actually sleeps here
sleep_disable(); // System continues execution here when watchdog timed out
// Continue after sleep
digitalWrite(POWER, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LIGHT, HIGH);
lcd.begin(16, 2);
// Find word n in wordlist, 0 <= n <= TOTAL_WORDS
void FindWord(int n)
unsigned int p = 0;
unsigned char diff;
unsigned long GapH, GapL;
WordL = 0;
WordH = 0;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
GapH = 0;
GapL = 0;
do {
diff = pgm_read_byte(&diffs[p++]);
GapL = GapL<<7 | (diff & 0x7f);
GapH = GapH<<7 | (GapL>>24 & 0xFF);
GapL = GapL & 0x00FFFFFF;
} while (diff < 0x80);
WordL = WordL + GapL;
WordH = WordH + GapH + (WordL>>24);
WordL = WordL & 0x00FFFFFF;
// Unpack characters from WordH and WordL into Conundrum[0] to Conundrum[8]
void DecodeWord()
unsigned long TempH = WordH;
unsigned long TempL = WordL;
for (int i=0;i<9;i++)
Conundrum[i] = 'A' + (char)(TempL & 0x1F);
TempL = TempL>>5 | (TempH & 0x1F)<<19;
TempH = TempH>>5;
// Create an anagram of the word in Conundrum[0] to Conundrum[8] and
// put it in Scramble[0] to Scramble[8] by performing 9 random swaps
// of pairs of letters
void MakeScramble()
int i=0;
int j;
unsigned char temp;
for (int c=0; c<9; c++)
Scramble[c] = Conundrum[c];
for (int c=0; c<9; c++)
j = (1 + i + random(8)) % 9; // 1 to 8
temp = Scramble[i];
Scramble[i] = Scramble[j];
Scramble[j] = temp;
i = j;
// Test Guess == Conundrum
boolean TestGuess()
for (int i=0;i<9;i++)
if (Guess[i] != Conundrum[i])
return false;
return true;
// Copy character c from Scramble to character g in Guess
void CopyGuess(int c, int g)
Guess[g] = Scramble[c];
Scramble[c] = ' ';
lcd.write(' ');
// Move the cursor to the next character
int ScanCursor(int c)
do {
c = (c+1) % 9;
} while (Scramble[c]==' ');
return c;
// Start a new trail
void startNewTrail()
if (Trials>100)
Score = 0;
Trials = 0;
// Show countdown bar
// Returns true if timed out or false if startButtonPressed
bool countDownTime()
// Countdown
for (int i=0;i<15;i++)
unsigned long time = millis();
int t = 2000;
do {
if ((millis()-time > t) && (t <= 30000))
t += 2000;
} while (!testForButtonPress(SW_START) && t <= 30000);
for (int i=0;i<15;i++)
return (t > 30000);
// Let user enter their guess
// Returns false if sleep activated otherwise true
bool userEnterGuess()
int c = 0;
int g = 0;
// Process each character in turn
do {
sleepTimeOut = millis() + SLEEP_TIMEOUT;
do {
if (testForButtonPress(SW_START))
//Move character to next position (c) in guess
c = ScanCursor(c);
if (millis() > sleepTimeOut)
return false;
} while (!testForButtonPress(SW_MOVE));
// Copy 8 letters
CopyGuess(c, g);
c = ScanCursor(c);
} while (g<8);
// Copy last letter automatically
CopyGuess(c, g);
return true;
// Show the score on screen
void displayScore()
// Display score
//This reduces code by 58 bytes by not including lcd.print(int)
char s[8];
itoa(Score * 100 / Trials, s, 10);
//lcd.print(Score * 100 / Trials);
sleepTimeOut = millis() + SLEEP_TIMEOUT;
// Play a sequence of notes
void playSound(int* n, int* d)
while (*d != 0)
// Main program loop
void loop()
do {
if (millis() > sleepTimeOut)
sleepTimeOut = millis() + SLEEP_TIMEOUT;
lcd.print(" Conundrometer! ");
} while (!testForButtonPress(SW_START));
// Start a new trial
// Show countdown
if (countDownTime())
// Display answer
playSound(loseNotes, loseDelays);
else if (userEnterGuess())
if (TestGuess())
playSound(winNotes, winDelays);
playSound(loseNotes, loseDelays);
#pragma once
/* Wordlist Data */
const uint8_t diffs[] PROGMEM = {
2, 33, 87, 25, 8,135, 95, 92,117, 11,157, 50, 84, 78, 77,232, 63,107, 72,133,
27, 87, 90, 94,240, 73, 47,127, 22,134, 4, 72, 58, 77,191, 26, 96, 5, 22,189,
3, 84, 89, 60, 97,191, 11, 94, 4, 61,203, 3,114,192, 5, 11,125,119,248, 13,
77, 43, 93,193, 3,119,111, 39,134, 62, 85, 16,255, 3, 70, 7,109,132, 1, 75,
121, 75,253, 20, 17, 73,163, 14, 34, 52, 72,152,115,124,203, 63,119, 63,240, 1,
31,120, 64,144, 35,186, 15, 17,180, 2, 89, 69,102,160, 1, 47, 9, 18,227, 4,
37, 5, 85,191, 3,111,113,112,128, 1, 77,126, 41,124,191, 1, 12, 68, 0, 16,
142, 63, 33, 60,247,120, 27,204, 35, 26, 72, 76,176, 2, 2, 45, 92,141, 15,112,
31,132, 47, 91, 27, 80,249, 11, 58,183, 16, 26, 38,103,193, 39, 39,118, 12,254,
72,111, 76, 0,138, 1, 0, 0,128, 15, 2, 73, 25,227, 16, 74,124, 54,146, 3,
101,115, 82, 10,145, 70, 28, 37, 50,156, 4, 23, 14, 30,242, 1, 46,126, 2, 14,
194, 95,121, 65,198, 2, 76, 9,234, 31,118, 40,122,250,121,122, 1, 57,214,101,
38,114, 22,159, 56, 39, 72, 37,145, 3,122,113, 77, 46,150, 11, 37, 71,112, 24,
202, 6,118, 1, 93, 62,243,104, 21, 48, 16,221, 2,116, 88,133, 7,115,125, 69,
70,198, 11,117, 38, 74, 63,183, 6, 4, 33,228, 16, 35,116,231, 7, 95, 83, 88,
3,182, 86, 47, 39,155, 3, 87,127, 80,192, 6, 93, 57, 4,239, 1, 32, 34,123,
227, 2,121,125,255, 7, 31, 62, 86,145, 19,197, 16,139, 3, 64,100, 17,160,102,
98, 20,155, 3,114,192, 50, 89, 5,194, 71,244, 45, 14, 56,136, 2, 24, 49, 82,
193, 2, 11, 86, 5,193, 14, 76,113, 25,251, 95, 56,125,135, 16,253, 22,104,230,
3, 4, 16,238, 71, 7,181, 5, 65, 89,203, 86, 61, 42,167, 1, 72, 58, 74,136,
1, 93,127, 76,149, 2, 99, 88,238, 2, 25, 98,102,150, 1, 2, 29,228, 62, 99,
72,135, 20,107,143, 1, 32, 65, 33,240, 2, 41, 74,245, 3, 56,102,251, 2, 96,
115,130, 16, 10,109, 6,253, 57, 1, 7,142,111,247, 2, 7, 93,140, 10,244, 3,
194, 14, 27,230, 4, 33, 0,150, 76, 64, 87,203, 1, 64, 13, 27,145, 1, 17, 13,
24,136, 2,188, 2, 44, 57,106,220,192, 3, 1, 93,139, 2, 41, 82,199, 49,176,
3, 26,173, 62,245, 2, 89,156, 13, 36,168, 4,248, 68,130, 19,158, 7, 39,175,
3, 64,132, 29,190, 1,190, 25,112, 31,179, 14, 43,176, 1,111, 19,241, 6, 42,
11,143, 26, 98, 22,146, 60, 81,139, 7, 15,177,106,178, 34,238, 2, 97, 74,242,
2, 19, 70,129, 61, 0, 89,149, 2, 99, 19,138, 3,115,241, 11, 26,157, 49,107,
239, 73, 14, 20,241, 17, 54, 39,207, 61, 33,195, 32, 49,253, 4, 37, 64,195, 9,
77,107,146, 8, 82,159, 29,112, 1,255, 15,115, 75,191, 2, 36,209, 11, 44,156,
10, 49,216, 12, 1,255, 3, 97, 84,219, 13, 68,177, 86,240,108,241, 11, 92,149,
2, 99,235, 3,127,238, 97, 23, 3,175, 15,243, 4, 49, 10, 96,105,224, 5, 32,
38,102, 24,179, 13,112, 60, 59,102,236, 1, 64, 1,224,112,128, 3, 59, 49,145,
2, 92,104,174, 1, 23, 63,104,143, 5, 7, 36,210, 1, 4,141, 33, 35, 70,185,
16, 36,190, 38,121, 0,122,234, 1, 42, 0,211, 1, 65, 32,241, 3, 60, 32,126,
159, 3, 71, 33, 5,104,240, 4,110, 0,133,113, 43, 5,188, 2,165, 65, 63, 1,
234, 72, 40, 93,211, 7,122, 22,170, 8,244, 1,104, 33,117,254, 3, 11, 9,140,
11, 0,246,137, 2,109,127,247,121, 14, 14,134, 7,104,100,166, 24,103,133, 70,
70, 47,240, 3,118,223, 1,165, 1, 95, 49,252, 18, 30,158, 14, 5,208, 2, 4,
2,176, 2, 90, 39,226, 3, 23, 85,223,142, 2,143, 64, 0, 37,241, 7,120,114,
177, 1, 95,120, 46,205,101,246, 3,194, 19,125,202, 2, 97, 89,208, 1, 68, 22,
177, 7,126,250, 69, 33,162, 3, 14, 95,225, 8,244, 55, 95, 3,143, 95,157, 5,
83, 16,195, 62,194, 56, 73, 72,192,102, 15,192, 18, 40,142, 4, 38,103,230, 4,
75,102,228, 67, 9,168, 44, 67,121,206, 3, 8, 76,143, 21,102, 48,242, 3,132,
19,114,255, 1, 91,188, 1,108, 45,193, 15, 16,147, 4, 66,172, 6, 49,208, 6,
120,128, 23,157, 71,147, 32,141, 6,180, 1, 93,127,142, 2,127,127,143, 26, 0,
241, 2,124,120,128, 2,163, 13,221, 18,163, 79,212, 2,220, 19,173, 11,175, 53,
101, 71,129, 2, 46,194, 35, 33,177, 4, 88,145, 47,105,112,155, 11, 45,163, 5,
33,123,172, 71,147, 3, 34, 8,237, 2,103, 98, 31,158, 98, 55,126,182, 15, 7,
140, 81,116, 40,211, 1, 95, 29, 71,161, 1,116, 94, 27,158, 1, 74, 38,103,171,
2, 89, 15,232, 2, 73, 13,215, 72, 2,153, 74, 92,238, 45, 59, 9,241, 2,123,
18,172,109,221, 15, 30,245, 38, 16, 1,152, 9,100, 73,155,101,119, 24,128, 2,
176, 21, 6,224, 2, 6,100,142, 1,120, 42,214, 2,116, 73,135, 3, 6, 20,163,
11, 36, 15,176, 42, 76,121,143, 2, 9,124,129, 18, 94,176, 4, 98, 38,193, 2,
8,123,105,133, 15,121,234, 1,112, 19,224, 8,175, 3, 64, 19,145, 1, 30, 96,
224, 1, 3,224, 2, 87, 90,226, 37,158, 8, 4,160, 7, 46,194,117,205, 46, 88,
130, 29, 16,142, 2,163, 57,108, 15,244, 1, 18, 31, 25,139, 41, 89, 63,129, 6,
88,128, 1, 84, 23,173, 69, 54,176, 1, 95,100,128, 19,127,254, 99,145, 1, 50,
193, 2,101,165,141,130, 4,236,132, 7, 20,221, 1, 1,235, 5, 15,211, 4, 32,
100,246, 7, 57, 84,252, 2, 38,162, 7, 17, 0,128, 13, 5,205, 1, 29, 10,179,
2, 25, 95, 1,190, 3,120,157, 5,100,252, 1, 91, 33,231, 52,144, 76,160, 1,
28,158, 39,195, 15, 29,141, 86,188, 1,193, 29,243, 1,106,140, 1, 75,128, 1,
247,143,110,255, 3, 92,135, 3, 3,186, 2,144,112,132, 22,173, 2,180, 13,200,
1, 62,246, 1, 40,252, 3,165, 12,235,119,241, 2,195,135, 5,199, 3,246, 1,
131, 4,106, 2,134, 30, 75,116,206, 62, 12, 6,212, 97, 45, 70,219, 1, 42, 7,
130, 2,163, 39, 88,128, 6, 7, 42, 76,206, 58,208, 5, 69,193, 5, 28,156, 4,
99,210, 1, 96,144, 1,105, 43,163, 16, 85,211, 1,120, 11,158, 3, 29,234, 5,
7,254, 2,118,126,130, 12, 16,244, 4,104,142, 2,103, 2,227, 1, 6, 31, 44,
149, 31,117, 93,133, 22, 97, 7,161, 41, 20, 99,213, 7, 20, 17,137, 1,106, 87,
82,181, 8, 0,128, 1, 88, 28,202, 65, 59,156, 5,121, 96,140, 48,104,128, 5,
111,125,158, 27,192, 15,100,192, 1, 55, 34,210, 3,120, 93,174, 8, 8,191, 3,
175, 4, 19, 4,209, 14, 51,122,147, 8,112,121,206, 6,194, 39, 21,205, 2, 57,
98,179, 2, 46, 69,221, 76, 22,241, 10, 63,121,143, 3, 70, 18,161,117, 17,129,
40,118,209,132, 25, 6,218, 2, 8, 3,174, 57, 30,178, 1, 37,103,242, 15,126,
190, 55, 63,143, 7, 96, 66,179, 16, 24, 1,190, 40, 0,128, 96, 30,182, 2, 55,
97,202, 14,178,144, 25,101,113,206, 3, 23,173,102, 63,148, 9, 65,175, 5,104,
99,157, 28, 8,244, 2,177, 2,119,208, 1, 38,112,132, 1,127, 29,249, 22, 95,
114,179, 5, 41, 0,190, 9, 49, 26,146, 24, 12,142, 8, 17,224, 71,208, 4, 7,
230, 1, 93, 84,218, 32,141, 7, 20,243, 11,102,162, 97,235, 2, 7,246,142, 3,
118,175, 16,237, 3,226, 25,242, 4,111,147, 64,204, 78,177, 3, 24,254, 1, 91,
149,141, 62,255,241, 1,175, 44,160, 2,180, 19,230, 1, 89, 97,131, 5,115,246,
10, 51,254, 2,177, 17,126,207, 1,165, 2, 91, 76,222, 32, 56,137, 47,123,111,
243, 18,125, 9,129, 2,177, 58, 9,121,222, 5, 25,125,242, 9, 6,141, 2,163,
7, 69,205, 12, 48,242, 7, 51, 16,158, 56, 30,193, 7, 25,108,220, 83, 93,115,
211, 7,114,131,103, 27,120,176, 2,112, 14,217,121, 65,126,179,195,142, 2,163,
2,176,105, 14, 92,253, 42,101,120,225, 2,127, 87,242, 20,216, 19,182, 29,205,
2, 42, 53,107,146, 5, 14,197, 1, 4, 66,140, 1, 2, 94,223,130, 23, 0,210,
1, 31, 94,188,145, 62,240,145, 3,157, 24, 83,241, 4,104,134, 2, 30, 32,219,
8, 3,144, 25, 93,128, 1, 64, 1,208, 38, 34,144, 31,190, 5,108,251,136, 19,
78,244, 2,139,110,224, 1, 15,240, 65,132,230, 1, 63,153,106, 88,191, 25, 48,
48,252, 20,116,241, 14,106,177, 27, 98, 38,193, 5,117,254, 9,117,227, 11, 43,
173, 10,151,101,233, 2,163, 3, 80,142, 12,192, 17,141, 3,243, 3,158, 4,242,
2, 33, 3,255, 2,163,112,128, 2,124,117,211, 2, 25,139, 18, 37,250, 78, 26,
220,106, 16,218, 4, 33,205, 1, 52,116,211, 3, 17,194, 55, 55, 8,162, 2, 0,
79,252, 14, 16, 15,242, 15,113,222, 4, 2, 20,128, 5,100, 27,252, 7, 76, 99,
146, 51, 12,225, 2, 2, 3,132, 4,253, 7, 72,138, 14, 12,131, 1, 27,227, 12,
160, 3,238,146, 83,250, 14,246, 19,205, 20,179, 2,100,100,161, 10, 83,222, 8,
8,138, 39,252, 8, 8,254, 64, 2,202,104, 5,180, 2,161, 39, 57, 64,144, 1,
124, 16,142, 38,193, 34, 6,140, 4, 94,107,165, 2,124,105,222, 25, 91,206, 2,
242, 2, 24, 2, 64,129, 54, 32,127,177,127, 23,118,238, 3, 28, 13, 9,228, 97,
100, 29,173, 2,161, 12, 85,174, 10, 68, 25,184,125,248, 8, 3,162, 24,144, 1,
115, 5,158, 7,109, 89,181, 77, 30, 31,138, 1, 35, 83,255, 28, 60,210, 5, 79,
102, 89,198, 91, 88,250, 7, 0, 27,234, 32, 28,114,213,112,129,144, 47,239, 20,
96,129, 1, 32,144,109,127,128, 15, 81,160, 48,186, 2, 93,192, 1,230, 1, 29,
153, 1,215,145,238,142,214, 7, 77,204, 56, 0,254, 48, 2,160, 65, 16,195,224,
61,224, 1,129, 56, 88,206, 32,100,132,145, 1,203,145, 31,239, 32,145, 48,160,
25,243, 31, 78,205, 8, 52,176, 9, 20,173, 10,127,147, 96, 95,232, 30,184, 33,
131,205, 21,127,175, 50,145, 1,126,192, 7, 78,196,115, 66,252, 61,128,244, 78,
69,169,112,120,195, 65,164, 6, 0,220, 94,128, 2, 96,128, 2, 65,164, 50,185,
1,113, 15,133, 30,190, 3,224, 4,122,192, 1,208, 1,224, 6, 94,160, 3,174,
1,125,223, 63,242, 24,224, 71,160,129,131, 93,237, 1,144,144,240,131, 1,141,
62,224,148, 1,191, 1,174, 92,159,240,131, 1,141, 1,128, 56,107,153, 17,215,
73,224, 47,109,193, 11, 56,142, 2,163, 64,103,208, 53, 2, 21,255, 2, 52,126,
254, 5, 16, 91,193, 29,205, 1,125, 28,159, 86, 94, 51,211, 8, 90, 26,241, 42,
0,189, 11,119,157, 24, 47,232, 38, 25,118,207, 2, 7, 18,172, 71,147, 2, 28,
37,191, 5, 93, 90,193, 39, 4, 39,242, 7, 84,216, 1, 57, 91,182, 2, 15,127,
242, 2, 40, 68,211, 1, 13,139, 19,109,208,194, 14,104,158, 3, 23,163, 1, 86,
33,206, 35, 92,222, 35,158, 31, 95,246,104,234, 1, 55, 3, 55,150,100, 77,205,
117, 31,145, 2,165, 1, 34,121,231, 5, 9,108,130,119, 84, 2,207,127, 42,132,
80,128, 1,121,103,160, 5, 70,160, 2, 29,112,167,138, 13,147, 16,163, 54,247,
1,141,246, 33,199, 24,184, 14,103,200, 1, 30,182, 63, 64,138, 49,226, 28,158,
10, 99,198, 35,112,226, 39,250, 47,168, 1,177, 15,123,254, 11, 98,175, 24,142,
5,193, 6,255, 11,123,134, 1, 87,120,199, 16, 60,195, 11, 9,225, 63,153, 23,
137, 35,183, 1, 71,246, 41,208,100,119,157, 12, 45,212, 54,143, 18, 10,238, 1,
14,226, 4,119,161, 36, 25,128, 59, 71,144, 47, 98, 18,175, 23, 92, 0,128, 24,
38,193, 4,121, 83,143, 10, 73, 64,156, 3, 98,108,213, 1, 6,112,128, 1, 18,
113,177, 8, 55,104,142, 24,237, 31,113, 68,226, 2, 22, 88,242, 10,114,176,103,
143, 7, 88, 38,193, 6, 12,121,177, 15, 1,222, 11, 90,240, 1, 90, 12,173, 5,
119,147, 8,237, 16, 19,216, 18,143, 6,126,202,177, 2,163, 21,221,242, 71,128,
142, 1,247,230, 1,246, 2, 21,235, 1,115,126,180, 3, 9, 33,161, 2, 98, 56,
158, 38,193, 22, 60, 0,128, 91, 25,177, 4, 66, 64,153, 1, 55,108,181, 1, 49,
67,178, 60,120,108,219, 15,243,123, 38,123,166, 32, 21,219, 7,111,157,227,137,
2,156, 11, 9,139, 1, 52,222, 1,207, 78,128, 43,114,192, 7, 60,245, 3, 55,
236, 7, 19,167, 11,112,167, 39, 16,224, 10,100,224, 9, 8,130, 1, 8,128, 2,
147,144, 2, 4,217, 99, 56,246,142, 7,127,157, 12,215, 39,163, 13,227,129, 14,
129, 5, 24,134, 4, 50,209, 2, 21,188, 4,128,102,118,228, 34, 64,164, 1, 25,
81,156, 8,118,240, 1, 96,142, 6, 49,202, 11, 39,216, 30,164, 45,251, 10,119,
144, 19,161,152, 21,197, 49,129, 25,176,141, 23,217, 38,125,219, 1, 10,165, 1,
156, 12, 0,188, 43, 37,224, 3, 66,146, 4, 43,157, 47,252, 3,184,138, 1,196,
34,251, 12, 9,133, 7,242, 1, 99, 96,143, 7, 16,249, 6,128,129, 2,232, 6,
145, 2,199, 64,135, 13,179,143, 3, 89,239, 4, 57,188, 11, 20,195, 6, 20,171,
4,106,212, 2, 8,144, 91, 11,224, 4, 13,163, 7,103,247, 26,182, 38,202, 50,
156, 4,223, 24,132, 11, 66,149, 8, 38,236, 3,104,244, 27, 10,164, 1,127,130,
16, 0,254, 42, 16,192, 16, 66,174, 64,174, 1,211, 1,185, 11, 77,197, 2,151,
5, 55,252, 15, 57,120,144, 6, 2, 72,142, 3, 65,236, 3,227,111,242,142, 3,
207, 1,132, 3, 77,222, 1,100, 29,205, 7, 4,131,103,157, 3, 44,226, 7,242,
142, 2,151, 5,229, 42,181, 4, 16,128, 4, 37,207, 2,151, 1,234, 3,118,176,
2, 6,193, 1, 98,172, 1, 95, 48,128, 16, 4,241, 2,136, 20, 64,154, 2, 90,
0,128, 3, 2, 0,128, 25, 62, 8,224, 35,239, 1, 62,108,144, 21,126,192, 47,
126,170, 20, 98,183, 58, 63,173, 68, 29,146,123,100,178,107, 71,143, 7, 93, 45,
207, 3,116,112,239, 30,121, 26,165, 52,222, 15,254, 13, 47, 82,167,154, 15,127,
230, 2,188, 64, 29,238, 56, 34,146, 59,109,222, 6, 32,131, 61, 93,188, 3, 56,
5,130, 15,107,128, 2,177, 88, 54,207, 45,107,225, 1, 49, 61,196, 72,109,233,
11, 79,242, 1, 5, 24,142, 56, 50,163, 37, 52, 57,140, 9,113, 44,195,107,189,
35, 87,130, 21,105, 39,226, 8,103,228, 12, 13,142, 1,117, 40,252,253, 2,241,
46,194, 37,195, 2,206, 11, 24,220, 71,147, 38,193, 1, 89,191, 3, 56,237, 1,
86,119,133, 27, 96,172, 5,125,177, 1,247, 2,127, 46,152, 2, 93,114,148, 27,
117,140,209, 80,128, 12,110, 58,182, 2, 17, 8,219, 1, 4,109,234, 11,103, 18,
163,120,177, 2, 62,121,132, 1, 90,117,222, 6,193, 1,127, 1,161, 19,108, 0,
144, 24,125,221, 1, 93, 90,177, 37, 33,208, 94,176, 29,205, 4, 95, 90,179, 20,
0,128, 25,208, 15,253, 4,244, 5, 89,191, 2, 0,128, 38,193, 8, 91, 78,136,
20, 61,131, 1,117, 24,132, 54,176, 26, 0,128, 8,237, 2, 12,226, 2, 6,246,
1,121, 5,139, 94,176, 29,205, 9, 26,179, 2,112, 64,128, 3, 69,193, 2, 94,
20,225, 12, 84,159, 21, 1,161, 1, 8,128, 5, 95, 72,158, 22, 40,131, 2, 9,
37,204, 2, 98,177, 1,102, 9,204, 12,112,132, 86,176, 37,205, 15,119,177, 3,
97,195, 59,139, 2, 88, 38,179, 29, 68,197, 14, 45, 19,174, 1, 60, 85,103,187,
31, 93, 5,146, 66, 32, 19,167, 2, 29,108,223,109,101, 99,187, 45, 92, 28,191,
2, 19,115,223, 21, 77,111,226, 2, 42, 61, 69,254, 71,209, 32,128, 61, 37,122,
188, 59, 87,245, 29,205, 6, 97, 98,179, 89, 69,203, 45,100, 96,246, 49, 58, 0,
128, 41, 69, 18,172, 71,147, 2, 50, 5, 56,237, 4, 26,111,133, 1, 29, 16,114,
158, 4,107, 12,177, 2, 31, 33, 19,171, 59,124, 99,225, 3, 67, 28,159, 1, 28,
118,125,183, 2, 27, 55, 56,226, 4, 14, 54,188, 11,139, 3, 7,110,193, 55,118,
6,180, 5,118,126,132, 15, 19,194, 2, 67,105,185, 1, 27, 59, 24,172,115, 94,
134, 3, 17, 13,207, 3, 24, 59,100,225, 1,121,103,160, 5, 70,160, 2, 29,112,
167,138, 13,147, 16,163, 54,247, 1,141,246, 33,199, 24,184, 14,103,200, 1, 30,
182, 63, 64,138, 49,226, 28,158, 10, 99,198, 35,112,226, 39,250, 47,168, 1,177,
15,123,254, 11, 98,175, 24,142, 5,193, 6,255, 11,123,134, 1, 87,120,199, 16,
60,195, 11, 9,225, 57,207, 5,202, 23,137, 35,183, 62, 23,247, 6,113,235, 46,
12,213, 54,143, 18, 10,238, 6, 6,131, 87,109, 99,254, 5, 65, 91,209, 1, 30,
40, 79,189, 15,243, 3, 26, 60, 99,117,139, 22,186, 9,125, 28,188, 44, 37, 91,
177, 41, 90, 85,236, 14, 87, 63, 18,192, 24, 61, 58, 52,242, 16, 2,122, 32,176,
88, 54, 15,144,127, 81, 28,161, 2, 85,112, 40, 87,147, 2, 14,198, 13, 25,182,
5, 8,128, 17,103,240, 15,110, 49, 49,192, 23, 96, 60, 29,239, 32, 73, 62,170,
1, 34,188, 6, 99,102,172, 1, 47, 63, 17,193, 1, 69,106,124,124,226, 5,123,
13,188, 36, 26,196, 88, 39, 68,220, 6, 60, 22,194, 1, 26, 86,190, 56, 46, 72,
145, 21, 86,147, 1, 61,119,246, 2, 27, 28,151, 3, 35, 96,131, 61,124,225, 2,
64, 62,254, 8, 0, 57,140, 76, 38, 16,244, 20, 59, 59,139, 3, 68, 53,240, 16,
61,109,129,134, 8, 40,143, 10,128, 22, 22,247, 13,111,116, 83,166, 73, 8,119,
173, 22, 39,109,175, 90,178, 61, 80, 77,208, 51, 6, 20,157, 32, 57, 14,149, 15,
12,101, 48,147, 1,177, 1, 63, 33, 92,239, 3, 66, 50,172, 46, 15,105, 27,225,
103, 58, 10,132, 30,117,253, 1,146, 5, 98,156, 1, 85,113,209, 1, 7,118,211,
26, 85,183, 10,115,153, 4,106,104,237,102,105, 59,100,227, 31, 63, 79,236, 78,
22,163, 1, 44,237, 4, 26, 94,228, 3, 22, 61,138, 3, 31,178, 1, 65, 90,132,
53, 44, 15,245, 1, 8, 70,112,139, 42, 53,125,246, 32, 12,149, 2,107,115,241,
1,111, 0,240, 1, 10, 43,161, 2, 69, 56, 80, 45,204, 7,126,227, 1, 65, 18,
147, 31,126, 34,201, 30, 64,108,213,126, 34,111,132, 1, 6,251,133, 1, 18,139,
117,239, 1,125,145, 4, 2,241, 4,127,254, 2, 48,145,129, 24,131, 1,235, 3,
88,145, 3, 80,208, 63,128,144,240, 3, 66,144, 32,188, 4, 98,213, 5,107,175,
98, 27, 52,224, 1,249, 95,250, 24,119,140, 14, 26,176, 14,103, 8,128, 17, 79,
100,195, 3,201, 24,133, 4, 97,117,206, 1, 5, 24,241, 24, 91, 82,149, 2, 90,
63,251, 48,209, 2, 60, 19,224, 2, 34, 26,240, 6, 43, 84,197, 29, 4,117, 10,
218, 7, 16, 15,162, 24, 6, 14, 18,172, 2, 65, 34,115,211,148, 5, 4, 1,138,
91, 91,130, 4,127, 39,125, 49,140, 10, 10, 1, 4, 99,231, 93,126,125, 3,253,
23,157, 80,128, 22,102, 55,116,232, 71, 96,108, 50,145, 31,117,233, 94, 95, 82,
193, 38,179, 12, 1,209, 23,102,156, 92, 41,182, 64, 83,109,216, 15, 14, 43, 89,
147, 13, 94,128, 11,127,244, 10, 49,235, 15, 48, 84, 65,208, 1, 80,112,237, 26,
15,107,227, 1, 31, 98, 20,157, 35, 36, 93,220, 33,103, 98,149, 23,103,136, 17,
72, 32, 47,224, 7,122,152, 10, 43,128, 49, 72,245, 1, 16, 35,139, 39,124,239,
8,253, 81, 69,247, 35,221, 1, 41, 15,168,172, 2, 85,222, 5, 67,147, 8, 13,
240, 23, 88,235, 1, 14,143,103, 3,159, 12,227, 58,178, 12, 45,206, 3,175, 1,
99, 14,162, 6, 71,165, 1,113,204, 65,161, 12,158, 2, 91,147, 16,101,163, 11,
49,220,120,132, 1,152, 39, 11,238, 83,108,228, 64,127,253, 35, 55,151, 20,235,
84, 1,207, 1, 0, 16,192, 52,116, 45,241, 11, 82,151, 35, 37,219, 16, 2,165,
125,233, 23,105,247, 1, 39, 32,160, 62,219, 17, 73,129, 99,125,170, 29, 4,129,
1, 56,116,226, 2,151,120,128, 11,118,237, 31, 47,128, 72, 41,243, 1,119, 69,
251,142, 2,151, 13,184, 2,226,109,207, 1, 7, 63,254, 12, 17,249, 7, 74,220,
49, 99,188, 2,136, 10, 71,188, 1,124,122, 1,203, 15, 27, 58, 23,167, 5, 53,
187,100, 74, 91,253, 1,125, 3, 99,178, 66, 39, 96,209, 7, 48, 82, 24,128, 34,
151, 47,108,127,108,217, 1, 30, 32,129, 3, 27,115,202, 26, 60,104,226, 54, 4,
91,221, 54,122, 40,129, 5, 56, 12,249, 26, 69,103,191, 2, 1,119,235, 4, 67,
103,147, 62, 12,192, 60, 0, 75,193, 14, 21, 45,103,229, 1, 73, 77, 62,228, 2,
0, 0,128, 16, 14,246, 52, 34, 20,144, 13,123, 58, 11,245, 9, 99,254, 12, 28,
129, 9,127,137, 15,253,131, 3,121,128, 1, 20, 95, 86,252, 13, 39,246,104, 44,
100,160, 25, 78,192, 75, 66,145, 3,127,180,112,110,186, 5, 45, 40,212,124,226,
17,251, 43, 60, 99,129, 13, 80,126,196, 78,121,156, 23, 55, 30, 29,242, 23, 31,
4,120,196,123, 67, 80,163, 10, 15,181, 3, 39,239, 13,157, 4, 93,135, 6, 2,
248,114,228, 1,183, 12,235, 75,251, 43,246, 2,195, 3,125,205, 50, 17, 23, 91,
239, 7, 63, 65, 92,225, 11,126, 34, 73,234, 4, 38, 88,125,183, 23, 94, 64, 47,
137, 91,100, 51,182, 21, 59, 95, 88,227, 2, 29, 84,187, 3, 45,127,108,166, 3,
122,118,218, 95,123,103,226, 49,116, 47, 42,192, 1,122,125, 21,211, 31, 21, 3,
117,203, 1, 5, 24,237, 27, 69, 93,252, 1, 13, 17, 19,190, 93, 84, 35, 88,153,
47,127, 40,198,109,221, 64, 7,119,239, 13, 85,126,144, 17,106, 0,208, 24, 0,
128, 9,101,115,220, 10, 21,222, 6,119,106,184, 18, 27,203, 1,112,128, 1,128,
56,122, 8,244, 1,117, 98,158, 4,121, 30,255, 2, 65,121,128, 76, 7,132, 1,
8,128, 9,116,235, 25,113,120,248, 2, 40, 31,217, 7, 95,175, 2, 19,113,130,
55, 22,240, 7, 35,194, 10, 12, 81, 63,231, 66,122, 20,216,141, 4, 43, 59, 8,
131, 8, 52,157, 34, 84, 55, 60,226, 60,116, 0,209, 15, 61,111, 11,176, 4,241,
68, 0, 33, 97,208, 5,123, 13,180, 3, 34,197, 2, 49, 53,181, 1, 67,127, 44,
159, 65,120, 11,241, 1, 18, 20, 90,119,193, 40, 28, 23, 96,186, 6, 35, 27,149,
1, 59, 96, 45, 32,132, 17, 77,205, 79, 35,118,149, 13,114,133, 57, 88, 25,166,
93, 89,116,213, 84, 35,187, 39, 45, 15,242, 29, 96, 21, 0,152, 90,103,126,187,
60, 79, 89,196, 1, 65, 78,151, 2, 8, 28,176, 2, 33, 70,145, 99,100,101,221,
22, 87, 44, 18,160, 1, 40, 83, 80,242, 83,248, 70, 15, 35, 33,129, 18, 81,184,
1, 45,117,100,206, 75, 5, 89,229, 1, 94, 44, 48,236, 1, 13, 82,190, 51, 11,
239, 3,164, 5, 5,141, 13, 78,204, 2, 49,131, 49, 26,153, 71, 4,229, 51,112,
137, 8, 7,245, 55, 71,250,123, 60,156, 26, 29,210, 2,176, 38, 79,145, 14,113,
236, 65, 23,164, 6,102,161, 49, 24,207, 7, 13,207,111,106,165, 1, 0,101,234,
3, 44,210, 4, 3,173, 50,194, 13,194, 40,247, 7, 78,212, 48,163, 11, 80,137,
10,187, 60,190, 10,107,163, 7,252, 41, 13,188, 22,109,132, 23,115,159, 26,177,
255, 51,220, 3, 44,164, 4, 44,226, 48,254, 7, 37,244, 13,221,115,177, 3,147,
23,220, 9, 32,171, 72,228, 22,175, 2, 93,158, 6,106,226, 3, 61,207, 57,247,
22,137,115,104,128, 1,247, 44, 6,137, 19,113,207,100, 30,177, 27, 82,147,117,
7, 57,132, 4, 20,219,142, 63,106,151, 1, 32, 87,192, 2, 63, 64,192, 3, 73,
14,219, 1,165, 22, 87,199, 56,125, 15,148, 1, 3, 56, 1,165, 1, 67,103, 16,
202,125, 24,101,240, 2, 9, 95,179, 81, 28, 30,237, 80, 28, 3,192, 2, 5,103,
23,144, 1, 32, 8, 69,186,131, 41,253, 4,102, 57, 48,214, 2, 35, 66, 70,168,
4, 8,135, 4,118, 23, 0,128, 6, 86, 54, 0,128, 16, 40, 99,145, 64, 87, 36,
237, 3, 61,103,253, 13, 19,152, 72,124,123,225, 2,115,113,221, 9, 6, 94,160,
36,102, 20,240, 59, 32, 20,163, 6, 27, 34,147, 2, 8, 0,128, 82, 97,235, 10,
16, 37, 34,238, 63, 5, 85,143, 11, 16, 2,120,247, 96, 0, 26,143, 3, 56,116,
236, 68, 1,120,132, 80, 20, 45,139, 2, 12, 93,241, 2,110,117, 52,173, 97, 4,
123,220, 13,105, 42,132, 88, 61, 27,129, 15, 7, 83, 12,243, 2, 68, 13,127,146,
20,105, 88,247, 24, 0,128, 18, 15, 95, 58,153, 5,230, 26, 21,252, 3, 45, 96,
31,250, 28, 43, 87, 96,139, 14,101, 9, 66,213, 16, 61, 32, 66,175, 18, 34, 34,
255,106, 93, 25,128, 1, 64,107,252,105, 53,218, 13, 84, 30, 81,202, 8, 28,124,
63,133, 1, 49, 89,101,216, 58, 57, 64,137, 47,235, 16, 44, 0,243, 13,104,131,
1, 79, 17,213,112,136, 59, 13,195, 1, 10,192, 70, 0, 0, 1,177, 1, 19, 30,
22,249, 27, 71,204, 29,180, 15, 66, 19, 82,207, 66, 53, 68,241, 1, 26, 53,112,
209, 1,108,108,129, 30,150, 5, 47, 14,102,186, 8, 14, 80, 89,224, 3, 92, 16,
128, 22, 21, 56,228, 8, 37, 99,224, 8, 0,128, 43, 90,104,154, 4, 37, 28,224,
16, 64,100,242, 18, 1,218, 54,106, 29,192, 1, 59, 19,149, 28, 78,192, 41, 82,
165, 28, 43,204, 1,160, 1, 33,123,157, 54,196, 3, 85, 32,207, 1, 45, 87,146,
124,226, 1, 26,107,172, 60,212, 32, 79,246, 6, 34, 1,251, 8, 33, 9,173,125,
207, 7,106, 48,137, 8, 53, 79,134, 33, 27,115,189, 22, 7,124,189, 11, 5,134,
14, 3,251,118, 10,151,105, 39,194, 7, 37,173,124, 32,252, 23, 19, 88,252, 12,
36,107,246, 7, 10,148, 1,127, 49,246, 65, 17,157, 25, 20,104,254, 21, 63,119,
125,208, 2,114, 31,236, 27, 6,119,170, 8, 57, 2,168, 41, 58, 8,162, 6, 69,
119,222, 14,120, 21,216, 7,115,153, 52,238, 13,127,239, 6, 5,149, 5,176, 84,
203, 79, 68,105,221, 74,123, 95,243, 18, 9, 9,224, 20, 33, 15,242, 58, 72,159,
3, 29,180, 2,196,100,199, 1, 51,185, 62,193, 7,255, 3, 32,218, 10, 61,162,
23,255, 2,134, 1,106,149, 2, 48,135, 3, 15,170, 8, 30,164, 23,127, 54, 89,
146,230, 75,105, 72, 15,217, 46, 35, 66, 6,197, 51, 99, 31, 85,255, 20, 11,193,
80, 3, 78,166, 1, 61,105, 88,163, 8, 2,235, 6, 60,146, 31, 58, 67, 43,224,
4,117,127,177, 35, 20,101,236, 79, 35, 48,131, 21, 64, 0, 63,129, 8, 47,252,
12, 2,184, 2,191, 1,112, 49, 36,141, 40, 24, 63, 98,141, 5, 24, 96,143, 1,
29,106, 47, 77,179, 6,114, 87,190, 80, 63, 72,243, 36, 16,220, 80, 33, 63,158,
126, 86,103,133, 25,112,111,129, 4,108,223, 7, 13,128, 7, 2, 0,244, 13, 61,
45, 16,194, 49,120, 8,128, 31, 27, 86,217, 3, 35,113,209, 47,146, 14, 26,113,
189, 36, 35,225, 1, 72, 92, 97,141, 9, 83, 67,112,131, 3, 99,103, 98,192, 72,
83, 37,176, 2, 96, 68,142, 81, 92,226, 3, 78, 82,176, 1, 31,117, 16,145, 22,
57, 16, 32,191, 4,110, 62,208, 27, 9, 62,177, 37, 30, 63,159, 1, 72, 42,179,
78, 5,112,141, 1, 58, 45,187, 45, 63,116,215, 67, 4, 6,191, 7, 79,158, 26,
110, 21,198, 23,126,251, 17,114, 1, 82,136, 1, 73,126,136, 1, 10, 29,107,210,
2, 96, 0, 48,203, 50, 5, 48,128, 71,147, 38,193, 1, 67, 11, 1,161, 8, 80,
158, 8,114, 6,202, 7, 58,163, 2, 13,227, 16, 90,240,101,127,240, 24, 0,128,
2,114, 0,147, 2, 44,123,254, 18,165, 1, 13,184,118,104,177,122,147, 15,125,
174, 6, 24,128,105, 88,177, 92, 2,133, 2, 51,101,216, 4, 6, 76, 7,172, 41,
83, 43, 57,234, 13, 0, 34,171, 6, 7, 64,209, 29, 15, 13,145, 16, 32,113, 63,
140,105, 60, 22,253, 14, 80, 22, 52,194, 1,127, 94,186, 1,115, 9,224, 8,167,
38,145, 16, 17,130, 15,123, 73,229, 1,127,139, 4,116,249, 50,109,113,213, 10,
3, 16,197, 8, 38,118,223, 54, 65,119,226, 22,175, 3, 95,128, 9, 43,189,117,
192, 8, 2,179,136, 1, 38,197, 12, 54,129, 60,142, 1,109,244, 3, 88,114,221,
32, 32,128, 2,110,211, 1,117,192, 2, 91, 93,141, 13, 35, 44,131, 2, 96, 85,
252, 20, 8,179, 11, 83,160, 81,158, 8,102,124,138, 28, 70,250, 2,113, 57,139,
2,108, 74,193, 56, 50,193, 65,121,239, 22, 0,133, 1,139, 10, 14,253, 1, 37,
3,189, 17, 30, 6,154, 58,107,173, 37,107, 80,130, 12, 7,253, 1,110, 4,129,
18, 39,249, 14, 14,246, 3, 61,141, 4, 92, 19,244, 8, 43,253, 8,101,230, 6,
94,173, 4, 40,128, 3, 6,242, 8,104,106,255, 23,109,129, 15,113, 28,158, 18,
64,140, 1,111,107,221, 2, 10, 57,134, 2,118, 20,245, 1, 45,127,221, 42,252,
27, 91,103,175, 2,125,106,249, 1, 38, 2,138, 12, 59,117,208, 3, 67, 74,140,
92, 55,180, 21, 58,113,100,223, 88, 16, 15,142, 5, 51, 28,151, 47, 47, 7,159,
9, 13, 77,189, 43, 80, 26,195, 10, 64, 73,196, 5,116, 83,250, 2, 45, 10,165,
80,105,139, 11,106, 46, 11,222, 12,123,197, 17,124,172, 92,113, 57,143, 6, 44,
42,177, 38,193, 9, 64, 87, 87,137, 1, 91,102, 57,214, 2, 96,239, 3, 4,197,
1,239, 14,129, 3, 83,197, 8, 1,182, 6,193, 24,148, 1, 52,179, 27,186, 2,
44,194, 2, 43,206, 3, 63,146, 4, 0,234, 1,111,145, 48,227,111,254,101,206,
9, 25,224, 1, 86,112,231, 46, 49, 92, 5,187, 10,127,127,242, 1, 99, 11,161,
32,139, 69,230, 3,253, 16, 10,255, 1,247, 1,251,225, 4, 13,225, 6,124,192,
5,134, 1, 14,157, 2,188, 3,114,168, 1, 65, 3,156, 1, 34, 25,234, 12, 46,
176, 54,193, 1, 41, 79,128, 39, 72,254, 63,126,173, 10, 92,122,182, 1, 69,158,
34, 26,137, 18, 39, 86,248, 1,116, 27,172, 23, 90, 0,128, 1, 61,126,182, 69,
62,173,174, 2, 4, 94,194, 3,166, 2,123,121,234, 1, 69,112,210, 1, 41, 15,
174, 94,176, 13, 61,108,192, 20, 25,237, 9, 43, 55,191, 10,121,246, 1,113,156,
35,119,232, 7, 86,224, 32, 22,137, 3, 88, 32,128, 15, 16,143, 59,231, 11, 67,
252, 4,225, 2,127,104,128, 12, 21,196, 1, 17,227, 87, 64,217, 27, 51,169,108,
41,211, 39, 90, 48,226, 2, 3, 93,211, 1, 41, 39,128, 4,185, 1, 5,197, 1,
51, 87,207, 23,173, 12, 34,153, 55, 52,229, 12, 19,180, 18, 0,132, 1, 41, 61,
198, 9, 83,168,105,125,241, 33,206, 52,144, 27,166, 22,218, 6,121,192, 12, 65,
176, 70,211, 5, 57,173, 6, 38,208, 2, 40,141, 7,110,113,163, 15, 30,213, 1,
112,105,203, 3,174, 3,112,209, 2,151, 20,113,135, 85, 45,179, 4, 31, 97,128,
7, 2, 90,176, 1,102,104,220, 1, 56,153, 1, 2, 18,252,114,127,146,127,240,
7, 52,169, 10, 23,161, 1,103,149, 26,158,131, 19,155, 24,230,141, 14, 7,155,
4, 25, 2,250, 7,118,223, 1, 16,217, 1, 93,112,229, 25,126, 6,190, 1, 67,
3,225, 2,105, 8,128, 23, 77,116,159, 41, 70,255, 7,127,128, 8, 72,222, 47,
112,163,103, 40,128, 40,106,161, 1, 82,192, 3,107,175, 18,175, 29,193, 7, 48,
142, 98, 90,151, 7, 71,224, 5,251, 3,113, 25,225, 9, 6,171, 18,124,149, 1,
6,158, 7, 8,129, 2,111,229, 1, 31, 24,140, 1, 0, 77,219, 7, 35,145, 20,
104,143, 47,246, 57, 88,237, 25,127, 90,253, 11, 44,151, 2, 30, 64,136, 87,161,
2, 56, 13,180, 7,114,165, 17, 37,233, 7,100,157, 13, 38,119,178, 1,132, 7,
117,196, 2,115, 89,231, 53,214, 6, 93, 14,219, 4, 4, 43,194, 27,128, 14, 97,
53, 25,129, 14, 91,127, 18,207, 56, 95,224, 7, 80,112,243, 22, 62, 41,191, 6,
56,115,173, 58, 36, 70,251, 63, 15, 59,198, 5, 57, 4,192, 4, 77, 64,240, 24,
122, 0,132, 62, 12, 37,129, 5,108, 27,133, 4,122,148, 3, 15, 20,229, 1, 4,
125,169, 9, 6, 91,227, 4,211, 2,117, 93,222, 17, 94, 49, 78,211, 4, 23, 86,
238, 6, 17, 58, 28,171, 13,104, 68,110,161, 5, 97,119,246, 4, 57, 90, 23,253,
34, 0,128,101,101,208, 1, 30, 34,187, 8,134, 30, 80,145,101, 7,231, 1,115,
38,183, 8, 10,210, 20, 11,184, 1, 64, 66,131, 3, 58,146,195, 35,157, 12,161,
5, 16,208, 3, 73,125, 23,238, 14, 1, 87,207, 20,224, 78, 91,127,128, 70, 36,
9,244, 17,116,114,176, 41, 9, 13,208, 66, 3,127,128, 2,165, 13,114,100,110,
199, 55, 91, 10, 89,211, 1, 96,105, 61,205, 71,244, 13,143, 2, 64, 41,240, 27,
8,230, 74,228, 18, 37, 5, 57,226, 93,102, 87,228, 20, 30, 5, 20,129, 1, 27,
51,115,141, 21, 8,225, 15,103,165, 62, 79, 92, 29,230, 1,116, 76,114,149, 82,
13,235, 2, 64, 95,230, 15, 38,109,111,160, 14, 25, 54, 10,176, 1,103, 91, 57,
236, 14, 72, 99,225, 5, 61,112,130, 1,247, 88, 2,220, 7, 43,159,171, 84,182,
29,196, 2,188, 77, 96,128, 12, 13,222, 1, 93,111,198, 7, 22,137, 4,211,122,
202, 1, 13, 0,227, 2,151, 2,188, 69,222, 12, 60,236, 2,250, 5, 95, 72,154,
1, 96,227, 48,255, 43,192, 7,108,171, 7, 75,132, 4, 51,178,136, 9, 9,190,
14,227,100,159, 2, 23,245, 1, 35,134, 38,139, 90, 11,156, 7, 52,212,161, 31,
138,178, 16,178, 48,241, 15,128, 18,165, 6,109,184, 24, 0,163,142,129, 2,150,
110, 98,188, 11, 19,174, 1,118, 51,157, 1,111,147, 8,105,203, 1, 76,133, 2,
30,253, 2, 19,153, 2, 30,120,128, 1, 5,233, 3,207, 14,200, 6, 87,199,120,
14,148,142, 1, 1, 3,175, 63, 29,195,123,115,225, 56, 18, 3,173, 23,118, 50,
114,151, 1, 69, 93, 29,124,217, 2, 31, 90, 60, 4,205, 3,114,104,154, 8,167,
38,145, 16, 17,130, 15,123, 73,229, 1,127,139, 4,116,249, 50,109,113,213, 18,
42, 7,164, 54, 65,119,226, 22,175, 3, 95,128, 9, 43,189,117,192, 8, 2,179,
136, 1, 38,197, 12, 54,129, 60,142, 1,109,244, 6,171, 3, 88,108,178, 32, 32,
128, 2,110,211, 1,117,192, 2, 91, 93,141, 13, 35, 44,131, 2, 96, 85,252, 20,
8,179, 11, 83,160, 81,158, 8,102,124,138, 28, 70,250, 2,113, 57,139, 2,108,
74,193, 56, 50,193, 65,121,239, 22, 0,133, 1,139, 10, 14,253, 1, 37, 3,189,
17, 30, 6,154, 38, 38, 59,175, 12, 7,253, 1,110, 4,129, 18, 39,249, 14, 14,
246, 3, 61,141, 4, 92, 19,244, 8, 43,253, 8,101,230, 6, 94,173, 4, 40,128,
3, 6,242, 2,118, 75,189, 5,114, 31,194, 23,109,129, 8, 33, 51,175, 7, 79,
104,239, 18, 64,140, 1,111,107,221, 2, 10, 57,134, 2,118, 20,245, 29, 10, 18,
136, 10,126, 93, 94, 1,244, 97, 7, 8,112,226, 31,125, 68, 0,138, 48, 2, 54,
112,214, 2,123, 45, 31, 77,198, 2, 51, 16, 2, 71,199, 16, 2,107,106,239, 3,
41, 30, 52, 22,196, 13,105,192, 3, 49,233, 26,227, 11, 64,246, 1, 20,138, 2,
70, 17, 30,107,246, 15, 4, 28, 64, 23,139, 6,122, 10,224,106, 92, 21,224, 85,
78, 57, 72,128, 7, 62, 0, 12, 65,164, 4,105, 12, 54, 49,203, 29,126, 67,109,
194, 40,240, 11,126,223, 3, 57, 11,238, 1,123, 6,228, 1, 5,118,223, 1, 57,
126,157, 1, 35, 8,225, 6, 10, 11,174,104,227, 15,252, 11, 92,131, 1, 75,149,
6, 88,232, 2,109,246,126,143, 15,254, 3,103, 20,129, 18, 27,255, 98,151, 1,
80,154, 12, 13,208, 2, 21, 50,146, 28,221, 11,208, 6,180, 62,219, 6,105,171,
72,135, 32, 24,211, 1,206, 1,115, 54,241,126,223, 1, 40, 90,176,103,143, 8,
237, 5,126, 27,211, 3, 40,255, 80,242, 1,255, 19, 77,159, 2,163,192, 5, 85,
143, 2,241, 2,112,174, 5,100,237, 1, 29, 1,245,132,126,234, 59, 26,189, 71,
147, 3, 42,162, 2, 2, 85,222, 11,112,128, 12,104,135, 73,201, 23,157, 6, 80,
128, 1, 22, 20,216, 7, 56,235, 19,105,178,144, 13,205, 2,243, 37,157, 99, 90,
163, 37,207,142, 28,211, 15,142, 6,126,194, 9,140, 20,195,171, 79,213, 2,133,
216, 2,132, 29,196, 1,184, 1,132, 6,109,208, 85,221, 80,128, 2,163, 10, 93,
222, 12, 23,255, 71,143, 4,134, 46, 6,226, 2,220, 12, 13,222, 1, 29, 37,207,
104,128, 24,128, 22,246, 26, 72,185,209, 24,143, 1, 7,241, 1, 35, 86,251, 21,
11,156, 2,188, 69,222, 6, 46,176, 6, 14,188, 2,250, 2,188, 7,126,115,159,
120, 48,243, 3,220,114, 45,239, 12, 81,177, 3, 13, 53,161, 11, 65, 14,254, 3,
0, 42,147, 10, 30, 52,221, 13, 40,142, 2, 74,128, 2, 11,130, 5,123,128, 3,
69,143,119,238, 1, 7,161,107,221, 1,128, 2, 2,232, 7,206, 1,120,254, 1,
67,210, 1, 38, 48,142, 23, 64,192, 40, 72,161,127, 56,144, 11, 95,242, 11, 96,
128, 1, 0,239, 2, 63, 17,182, 1, 14,219, 87, 98,157, 8, 28,241, 7, 18,163,
63,212, 16,234, 1,128, 1,160, 11, 74,239, 48,242, 11,115,241, 1, 87, 93,192,
8, 78,223, 19, 9,161, 12, 40,206, 20,224, 8, 23, 50,143, 1,192,142, 79,242,
36,226, 3,221, 15,110,196, 8,119,189, 1,192,209, 29,239,129, 1,193,147,218,
29,210,131, 93,166, 4,151, 1, 78,240, 5, 14,128, 3,224,107,224, 3, 17,161,
1,191, 31,160, 2,216, 30,136, 1,192,224,129, 42,255, 50,144, 1, 80,144, 1,
176,132, 1,127,126,201,131, 5, 87, 70,159, 34,225, 46,129, 26,159, 7, 63,146,
38,207, 7, 79,158, 2,190, 12,178,148, 1,240, 3,138, 28,128, 27,131, 3,249,
134, 11, 51,225, 22,132, 3,220, 11, 21,174, 24, 22,242, 2,175,149, 8, 63,156,
20, 15,192, 11, 47,224, 7, 95,253, 38, 25, 10,131, 23,160, 16, 27,245, 11, 75,
190, 1,124,202, 9,253, 89, 55,251, 49,173, 33,172, 21,147, 6,103,142, 8, 23,
139, 50,128, 6,131, 19,165, 11, 96,128,116, 46,190, 2, 6, 8,145, 2, 57,119,
239, 22,127,145, 52, 50,177, 14, 56,251, 1, 21, 22,213, 86,141, 27, 50,163, 1,
29,221, 35, 50,163, 2, 0, 64,222, 5, 3,108,241, 3, 90,157, 13,241, 2,207,
40,178, 4,255, 17, 9,129, 8, 17,224, 30, 78,145, 1, 50,160,237, 21, 60,226,
34,193,127,239,132,204, 3, 70,178, 12, 9,143, 23,115,217, 47, 41,133,240, 21,
115,209, 64,129, 1, 92,163, 18, 35,205,143, 93,243,238, 41, 67,207, 32,141, 3,
35,165, 3,113,206, 11,102,162, 96,171, 1,192, 2, 7,246,142, 8, 26,238,121,
149, 64,204, 3,103,175, 1, 91,162, 62,255,241, 1,175, 44,160, 2,180, 19,230,
30,123,166, 64,128, 93,160, 1,160, 1,192, 53, 70,211, 5, 56,224, 6, 33,209,
94,220,160, 12, 96,192,196, 77, 3,206, 25, 35,176, 93,207, 11,189, 4,195,142,
2,147, 21,221, 3, 56,142, 4, 39,145, 27,148, 1, 72,251, 14, 31,133, 2,125,
221, 2,163, 2, 80,142, 9, 77,191, 91, 80,241, 2,176, 64,141,132, 93,175, 1,
200, 21, 32,248,148, 1,157, 7, 62,159, 30, 13,159, 7,254, 15,242, 27,178, 55,
173, 31,243, 8,177,142, 5,255, 6, 93,250, 1,134,250, 11,217, 5,232,140, 76,
183, 17,130, 1,247, 2,220, 19,173, 8,128, 11,149, 3,235,250,134, 10,194, 6,
117,190, 2,151, 94,202,129, 30,143, 11,178, 11, 84,206,208, 2,210,144, 1,190,
16,242, 11, 77,188, 1, 25,116,230, 12, 59,201, 13, 29,131, 96,191, 7, 82,177,
44, 33,176, 6,119,193, 1, 31,239, 4, 96,132, 63,252,208, 10, 67,224, 95, 18,
226, 31,120,128, 24,128,104,111,240, 16,105,206,108,240, 1, 50,212, 29,192, 2,
171, 1, 64,142, 61,199, 94,220, 1,160, 1, 25,102,224, 3,160, 1,113, 56,177,
131, 3, 14, 19,236, 8, 48,192, 4,160, 13, 30,182, 1,113,109,233, 1, 3,179,
2, 29,117,200, 1, 24,120,248, 64,125,206, 40, 0,128, 1,161, 2,255, 91, 76,
164, 10, 62,239, 21, 80,140, 2, 51,176, 1, 25,118,194, 15, 23,157,122,242, 11,
4,241,142, 2,151, 1, 46, 93,231, 25, 4,131, 23,157, 71,147, 3, 36,211, 5,
96, 80,238, 2, 19,172, 4, 7,255, 7,124,213, 5,103,254, 1,105, 32,130, 23,
137,134,255,110,245,129, 4,250, 1,123,129,208,120,177, 10, 0,147, 4,170, 12,
210,117,241,132, 9, 24,252, 63,128, 17,142, 6,246, 5,123,196, 24,139, 5,181,
112,130, 42,197, 22,164, 78,143,130, 2,132, 5,246,132, 8,142, 2, 96,248,106,
183, 7, 24,223, 94, 83,235, 56,247,142, 3,175, 23,102,200, 87, 33,166, 20,227,
48,128, 42,225, 1,128, 11,188,213,142, 3,207, 1, 70,226, 8, 8,128, 1, 23,
198, 2, 13,132, 8, 0,247,142, 2,151, 1, 9,230,104,214, 4, 66,252,177, 2,
147, 16, 80,128, 2, 35, 21,221, 24, 88,144, 29, 98,177, 28,205, 3,179, 7,110,
208, 4,128, 1,107,253, 46,130, 3,187, 2,117,181,144, 4, 84,129, 2, 2,240,
1, 43,192,116,202, 6,121,133,129, 66,189, 2, 87,243, 1,191, 8,103,161, 99,
224, 1, 26,223, 1, 23, 24,199, 16,158, 18, 97,204, 13, 11,255,101, 24,250, 74,
49,183, 1, 4, 46,193, 6, 69, 19,171, 1, 38,102,151, 4, 30, 12,206, 8,103,
120,254, 11, 8,249, 4, 10,121,188, 1, 90,125,189, 2,161, 1, 21,237, 15, 95,
193, 1,160, 23,126,224, 63,180,109, 16,128,144, 3,181, 41, 53,198,119,193, 4,
160, 16, 0,128, 23,146, 39,176, 2, 50, 70,211, 23,127,138, 21,108, 10,147, 96,
188, 1, 5,178, 2, 47,239, 9, 96,130, 74,191, 4, 55,226, 3, 17,139, 63,147,
47,242, 1, 98,116,213, 1,253, 88,133, 3,128,130, 3, 50,254, 3,184, 1,198,
62,195,134, 12,189,135,251,130,244, 1,200,135, 1,188, 30,175, 1,203, 38,195,
1, 53,198, 30,237, 1, 34,129, 2,254,145, 44,253, 1, 61,242, 29,128, 53,132,
129,133, 2,252, 2, 42,254,129,133, 1,136,240,147, 1,171,139, 4,118,181,130,
3,140,131, 82,245, 2,140, 2,244, 7,154, 1,103,166, 2, 4,192,145, 1,250,
3,128, 2, 34,244, 3,188, 3, 84,197,136,132, 1,128,255, 1,176, 21,205, 7,
40,132, 34,184, 20,186, 2,128, 13,252,129, 1,128, 1,148, 29,235, 8,139,249,
138, 2,182, 1,199, 2,245,139,129,130,242,132,134, 1,128,136,131, 1,185,132,
1,174,133,134,131, 3,254, 2, 95,244, 1,241, 2,158, 60,226, 3,158, 21,130,
25,181, 1, 47,139, 79,160,243,129, 32,186, 1, 83,101,241, 1,247, 10, 23,132,
19,127,133, 2,151, 9,109,152,209, 2,147,132, 2, 90, 4,223, 1, 13,139, 9,
126,142, 1, 9,224, 7, 35,147, 56,240, 2,133, 2,220, 1, 4,254, 11, 7,170,
1, 94,246, 1, 39,131, 1,130, 2,188, 85,201, 40,133, 2,113,212, 58, 38,201,
91, 95,213, 8, 32,128,142, 2,151,109,219, 2,165, 19, 28,248, 11, 88,174,195,
2,151, 77,219,123,127,132, 32, 20,168, 27,255, 13, 91,148, 29,205, 6, 3,253,
2,122,255, 83,183, 9,197, 6,192, 45,188, 15,130,141,241, 6, 88,137,103,246,
1, 24,131, 16,134, 1,132, 74,243, 12,147, 14,237, 5,143, 14,194, 1,186, 3,
130,247, 2,201, 1,127,116,189, 3, 97, 11,168, 69,221, 34,207, 3,123, 40,207,
2, 33,191, 15, 59,163, 67,227, 43,244, 1, 52,128, 79,199, 24,227, 1,100,174,
203, 4, 30,248, 3,106,221, 3,124,161, 1, 66, 1,144, 87, 41,209, 7,111,169,
1,157, 77,127,252,132, 6, 72,140, 2, 8,142, 16,237, 8,227, 20,241, 33, 71,
142, 15, 43,162, 84,145, 7,106,162,112, 32,162, 70,137, 18,114,147, 36, 98,221,
10,134, 7, 8,185,209, 88,244, 29,253, 4,240, 3,188, 4,146, 18,118,196, 12,
8,193, 98, 22,190, 3,143, 62,176, 4, 47,226, 13, 29,237, 31,242, 35,193, 11,
190, 5, 29,172, 76,180, 3,121,224, 1,111, 23,222, 3,108, 96,162, 16,237, 1,
14,192, 1, 29,245, 1, 3,203, 67,221, 1, 64,247, 16,142, 64,128, 26,163, 7,
4,221,251,100,216, 26,174, 2,131, 14,153,213, 5, 0,128,142, 2,151, 48,154,
22,211, 2,179, 46,172,144, 2,170,126,244, 30,254, 1, 63,228, 65,176, 4, 19,
219, 3, 50,134, 19,242, 5,231, 14,158, 86,129, 1,133, 1, 83,253, 1, 50,252,
1,248, 47,189, 1,200, 78,137, 2, 7,175, 1,210, 1, 8,210, 86, 88,164, 7,
45,251,157,132, 2,132, 29,134,227, 2,151, 13,234, 36,210, 12,159, 7,254, 7,
130, 7, 2,165, 93,219, 23, 31,157,227, 2,165, 98, 17,217, 1,109,132, 2,252,
107,146, 7, 9,252,132, 1,176,140,130, 1,176,115,139, 1, 81,245,132, 30,254,
7,106,191, 36,192, 3, 9,144, 4,210,115,161, 1,105,221, 32,224, 43, 72,178,
123,101,162, 1,202,129,145,184, 53, 68,231, 2, 58,211, 1, 97,190, 4, 80,141,
16, 44,226, 7, 34,225,109,159, 5, 80,128, 26,151, 1, 52, 13,233, 11,104,128,
2,151, 86,125,219,142, 1, 19,162, 6,108,141, 10,232, 41,134, 20,227, 6,250,
247, 2,195, 21,204, 14,254, 8,145,241, 3,175, 3,207, 19,153, 7, 71,248, 24,
210, 24,160, 22, 94,211,112,155, 45,101,129, 2, 28,174, 1,119,147, 1, 29,207,
1, 2,227, 5,124,146,137, 8, 20,255, 28,115,178, 5,164, 8,114,238, 6, 24,
128, 1, 5,146, 78,203,104, 4,212, 2,133, 54,235, 7, 95,144, 2,165, 1,152,
20,209,242, 1,165, 7,120,234, 10,112,178, 41,160, 59,159,142, 1,247, 2,220,
19,173, 8,128, 4,211, 10,158, 34,105,143, 19,144, 8, 7,135, 6,219, 1,165,
40,164, 48,212, 12,227, 3,221, 13,163, 1,165, 7, 47,252, 5,223, 48,128,142,
2,151, 1,152, 10,124,128,105,209, 5, 71,226, 6, 6,237, 65,147, 24, 26,159,
7, 12,239, 96,128,144, 2,151,204, 7, 21,141,144, 50,225, 4,238,177, 48,128,
34,163, 11, 39,172, 45,166, 11, 1,139,114,151, 17,202, 27, 24,242, 6, 69,222,
11,112,141, 2, 7,243, 4, 37,207, 2,225, 1, 87,208, 46,193, 8,114, 6,130,
2, 48, 16,254,142, 3, 99, 24,128, 6,114, 82,147, 11, 32,128, 69,223, 1,109,
63,189, 32,193,144, 1,118,105,193, 78,177,142, 4,122,180, 6,199, 10, 11,130,
3, 78,180, 8, 13,193, 8, 20,143, 1, 50, 3,142,241, 23,242,142, 2,151, 1,
69, 77,233, 1,247,216, 1, 37,111,212, 36,250,213,142, 7, 65, 27,245, 12,112,
136, 10,124,131, 12,157, 1,123,228, 1,105,115,178, 3, 20,205, 4,116, 88,225,
16, 86,164,235,139,140,233,142, 1,182,130, 3,119,237, 22,226, 7, 73,146, 84,
223,134, 3,180,145, 1,175,132, 4, 3,252, 34,201, 1,115,127,249, 6,109, 40,
140, 15,103,147, 2, 6, 55,177, 1,107, 42,156, 3, 0,120,223, 9, 3,115,132,
7,104,255, 14,254, 9,253, 46,138, 1, 81,237, 9, 23,128,111,254, 1, 29, 11,
241, 8, 60,159, 19, 41,243,103,221, 21,174, 55, 11,186, 88,131, 1,112,137, 44,
186, 19, 99,179, 33,205,131, 37, 2,253, 11,179,138, 62,201, 35,254, 11,130, 3,
250, 7,191, 3,195, 3,188, 3, 13, 71,245, 25,208, 3, 40,156, 54, 28,196, 56,
91,154, 9, 36,230,132, 60, 55,141, 2,129, 19,112,190, 61, 37,140, 89, 26,230,
32, 89,220, 1, 27,194, 67,108,176, 1, 67, 52,224,240, 7, 30, 97,192, 1,125,
33,220, 15, 59,163, 67,227, 43,244, 1, 52,128, 2, 76,216,203, 10, 5,247, 1,
127,255, 5, 42, 19,241, 2, 68,119,174, 21, 93, 56,118,227, 54, 61,112,143, 9,
65, 71,251,109, 1, 80,226, 23,115, 20, 93,152, 74, 29, 4, 20,159, 5,105, 91,
62, 37,229, 62,103, 58,102,252, 11, 95, 14, 94, 55,133, 9, 46,101, 77,244, 1,
83, 17, 60, 31,174, 1, 24, 74, 77,196, 7, 39, 32,208, 50, 87,127,124,191,123,
213, 65,113, 79,240, 3, 38,156, 12, 91,159, 15, 1, 76, 59,139,131, 1,105, 92,
150, 1, 99, 95,126,188, 6, 33, 50, 2,145, 1, 86, 6, 6,213, 3, 82,100, 63,
15,250, 49, 27,127, 24,145, 8, 48, 49, 29,100,189, 7, 81,132, 19, 71,213, 66,
223, 8,133, 49,180, 19, 62,207, 2,127, 31, 52, 85,190, 6, 46, 94,244, 87,117,
8,133, 81, 29, 41,240, 1, 64, 97,214, 2,104, 96,213, 29, 50, 24, 36,240, 56,
122, 76,193, 3,102, 29,226, 13, 14,190, 6, 64, 55,151, 84, 42, 67,187, 5, 6,
110,192, 10, 65, 25,142, 18, 13, 84,255, 16, 32,249, 63, 90,111,252, 85, 20, 79,
146, 47, 41, 75,102,239, 46, 0,122, 50,218, 1, 54,108, 38,191, 46, 63, 74,167,
57,135, 6,119,132, 10, 81, 54, 89,181, 66, 63,122,250, 3,126, 66, 2,140, 5,
71,247, 11,115,207, 8, 28,160, 16, 63, 36, 25,211, 48,144, 13, 7,245, 1, 26,
82,119,250, 17, 94, 63, 30,192, 81,143, 62,254, 70, 72, 77,249, 91, 38, 81,246,
139, 3, 76,113, 53,249, 7, 0,145, 1,237, 4,125,254,145, 6, 51,185, 47, 60,
24,136, 12, 10, 77, 47,246, 11,122, 99, 24,130, 14, 95,251, 8, 2, 55, 25,200,
23,119,122,119,123,129, 1,104, 46, 89, 97,128, 4, 12, 53, 0, 34,192, 1,120,
62, 32,121,181, 9, 2, 17, 6,156, 4, 59,122,104,210, 6, 23, 68,116,116,157,
38, 46, 8, 5,114,135, 2, 31,239, 13, 54,132, 47,253, 40, 51, 48,251, 15, 26,
89,142, 1,109, 73,127, 6,252, 1, 10,188,117, 55,171, 42, 42,149, 43,128, 30,
106,222, 2,100, 33,193, 2, 0, 83,233, 1, 5, 57,246, 1, 78, 87,238,111, 40,
156,118, 10, 73,209, 2,109, 7,129,124, 5, 15,181, 8, 62,125,251, 10,129, 11,
117,239, 14,117, 24,134, 3, 81, 68,255, 4, 62, 52,237, 15, 34,116, 1,222, 1,
51, 0,208, 70, 30, 29,209, 15, 88, 72, 49,225, 28, 98, 22,178, 25, 24,119,130,
15, 37, 7,145, 18, 28,139, 4, 94,207,110,240, 21,115, 0, 9,237, 79,119, 95,
248, 52, 47, 40,138,112,133, 8, 2, 39,210, 1, 17, 39,189, 27, 54, 88,187, 99,
120, 14,235, 24,123,163, 22, 55,100, 78,168, 1, 40, 93, 49,234, 8, 48, 71,125,
94,129, 34, 0,177, 5, 68, 31,128, 1, 92, 81,176, 53,109, 35,111,180, 2, 82,
79,253, 1, 72, 94, 49, 52,179, 32, 0,124, 22,129, 29,161, 48, 63,126,114,218,
50,110, 8,125,240, 51, 43, 53, 57,148, 2,125, 92,220, 2, 60,102,240, 4, 97,
108,160, 1, 53,115, 62,182,102, 49,104,140, 2, 69, 93, 64,118,207, 2, 63,102,
140, 1, 41, 61, 12,164, 1, 62,100,206, 34, 33,128, 4, 98, 14,149, 55, 10,124,
1,249, 2, 14, 17, 7,246, 46, 0,138, 1, 97,227, 18, 0,179, 2,112,205, 10,
46,213, 1, 30, 95,251, 1, 20,205, 32, 12,146, 1, 99,227, 31, 96,131,125, 92,
154, 46,193, 60, 38,170, 3, 7, 95,131, 91, 44,247, 54, 27,137, 14, 75, 40, 80,
43,190, 2,111, 38, 33,188, 1, 75, 77,223, 40,105,231, 24, 63,215, 8, 31,142,
2, 34, 56,155, 56, 63,242, 12,117,210, 14, 86,239, 1, 20, 51,178, 87, 32,190,
41,155, 8, 21,247, 29,142, 71, 41,228, 11, 64,236, 4, 96,210, 24, 4,209, 34,
138, 2,122,160, 5, 4,216, 7, 82,200, 9, 69,153, 3,127,234, 2,128, 3, 20,
34,190, 93, 94, 94,244, 2, 93, 2,107,253, 57, 60, 83,198, 12, 5,191, 4,100,
37,137, 1, 25, 18,209, 4, 58,106, 1,175, 18, 79,231, 7, 41, 48,128, 10, 77,
113,204, 67, 16,120,128, 6, 46, 33,124,205, 5, 48,103, 60,164, 64,122, 84,206,
1, 97, 38, 15,223, 1, 81, 66,226, 12, 37,126,195, 16,102, 42,253, 44,127,124,
147, 12,115, 99,140, 2, 19,238, 96,111, 99,179, 4, 59, 88,241, 68,220, 35, 91,
126,253, 22, 4, 16,180, 1,124,119,193, 4,105, 12,255, 22,115,133, 2,138, 46,
213, 71,174, 2, 94, 0,250, 28, 68, 11,184, 7,139, 1,119, 95,185, 71, 93,250,
27, 34, 18,192, 15, 66,111, 33,208, 13, 12,106,239, 2, 92,105, 33,139, 1, 64,
72,134, 3, 75, 55,142, 2, 73,123,163, 90, 27, 5,139, 32,185, 47, 34,200,117,
52,182, 1,141,243, 96,255, 45,127, 17,161, 8, 0, 15,168, 6,102,106, 89,191,
9, 87,163, 96, 9,127,181, 6, 49, 2, 69,177, 31,104, 14,237, 14, 65, 66,230,
5, 47, 55,153, 8, 41,227, 3, 56, 30,157, 1, 32, 3, 72,227, 38, 89, 94,254,
40,106, 17,190, 10, 31,112,136, 6, 24,104,140, 2, 54, 98, 16,172, 1, 15,101,
61,177, 2, 22, 88,242, 11, 49,177, 17,110, 78,207, 1, 98, 48, 9,157, 7,109,
239, 22, 10,192, 1, 75, 49, 15,149, 15, 44, 0,188, 82, 84, 64,162, 16, 28,254,
2, 50, 39, 89,193,109, 86, 17,193, 69, 61,125,202, 23, 35, 64,152, 1, 22, 95,
235, 2, 3, 58,227, 2, 11,109, 85,154, 8, 43,163, 4, 10, 84,226, 5, 38, 29,
120,242, 6, 30, 37,121,204, 3, 48,114, 33, 24,214, 30, 99,221, 8, 84,103, 12,
158, 28, 7, 22,116,239, 58,121, 89,128, 14, 36, 74, 14,195, 19, 55, 32,175, 21,
32, 48, 80,145, 12, 73, 73, 87,192, 3, 27, 16,105, 74,143, 11, 85, 31,146, 65,
8, 99,147, 40, 0, 60,236, 54, 29, 63, 92,149, 27,106, 38,105,252, 2, 43, 83,
58,122,222, 1,210, 4, 86, 59,220, 1, 46, 72,195, 61, 64, 15,196, 1, 5, 25,
247, 20, 63,229, 23,115, 83,148, 1, 71, 50, 70,191, 11,103,252, 5, 77,208, 41,
0, 51,225, 13, 69, 11,124,253, 81, 91,113,210, 1, 47, 69, 55,243, 64, 7,105,
190, 14, 88,112, 31,193, 7, 8,115,227, 48, 89, 13,152, 47, 47, 96, 63,223, 2,
103, 72, 33, 63,162, 1, 4, 62, 29,199, 67, 35, 65,221, 32,111,242, 47, 91,108,
198, 11, 77, 89, 48,248, 2, 90, 50, 44, 71,143, 2, 97,127, 64, 63,240, 17, 78,
7, 75,178, 67, 5, 29,211, 16, 4, 33,232, 1, 0,210, 12, 93,192, 40, 66,112,
241, 67, 29, 73,194, 28, 62, 48,162, 32, 36,182, 5, 2,114,217, 2,114, 88,221,
14,108, 49,176, 9, 3,126,211, 7, 8,138, 1,178, 14, 28,144, 1, 42, 19,148,
59, 76,222, 2, 65, 0,142, 48, 89,122,193, 2, 33,113, 38, 12,196, 9, 85, 57,
65, 19,172, 4, 7, 89,110,202, 50, 70, 64,119,254, 1,112,117,248, 2, 0, 82,
138, 16, 14,246, 2,113,119,138, 12, 49,254, 1,127,253, 3, 83, 34, 25,122,235,
54, 34, 99, 99,210, 1, 51,103, 57, 17,191, 1, 74,116, 98, 49,200, 27,127,149,
1, 25, 49, 37, 87,170, 2, 42, 65, 32, 27,164, 15, 87,120, 29,180, 4, 7, 79,
170, 2,108, 29,110, 15,230, 1, 39, 22,102,154, 43,117, 58,123,181, 1,197, 64,
111,236, 2, 46,213, 97,171, 1, 30,104,153, 1, 60, 5,215, 3, 47,128, 83,144,
4, 3, 99,160, 27, 42,208, 63, 32,224, 1, 1,196, 12, 31, 49,123,134, 2, 74,
2,119,112,131, 45, 50, 17,231, 39,106, 69, 2,172, 3, 72,224, 2, 72, 37,138,
2, 72,114,167, 1, 95,108, 99,223, 2, 33,243, 13, 54,130, 4, 0,138, 71,240,
17,107,177, 40, 46, 48,159, 2, 11,100,179,101, 60, 60, 20,202, 3,115, 22,210,
16, 17,130, 48,130, 1,192, 32,168, 4,138, 31, 63, 77,249, 35, 47,118,131, 18,
251, 9,114, 38,245, 19,120,138, 4,115,148, 7,111, 21,229, 54,113, 43,174, 4,
35,226, 56,240, 8,111,140, 3,193, 8,119,243, 10, 23,170, 6, 95, 67,163, 10,
5,186, 11, 2, 17,184, 20, 32,224, 2, 1,115,171, 11,104,127,253, 9,112,230,
2, 1, 30,210, 6, 46,123,136, 1, 80, 71,246, 53,106, 36,191, 2, 6, 0,129,
17, 96,138, 5, 8, 33,135, 2,102, 58,194, 13, 71, 23,253, 8, 55, 77,177, 16,
10,192, 2, 1,124,201, 5, 0, 77,251, 4, 18,252, 21,112, 2,127,137, 2,128,
41, 9, 95, 5,246, 1, 48, 6, 34, 1,141, 2, 6,253, 7, 14, 28,108,245, 7,
110, 98, 23,174, 1, 31,116,126,177, 3, 14, 0,143, 58,126,109,146, 13,116, 86,
133, 1,127, 74,134, 5, 4, 54,134, 1, 98, 53,189, 13, 91,113,163, 91, 64,119,
193, 33, 36, 74,103,143, 7, 79, 40, 47,178, 66, 74,113,172, 5, 11, 74, 95,162,
3,100, 13, 65, 57,141, 7, 91, 88, 28,100,184, 86, 31, 22,251, 9, 96, 35,226,
5,110, 69,105,174, 5, 23, 88,111,174, 1, 15,110, 12,203, 1, 99,125, 81,245,
16, 11, 71,226, 8, 85,173, 2, 41,224, 78,164, 17,240,105,201, 11, 93,126,182,
2, 6,122,177, 2, 26,112,221, 3, 0, 31,242,120,113, 75,138, 4, 14, 25,133,
34, 93, 11,146, 45,126,221, 56, 81, 5,129, 31, 2,138, 4, 7,135, 7, 1, 0,
245, 24,113, 69,252, 4, 13, 74,128, 4,106,103,223, 13, 79, 55, 86,160, 56, 71,
123,205, 4, 49, 41,163, 3, 16,154, 1, 5,128, 32, 78,250, 46,252, 32,117,116,
240, 10, 70, 20,240, 2, 5, 81,141, 60,113, 63,163, 7, 8,101,253, 51,101,115,
182, 24,118,157, 2,104,168, 30,132, 2, 11,193, 9,121,186, 38, 81, 88,130, 12,
44,250, 1,113,103,140, 3, 13, 26,143, 10, 72, 14,229, 11, 99,129,112,204, 5,
21,188, 26, 57,165, 3, 64,128, 14,111,191, 17, 17,128, 3,118,111,180, 3, 45,
15,252,129, 4, 11,245, 20, 99,218, 88, 41,127,207, 1, 21, 47,161, 8, 20, 4,
81,205, 8,110, 90, 35,211, 4, 67, 98, 11,192, 3, 59,126, 94,160, 2, 30, 64,
14,176, 30,119,116,156, 3, 61, 66, 72, 33,128, 46, 32,102,151, 31, 13,188, 5,
93, 2, 84,145, 1,125, 56,146, 31, 8, 51,241, 4, 30, 79,253, 2, 85, 19, 55,
129, 93, 2, 64,149, 4, 0, 7,112,230, 14, 32,123, 20,160, 1, 94, 2,119,224,
6, 32, 99, 66,244, 56, 71,123,205, 4, 49, 41,163, 3, 16,154, 1, 5,128, 32,
78,250, 46,252, 32,117,116,240, 10, 70, 20,240, 2, 5, 81,141, 60,113, 63,163,
7, 8,101,253, 51,101,115,182, 24,118,157, 2,104,168, 30,132, 2, 11,193, 9,
121,186, 38, 81, 88,130, 12, 44,250, 1,113,103,140, 3, 13, 26,143, 10, 72, 14,
229, 11, 99,129,112,204, 5, 21,188, 26, 57,165, 3, 64,128, 14,111,191, 17, 17,
128, 3,118,111,180, 3, 45, 15,252,129, 4, 11,245, 20, 99,218, 88, 41,127,207,
1, 21, 47,161, 9, 0, 66,111,170, 15,126, 61, 19,162,112,110, 53,246, 1, 65,
18, 85,237, 2,163, 2,105, 88,145, 1, 82, 17, 60, 32,141, 1, 96,104, 13, 22,
144, 1, 46, 73,237, 6, 67, 15,229, 87,126,110,205, 9, 29, 97,193, 24, 99, 86,
160, 5,127, 81,210, 1,140,103,160, 31,196, 48, 92,104,157, 27, 15, 54, 23,227,
12, 41, 55,104,142, 3, 13,126,192, 2, 38, 32,128, 1, 95, 0,102,238, 16, 67,
2,231, 2, 41, 18,124,204, 7, 41, 62, 0,255, 14, 25,103, 7,128, 3,125, 11,
0,132, 10, 1, 71,119,241, 3, 96,133, 5, 62,111, 0, 60,167, 64,124, 93,175,
6, 88,110,102,159, 8, 25, 24, 45,145, 20, 60,123,174, 39, 74, 91,130, 16,115,
25,176, 63, 13, 19,143, 1, 95, 80,130, 2, 18, 33,146, 1, 39, 15,247, 7,112,
133, 26, 86, 90,177, 9,122, 0,128, 56, 13, 96,224, 8, 0, 36,224, 9, 93, 59,
173, 71,147, 17,112,128, 20, 24,237, 1, 62, 4,226, 4,211, 43,173, 87, 84,211,
7, 22,220, 77,195, 59,225, 77, 93,164, 2,220, 12, 13,222, 1, 37, 87,198, 70,
137,242, 1,165, 30,104,128, 2,188, 31,122,220,209,129,127,156, 7, 80,178,177,
121, 72,242, 65,191, 8,237, 11, 28,227, 2,150, 2,188, 69,222, 12, 63,230, 2,
188, 3, 77,222, 5, 92, 8,237, 2, 0,245, 43,192, 99,194, 65,200, 9, 82,163,
251,100,216, 10,177, 4,221, 28,145, 5, 0,128,142, 2,151, 48,154, 22,211, 2,
179, 44,152, 2,148,144, 2,170,126,244, 30,254, 33,242, 38,179,119,191, 65,176,
221, 26,242, 39,255, 3, 80,141, 3, 50,134, 19,242, 5,231, 14,158, 62,212, 23,
173, 1,133, 1, 83,253, 12,131, 39,240, 15,128,112,137, 1,248, 47,189, 1,200,
47,221, 2,171, 27,246, 1, 71,143, 65,253, 1, 8,210, 33,203, 19,227, 93, 80,
241,157, 2,136, 29,134,213,142, 2,151, 13,234, 48,241, 15,128, 6,127,221, 96,
163, 23, 31,157,227,142,129, 2,150,110, 93,219, 11, 23,189,210, 4,210, 1, 99,
110,207,100,222, 2,177, 29,205, 27,149, 14, 95,158,108,222, 3, 67,162, 8,105,
158,173, 3,107,130, 2, 19,153, 2, 31,125,219,142, 2,151, 1,184, 14,200, 79,
56,154, 16,237, 47, 28,212,142, 2,151, 2,188, 16, 16,128, 16,102,196, 96, 4,
219, 2,165, 1,152, 19,103,160, 34,132, 43, 20,159, 1,165,123,114,188, 77,128,
17,104,235, 25,213, 55,127, 54,132, 4, 64,154, 10, 7, 37, 37,193, 51,176,103,
80, 28,223, 3, 99, 20, 39,253, 8, 7, 99, 98,184, 12, 64, 45,217, 1, 62, 93,
91,143, 3, 42,123, 45,196,131, 11, 79,125, 30,149, 1,115,125, 92,245, 63, 47,
77,146, 17,120,128, 1, 14, 57, 53,239, 2, 66, 82, 67,123,179, 2, 14, 99,121,
222, 37, 96, 22, 55,224, 4, 14, 69,147, 15, 99, 27,205, 76,127,126,212, 23, 35,
25, 92,225, 4, 49, 95, 42,115,158, 24, 66, 37,241, 19, 11,152, 54, 32, 49, 92,
196, 1, 49, 33,225, 1, 59, 0,206, 3, 96,129,111,136, 2, 83, 15,184,112, 23,
162, 1, 19, 9,190, 47,115, 14,203, 70,120, 56,137, 27, 59,152, 2, 0, 0,128,
34, 37,102,134, 62, 26, 25,250, 38, 2, 78,244, 12, 71, 88,122, 28,225, 50, 47,
5, 19,159, 4,103, 95, 2,109,237,105, 6,130, 16, 70, 17,114,247,123, 69, 0,
199, 2,127, 30, 89, 88,209, 1, 11, 55, 27, 99,236, 4, 88, 63,108, 53,134, 63,
33, 7, 94,189, 1, 48, 10, 98,110,192, 33, 46,104, 73,153, 10, 53, 74, 88,154,
27,126,106, 47,222, 58,127, 76,236, 6, 27, 69,112, 16,131, 6, 44,111, 0, 16,
195, 53, 58,100, 26,250, 6,110,111,253, 6, 46,153, 3, 75, 0, 7, 99,204, 60,
105, 2, 78,152, 2, 95, 81,202, 3, 78, 2, 29, 76,252, 1,122, 97,113,230, 3,
124, 33,128, 1, 92, 79,193,107,121,155, 1, 5, 68,189, 20,113,183, 56, 65,104,
133, 13, 70, 35,108,200, 33,105, 67,113,246, 5, 80, 23, 51, 59,205, 14, 33, 7,
115,191, 13, 78,120,110,254, 10, 31, 72, 31,245, 1, 61,121,101,143, 2, 59, 2,
3,122,239, 3, 9, 25, 32, 20,255, 47, 29,127, 75,129, 98,126, 73,139, 10, 81,
226, 43, 74, 50, 22,101,152, 5,108, 66, 36,235, 7, 69, 56, 5,145,108, 2,110,
254, 5, 4, 26,179, 1, 1,218, 1, 5, 20,255, 27, 87, 58, 41,191, 7, 93,201,
51,240, 10, 56,155, 62, 93,198, 1, 47, 9,194, 4, 83,111,140, 23,113, 51, 53,
221, 3,107, 8, 50,177, 4, 4, 48, 25,208, 3, 55, 25, 80, 20,241, 8, 2, 11,
139, 4, 16, 1, 78,146, 3, 45, 5, 31,228, 42,110, 32,164, 4,126,100,222, 11,
201, 25, 1,111,243, 6, 40,137, 1, 47,247, 14, 50,191, 1,109, 11,149, 2, 59,
236, 8, 56,144, 3,120,128, 3, 23,157, 71,147, 28,191, 1, 89, 89,144, 27,104,
128, 66,104, 22,241, 80, 26, 13,132, 2,104,101, 39,251, 89, 74, 29,145, 6, 92,
18,157, 1,105, 75,226,119,251, 13,128, 9,104,131, 1,107,119,160, 2, 93,103,
166, 2, 96,108,177, 6, 42, 89, 85,136,110, 1,115,129,253, 4,111,198, 1, 89,
7,181, 3, 93,128, 3, 18, 35,143, 3, 4, 0,188, 63,101, 87,181, 2, 11,102,
25,139,127, 11,224, 2, 97, 8,128, 1,120, 89, 28,159, 1,115, 99,254, 11,116,
14,183, 2,111,255, 7, 11, 16,129, 1,111, 40, 78,191, 9, 75, 90,156, 13, 96,
133, 34, 78,100,172, 1, 44,124,190,117,240, 3, 53,140, 11, 97,133, 14, 90,119,
193, 3, 80, 3,160, 1,128, 10, 74, 19,157,130, 4,145, 6, 96,208, 4, 29,224,
35,129, 2, 46,211, 7, 87,103,204, 16, 72,160, 59, 68,249, 9, 23,252,143, 12,
4,188, 38, 39, 7,160, 23,160, 1, 31, 55,162, 15, 48, 72,238, 1, 1, 31,208,
5, 44, 36,143, 3,197, 2, 92, 55,252, 94,164, 16, 67, 17,220, 12, 24,127,242,
4, 64,117,158, 28, 63, 50,226, 77,158, 28, 4,160, 26, 5, 51,149, 8, 68, 99,
187, 24, 41,102,177,123, 55,163, 1,207, 93,162,134, 5, 85, 33,230, 96, 55,127,
239, 4,108, 45, 78,173, 83,184, 14,171, 3,120,152, 8, 9,183, 3,102,196, 4,
66,251, 61, 38,242, 2,110, 68,144, 22, 74, 0,128, 58,208, 4, 6, 79,189, 5,
7,254, 1, 12, 14, 37,252, 41,104, 99,233, 12, 14, 71,219, 49, 8, 49,193, 1,
121, 35,107,196, 5, 48, 0,128, 8, 11,238, 76,119,120,178, 3, 64, 0,128, 32,
66, 14,221, 31, 77,112,163, 11, 77,104,189, 11, 16,132, 1,125, 13,208, 1, 13,
33, 38,207, 90,127, 82,178, 2, 45, 92, 15,136, 22,100,125,255, 47, 35, 25,128,
6, 94, 88,132, 2, 45,121, 56,228, 2, 93, 63,255, 1,102, 35,224, 26, 64,101,
243, 28, 29, 95,253, 36,222, 5, 30,112,231, 1, 7,128, 84, 91,100,255, 10, 1,
124,137, 1, 27,227, 46, 1, 11,146, 1,146, 84, 95, 86,245, 1,123,188, 21, 94,
171, 1, 75,124, 50,196, 46,118, 55,150, 3, 37, 53, 60,198, 2, 51,187, 13, 60,
201, 14, 88,247, 58, 46,111,244, 74,167, 8,177, 20,168, 65, 80, 3,213, 3, 97,
92,188, 58, 96, 41,241, 35, 34, 23,128, 10, 80,113,135, 6, 81, 63,104,232, 1,
31,239,142, 4, 60, 98,131, 3, 57, 31,179, 5,124,187, 12, 98,143, 1,127,246,
106, 86,158, 1,126, 47, 75,176, 1, 58, 68,104,220,124, 93,110,209, 5, 30, 40,
164,127, 16,170, 47,168, 27,119,236, 2,108, 32,158, 72, 61,111,226, 24, 38,193,
78, 11, 85,255, 1,106, 93, 50,145,111,242, 9,204, 5,126,178, 5,254, 4,120,
128,121,136, 5, 55,136, 12, 24,129, 20,123, 41,208, 1,125, 15,175, 4, 49, 42,
225, 30, 52, 8,176,124, 67,237, 48,248, 15, 80,136, 17,209, 10,126,175, 64,251,
130, 45,245, 8,133, 9, 75,207, 1, 50, 72,222, 13, 51,223, 8, 34, 48,245, 35,
7, 27,158, 23, 94,205, 19,110,122,242, 3, 11, 19,173, 47, 94, 23,242, 22, 13,
106,161, 1,118, 48,192, 26, 68,158, 5, 28,173,109,212, 2, 7, 8,137, 5,111,
121,152, 56, 14, 88,158, 4, 95,120,128, 20, 25,208, 8, 99, 5,206, 22, 6,182,
1, 54,249, 3,227, 1, 78, 64,179, 62,112,138, 2, 12,227, 2, 6,245, 5, 83,
200,106, 72,137,127, 68,169, 8, 9,225, 22,159, 97, 60,178, 21, 63,252, 66, 55,
197, 1, 69,109,143, 10,116, 96,253, 1,116, 19,142, 24,123,243, 3, 77,105,124,
227, 2, 6,122, 20,167, 58, 60, 23,235, 94, 87,155, 3, 1, 88,229, 65,209, 59,
99, 84,187, 5, 61, 0,128, 21, 43,193, 88, 43, 84,196, 31, 35,203, 4, 48, 24,
160, 1,113, 95,128, 1, 92, 81,176, 3,124, 37, 51,240, 69,128, 11, 20,224, 69,
46,153, 1, 45, 89,250, 13, 80,145, 11, 75,152, 6, 31,102,114,227, 1, 79, 91,
178, 1, 95, 78, 29,192, 40,123, 47,132, 1,113, 63, 68,235, 1, 2, 31, 31,146,
127, 16,170, 47,168, 27,119,236, 2,108, 32,158, 88, 13, 97,161, 5, 65, 91,209,
3, 27, 9,117,121,181, 99,136, 4,123,244, 1, 16,122,196,127,126, 6,188, 56,
102, 37,127,142, 5,103, 57, 94, 2,190, 10, 54,116, 15,243, 56, 0, 0,128, 23,
73, 5, 72,128, 5, 79, 99, 56,237, 7,127,112,227, 95,157, 5,119,147, 8,237,
23, 61,145, 74,174, 2, 23,225, 1, 94, 66,127,217, 40, 8,128, 2, 0, 63,184,
63,171, 14,130,116, 90,217, 1, 58, 17,222, 40, 28,205, 49,129, 49,150,115,125,
233, 7,242, 1,106,113,136, 17,193, 73,193, 3,249, 19, 39,253,104, 18,239,123,
113,242, 17, 5,232, 11, 79,220, 21, 70, 45,219, 4,225, 1,111, 86,203, 3, 52,
226, 50,177, 4, 16,128, 4, 39,230, 7, 97,135, 3,119,147, 1, 91, 56,237, 6,
0, 71,147, 86, 73, 82,162, 48, 58,158, 15, 99,208, 55, 49,192, 7, 0, 46,150,
84, 61,219, 71, 5, 12,131, 1,119, 6,205, 64, 17, 95,239, 15,124, 8,237, 5,
66, 48, 65, 13,179, 1, 99,116, 14,175, 37, 92,112, 48,252, 28, 82, 34,194, 6,
41,120,163, 83,119, 93,143, 40, 26, 82,193, 4, 41, 56,241, 77,208, 25, 3, 79,
128, 7, 6, 49,128,120,121, 9,161, 2,118,223, 11, 78, 53, 69,125,254, 4, 81,
50,115,159, 4, 30, 0, 62,194, 6, 11, 60, 91,175, 8,102, 85, 86,207, 78, 49,
108,162, 1, 81, 80,138, 26,108, 87,250, 64, 32, 10,144, 12, 55,249, 13,115, 29,
246, 37, 33,114,219, 1, 66,119, 93,172, 4, 0,100,107,192, 1, 0, 62, 98,134,
4, 40, 62, 5,194, 2, 0, 25,242, 4, 77,223, 24,238, 44, 25,124,188, 3, 68,
122,215, 2, 36, 86,101,169, 1, 93, 99,112,253, 2, 29, 20, 12,250, 67, 73, 39,
140, 1, 8,104, 90,239, 14, 70, 34, 1,142, 41,111, 88,211, 9, 17,107, 65,141,
96, 2,102,166, 27, 58,217, 82, 62, 2, 61,158, 1, 33,125, 34,230, 13,114, 64,
111,209, 1, 91,102, 22,194, 56, 13,253, 18,119,255, 7,116, 14, 99,194, 22, 58,
115,106,207, 48,120,114, 12,238, 31, 74,123, 56,242, 92,100, 85,159, 17, 29, 7,
175, 67,164, 36,171, 5, 20, 8,181, 8,115, 32,200, 7, 10, 18,160,100,219, 59,
14, 14,128, 7, 29, 12,221, 13, 4,104,225, 9, 78,120,222, 1,105,125,224, 13,
26,193, 7, 32,156, 2, 86,226, 1, 94,173, 8, 48,148, 3, 0,128, 4, 26, 63,
143, 2,191, 68, 36,188, 11, 89,133, 18, 63,251, 1,101, 66,182, 7, 80,136, 12,
53,245, 31,128, 11,104,128, 56,122, 2,224, 93, 63, 55, 17,134, 17,107,124,221,
2,106,190, 32,132,141, 11, 6,177, 74,254, 5,101,209, 7, 98,220, 4,106,222,
5,125, 8,245, 1, 27,100, 11,164,107,221, 11,123,212, 6, 39,237, 3, 14,175,
3, 99,188, 3, 94,147, 1, 4,193, 2,111, 56,143, 1, 0,119,114,130, 13, 42,
23, 78,240, 4, 99, 23,147, 96, 61, 91,192, 1, 33, 21,103,236, 81,122, 85,203,
13, 25,111, 54,250, 13,114,133, 1, 77, 47, 42,148, 18,124, 96,231, 35,136, 2,
7, 51,227, 96,206, 10, 24, 35, 6,146, 67, 30, 55,188, 47,242, 1, 30, 62,118,
210, 6,103,186, 5,113,245, 58, 46,139, 53, 95,251, 1, 60,158, 6,117,241, 23,
89,175, 6, 28, 95, 13,194, 3, 39,143, 10,104,247, 14, 46,250, 2,102, 75,190,
11, 4,188, 1,130, 4,119,130, 1,108,121,130,114,207, 1,111,241, 5, 78,192,
5, 97,188, 4,116,194, 9,107,199, 64, 47,250, 3, 5, 78,173, 59, 97,181, 68,
223, 55,108, 17,252, 2, 80,126,254, 3, 66,105,139, 64, 91, 78,135, 2, 69, 32,
244,114,207, 15, 76,189, 85, 41,112,130, 7, 22, 41,247, 95, 52, 17,182, 4, 80,
131, 15, 39,253, 16,237, 4, 24,227, 3, 35, 99,122,245, 1, 98,136, 11, 37,242,
18, 27,209, 10, 21, 27, 85,128, 84, 63,191, 16, 83,190, 50,113,163, 1,106, 85,
157, 40, 24,210, 41,103,160, 1, 4, 74,162, 1,102, 92,239,123,240, 68,136, 3,
8, 92,130,122, 74,255, 1,123,188, 11, 44,186, 7, 35,194, 10,117,200,102,249,
1,146, 97, 88,255, 11, 37,236, 3,194, 89,198, 4, 26,252, 1,127,252, 3, 57,
241, 7, 65,207, 76, 63,160, 54,107, 95,145, 7, 97,212, 60, 99, 10,197, 20,214,
8,234, 3, 64,135, 9, 84,183, 47,253, 25, 40,133,100, 86, 80,128, 27, 61,163,
5, 35, 91,217, 3, 10,190, 16,120,134, 11, 12,196, 14, 60,242, 11,125, 27, 70,
163, 51, 31,117,125,223, 2,165, 32,110,219, 95, 97, 6,147, 8, 15,235, 2, 25,
121, 64,142, 38,132, 13, 5,175, 2,114,110,176, 11, 31,155, 11, 0,246,137, 7,
97,181, 1, 90, 20,193, 1, 12, 10,129, 59, 81, 9,191, 10,194, 98,128, 62, 41,
96,253, 8, 51,159, 3, 13,112,242, 3,100,119,157, 19, 31,160, 13, 56,131, 70,
43,127,142, 45,181, 18, 19,143, 1, 41,233, 2, 76,246, 1,165, 6,231, 1, 95,
43,149, 9, 87,220, 8, 70,194, 1, 95,194, 4,119,142, 4,106,157, 2, 0,128,
68,227, 2, 24,128, 2, 1,106,176, 8,237, 2, 90, 30,245, 3, 23, 85,223,142,
2,143, 64, 0, 37,241, 7,120,114,177, 4,108,112,237, 1, 92, 5,116,226, 92,
4,129, 1, 32, 5,207, 2,145, 87, 27,206,108,120,210, 7,126,250, 11, 88,255,
99, 51,185, 1, 80, 67,203, 1, 20, 49,128, 8,244, 61, 50,114,239, 57, 56, 44,
159, 50,182, 9, 95,251, 2, 37,196, 2, 65,116,140, 2, 5, 63,250, 2,120, 60,
214, 5, 75,204, 4,107,211, 30,114,208, 3, 6,180, 11, 5,252, 2, 74,134, 25,
200, 25, 17,193, 2, 45, 3,255, 85, 74, 10,192,100, 29, 16,224, 71,147, 3, 34,
8,237,106, 35,220, 2,213, 1,128, 1,128, 1, 70, 73, 75,182, 11,110, 3,177,
12, 84, 62,188, 13,107,114,221, 43, 64, 7,178, 29, 80,157, 1,111, 60,222,111,
106,103,246, 4, 72, 2,165, 31,125,233, 55, 35, 83,242, 2,116, 37,128, 15, 7,
140, 3,114, 70,250, 15, 69, 50,130, 10, 96, 9,157, 5, 32,116,248, 2, 19,104,
227, 78, 58, 2,129, 4,121,112, 14,253, 2, 32, 1,203,123,124,182,138, 93, 28,
149, 4, 78,192, 68, 34,164, 13, 46,237, 2, 7,127,128, 50,128, 97, 29,163, 9,
22,236,138, 72, 2,153, 63, 93,227, 9,107,158, 1, 19,237, 6,105,224, 41,118,
153, 51, 58,215, 44, 86,111,161, 2,123, 18,172,109,221, 15, 30,245, 1, 21,107,
100,227, 7,108,139, 2, 19,126,227, 1,120, 42,214, 5,122, 93,170, 53,113, 8,
191, 2, 9,124,129, 18, 94,176, 4, 98, 38,193, 2, 8,120,111,132, 2,122,129,
11, 20,249, 19, 5,139, 1, 97,115,198, 8,175, 2, 26, 11,205, 3,115,193, 1,
34, 20,131, 1, 30, 96,224, 1, 3,224, 2, 87, 88,191, 39,193, 8, 4,160, 7,
46,194,117,205, 11, 42,241, 64, 61,159, 1,117,107, 66,163, 13, 74,208,125,194,
2, 11, 5,203, 1, 95,100,128, 9, 10,241, 10,117,141, 99,145, 1, 50,193, 2,
101,165,141,130, 4,236,132, 7, 20,221, 1, 1,235, 7,101,182, 5,119, 83,254,
5, 96, 16,145, 1, 96, 0, 87,144, 19, 19,244, 4,245, 15,127,122,250, 6, 41,
56,144, 88,254, 7, 39,240, 32,142, 39,132, 10,120, 75,253, 74, 96,161, 2, 24,
8,223, 29,123, 23,224, 3,120,157, 5,100,252, 1, 91, 33,231, 52,144, 76,160,
1, 28,158, 15, 68,208, 86,188, 1,193, 29,243, 1,106,140, 1, 75,128, 1,247,
143,110,255, 3, 92,135, 3, 3,186, 2,144,112,132, 22,173, 2,180, 13,200, 1,
62,246, 1, 40,252, 3,165, 12,235,119,241, 2,195,135, 5,199, 3,246, 1,131,
4,106, 2,134, 10,117, 92,157, 3, 15, 14,241, 65,147, 47,173, 1, 49,103,128,
19,178, 32, 43,249, 14,115,114,213, 1,127,102,178, 54, 60, 0,142, 2, 48, 22,
229, 25, 27,169, 1, 4, 70,158, 1, 51, 88,234, 2, 4, 48,205, 1, 41, 38,177,
250, 4, 42, 39,248, 5, 19, 60,154, 5, 20,112,132, 11, 18,220, 8,120, 96,162,
1,102, 36,201, 2, 34, 8,248, 2, 1, 70,255, 24, 54,145, 67, 73,238, 20, 48,
134, 25, 9, 25,236, 31,118, 34,188, 32,227, 1, 31,148, 30,201, 7,103,156, 3,
2,246, 4,142, 4, 7,177, 4,132, 1, 50, 3,199, 3,186, 38,104,140, 1,120,
226,111,243, 7, 61,233, 89,182, 1,205, 2, 4,243, 5, 1,204, 96,128, 1,100,
181, 27,191, 3, 13,190,102,255,145, 4,250, 3, 23,150, 7, 8,234, 2, 8,255,
1,245,129, 3,201,132, 3,108,179, 1,144, 1, 27,143, 1,124, 95,131,132, 1,
24, 38,233, 7,127,128, 7,127,242, 1, 66,105,132, 2, 72,136, 15, 42,159, 11,
215, 1,140, 1,132,127,242, 1, 25, 79,138, 8, 66,243, 1, 17,127,190, 65, 64,
222, 67,242, 9, 64,240, 5,127,127,131, 40,191, 7, 54, 12,188, 1, 34,110,132,
9, 16, 8,206,116,195, 51,139, 2, 4, 69,241, 3,255, 59,144, 4,212, 3, 62,
180, 31,216, 33,179, 7, 61,175, 2,103,161, 31,146, 3, 99,139, 1, 23,125,239,
90,188,134, 7, 96,209, 7,171, 6, 88,216, 24, 11,224, 97, 25,141, 1,126, 96,
249, 56, 99,248, 7, 90,137, 34,244, 15, 0, 37,174, 15, 5, 2,242, 5, 41, 73,
111,194, 50, 30,159, 4,113,132, 7, 55, 86,135, 65,120,129, 21, 64,253, 68, 4,
164,118,108,111,225, 7, 11,120,132, 50, 61,123,133, 45, 83,106,218, 89, 97, 33,
174, 1, 71, 58, 68,243, 78, 0,128, 6, 57, 58,191,116,195, 5, 85,253, 16, 45,
189, 1, 76,198, 24, 48,189, 27,192, 15,100,192, 1, 55, 34,210, 1,124,120,254,
1, 67,234, 30, 43,195, 1, 91, 16,224,100,163, 8, 8,191, 2,147, 1,156, 4,
19, 4,209, 7,104,209, 5,118,104,173, 29,242, 11, 97,146, 39,155, 3,111, 75,
151, 16, 12,189, 32,141, 9,132, 2,113,207, 4, 38, 16,194, 3, 52, 48,144,255,
5, 60, 72,191, 6,194, 5, 15, 61,221, 76, 22,241, 12, 66, 11,158, 31, 34, 25,
210, 16, 23,160, 23,104,224, 96, 30,182, 2, 55, 25,139, 72,191, 14,178,144, 26,
70,111,212, 8, 88,187, 5, 11,124,191, 44, 77,135,125, 70,205, 25, 97, 23,222,
5, 41, 0,190, 13, 86, 4,157, 47, 33,123,178, 8,223, 4, 14,207, 9, 54,152,
2, 50,207, 5, 21,185, 82,188, 7,103,246, 48,142, 5,103,146, 3, 95, 16,132,
13,126,156, 1, 54, 95,129, 10,116, 50,129, 33, 75,137, 5,117, 51,247, 2,177,
58, 9,121,222, 1, 0,128, 5, 34, 3,255, 2,163, 7, 69,205, 12, 48,242, 7,
43, 81,217, 7, 62,197, 56, 30,193, 7, 25,108,220, 62, 42, 98,216, 21, 59, 2,
254,106, 1, 0,193, 11, 6,200, 61, 10,121,191, 69,105, 30,191, 57,199, 13, 29,
186, 87, 76, 36,162, 7, 36, 72,228, 27,238, 92, 25,197, 38, 99, 69,193, 1,117,
87, 24,140, 1, 7,132, 1,234, 2, 99, 87,140,119, 95, 81,128,109,103,128, 1,
56, 0,133, 1, 29, 3,253, 1, 96, 99,245,132, 2, 25,139, 15,249, 80,132, 21,
242, 8,130, 10,121,138, 3,115,166, 2, 59,217, 4, 24,251, 3,103,128, 3, 65,
219, 32,102,169, 15, 27,183, 18, 87,166, 2, 38, 56,188, 23, 0,159, 2, 30,194,
3, 87,126,135, 84, 14, 98,138, 4,125,235, 4,100,178, 1, 77,191, 23, 6,153,
2,109, 63,249, 56,139, 4, 7, 83,192,104, 5,180, 2,161,123, 60,227, 6, 9,
139, 38,239, 11, 99,203, 5, 57,226, 2, 59,216, 96,132, 48, 64, 82,195, 2, 10,
0,120,130, 11,116, 0,132, 2, 4, 0,128, 46, 3,124,178, 8, 29, 2,255, 8,
16,176, 16, 90, 9,250, 10, 78,132, 54, 93, 57,207, 31,122, 46,212,102, 68, 5,
183, 2,119,124,128, 1, 71, 99, 36,134, 1, 6, 34,105,132, 2, 41,177, 13, 44,
204, 4, 75,180, 17,103,154, 93, 83, 33,227, 9, 6,220, 16,132, 6, 30, 26, 96,
165, 28, 65, 4,195, 35,115, 20,163, 62, 46, 53,231, 13, 53,235, 10, 80,129, 1,
0, 24,144, 2, 45, 12,254, 1, 88,102,178, 29,205, 3, 57, 59,164, 87, 34, 37,
220, 1, 35, 23,131, 2, 28, 21,128, 4, 80, 84,252, 86, 55,127,132, 7, 46,253,
78,253, 1, 57, 91,182,122, 48,223, 5, 59, 46,206, 1,196, 28, 73,207, 15,226,
7, 3,173, 35,158, 27,127,243, 13,233, 3, 82,154,101,238, 2,246,134, 29, 54,
209, 1,206, 1, 54, 94,114,213, 7, 12,162, 61, 92,226, 14,114,186, 9, 79,177,
8, 2,160, 6, 44,224,117, 31,145, 2,165, 1, 34,121,231, 5, 9,108,130, 59,
23,117,129, 2,105, 98,253, 57, 82, 42,209,127, 42,132, 80,128, 30, 18,171, 1,
91, 84,245, 5, 70,160, 2, 29,112,167,138, 13,147, 16,163, 54,247, 1,141,246,
33,199, 24,184, 14,103,200, 1, 30,182, 4,122,177, 58, 69,217, 49,226, 28,158,
10, 99,198, 35,112,226, 39,250, 47,168, 1,177, 15,123,254, 11, 98,175, 24,142,
5,193, 6,255, 11,123,134, 54, 40,199, 8, 0,132, 1, 25, 79,252, 16, 60,195,
11, 9,225, 63,153, 23,137, 1,107,173, 41,208, 97, 23,161, 3, 95,252, 12, 45,
212, 54,143, 18, 10,238, 1, 14,226, 2,113,132, 2, 6,157, 36, 25,128, 19,118,
137, 39, 81,135, 47, 98, 18,175, 23, 92, 0,128, 24, 38,193, 7, 18,172, 3,126,
181, 4,110, 66,174, 6, 43,255, 10, 67, 20,157, 1, 99, 31,161, 1,127, 77,180,
1, 6,112,128,114,172, 63,119,157, 1, 75, 88,227, 7, 62, 23,147, 24,237