Jiří Praus
Published © CC BY-NC-SA


Original glowing ornament for your Xmas tree. It's made from brass rods wired by a freeform method and contains 18 glowing LEDs.

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Schematic of using ATmega8L to power and animate the orb



Source code of slowly glowing animation
 *  Orbduino glowing ball source code
 *  Inspired by https://www.baldengineer.com/software-pwm-with-millis.html
#define LEDS 9

byte leds[] = {
  5, 19, 17, // bottom
  6, 1, 15, // middle
  8, 21, 13 // top

#define ON true
#define OFF false
// variables for pattern timing
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
unsigned long millisInterval = 3
// variables for software PWM
unsigned long currentMicros = micros();
unsigned long previousMicros = 0;
// this is the frequency of the sw PWM
// frequency = 1/(2 * microInterval)
unsigned long microInterval = 250;
const byte pwmMax = 100;
// fading (for the timing)
int fadeIncrement = 1;
// typedef for properties of each sw pwm pin
typedef struct pwmPins {
  int pin;
  int pwmValue;
  bool pinState;
  int pwmTickCount;
} pwmPin;
// create the sw pwm pins
// these can be any I/O pin
// that can be set to output!
const int pinCount = 9;
const byte pins[pinCount] = {
  5, 19, 17, // bottom
  6, 1, 15, // middle
  8, 21, 13 // top
pwmPin myPWMpins[pinCount];
// function to "setup" the sw pwm pin states
// modify to suit your needs
// this creates an alternating fade pattern
void setupPWMpins() {
  for (int index=0; index < pinCount; index++) {
    myPWMpins[index].pin = pins[index];
    // mix it up a little bit
    // changes the starting pwmValue for odd and even
    if (index % 2)
      myPWMpins[index].pwmValue = 25;
      myPWMpins[index].pwmValue = 75;
    myPWMpins[index].pinState = ON;
    myPWMpins[index].pwmTickCount = 0;
    // unlike analogWrite(), this is necessary
    pinMode(pins[index], OUTPUT);
void pwmFadePattern() {
  // go through each sw pwm pin, and increase
  // the pwm value. this would be like
  // calling analogWrite() on each hw pwm pin
  for (int index=0; index < pinCount; index++) {
    myPWMpins[index].pwmValue += fadeIncrement;
    if (myPWMpins[index].pwmValue > 100)
      myPWMpins[index].pwmValue = 0;
void handlePWM() {
  currentMicros = micros();
  // check to see if we need to increment our PWM counters yet
    if (currentMicros - previousMicros >= microInterval) {
    // Increment each pin's counter
    for (int index=0; index < pinCount; index++) {
    // each pin has its own tickCounter
    // determine if we're counting on or off time
      if (myPWMpins[index].pinState == ON) {
        // see if we hit the desired on percentage
        // not as precise as 255 or 1024, but easier to do math
        if (myPWMpins[index].pwmTickCount >= myPWMpins[index].pwmValue) {
          myPWMpins[index].pinState = OFF;
      } else {
        // if it isn't on, it is off
        if (myPWMpins[index].pwmTickCount >= pwmMax) {
          myPWMpins[index].pinState = ON;
          myPWMpins[index].pwmTickCount = 0;
      // could probably use some bitwise optimization here, digitalWrite()
      // really slows things down after 10 pins.
      digitalWrite(myPWMpins[index].pin, myPWMpins[index].pinState);
    // reset the micros() tick counter.
    digitalWrite(13, !digitalRead(13));
    previousMicros = currentMicros;
void setup() {
  //pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
  // this is the magic for sw pwm
  // need to call this anytime you
  // have a long operation
  // check timer for fading pattern
  // this would be the same
  // if we used analogWrite()
  currentMillis = millis();
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= millisInterval) {
    // moved to own funciton for clarity
    // setup clock for next tick
    previousMillis = currentMillis;


Source code of slowly glowing animation
 *  Orbduino glowing ball source code
 *  Inspired by https://www.baldengineer.com/software-pwm-with-millis.html
#define LEDS 9

byte leds[] = {
  5, 19, 17, // bottom
  6, 1, 15, // middle
  8, 21, 13 // top

#define ON true
#define OFF false
// variables for pattern timing
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
unsigned long millisInterval = 3
// variables for software PWM
unsigned long currentMicros = micros();
unsigned long previousMicros = 0;
// this is the frequency of the sw PWM
// frequency = 1/(2 * microInterval)
unsigned long microInterval = 250;
const byte pwmMax = 100;
// fading (for the timing)
int fadeIncrement = 1;
// typedef for properties of each sw pwm pin
typedef struct pwmPins {
  int pin;
  int pwmValue;
  bool pinState;
  int pwmTickCount;
} pwmPin;
// create the sw pwm pins
// these can be any I/O pin
// that can be set to output!
const int pinCount = 9;
const byte pins[pinCount] = {
  5, 19, 17, // bottom
  6, 1, 15, // middle
  8, 21, 13 // top
pwmPin myPWMpins[pinCount];
// function to "setup" the sw pwm pin states
// modify to suit your needs
// this creates an alternating fade pattern
void setupPWMpins() {
  for (int index=0; index < pinCount; index++) {
    myPWMpins[index].pin = pins[index];
    // mix it up a little bit
    // changes the starting pwmValue for odd and even
    if (index % 2)
      myPWMpins[index].pwmValue = 25;
      myPWMpins[index].pwmValue = 75;
    myPWMpins[index].pinState = ON;
    myPWMpins[index].pwmTickCount = 0;
    // unlike analogWrite(), this is necessary
    pinMode(pins[index], OUTPUT);
void pwmFadePattern() {
  // go through each sw pwm pin, and increase
  // the pwm value. this would be like
  // calling analogWrite() on each hw pwm pin
  for (int index=0; index < pinCount; index++) {
    myPWMpins[index].pwmValue += fadeIncrement;
    if (myPWMpins[index].pwmValue > 100)
      myPWMpins[index].pwmValue = 0;
void handlePWM() {
  currentMicros = micros();
  // check to see if we need to increment our PWM counters yet
    if (currentMicros - previousMicros >= microInterval) {
    // Increment each pin's counter
    for (int index=0; index < pinCount; index++) {
    // each pin has its own tickCounter
    // determine if we're counting on or off time
      if (myPWMpins[index].pinState == ON) {
        // see if we hit the desired on percentage
        // not as precise as 255 or 1024, but easier to do math
        if (myPWMpins[index].pwmTickCount >= myPWMpins[index].pwmValue) {
          myPWMpins[index].pinState = OFF;
      } else {
        // if it isn't on, it is off
        if (myPWMpins[index].pwmTickCount >= pwmMax) {
          myPWMpins[index].pinState = ON;
          myPWMpins[index].pwmTickCount = 0;
      // could probably use some bitwise optimization here, digitalWrite()
      // really slows things down after 10 pins.
      digitalWrite(myPWMpins[index].pin, myPWMpins[index].pinState);
    // reset the micros() tick counter.
    digitalWrite(13, !digitalRead(13));
    previousMicros = currentMicros;
void setup() {
  //pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
  // this is the magic for sw pwm
  // need to call this anytime you
  // have a long operation
  // check timer for fading pattern
  // this would be the same
  // if we used analogWrite()
  currentMillis = millis();
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= millisInterval) {
    // moved to own funciton for clarity
    // setup clock for next tick
    previousMillis = currentMillis;


Jiří Praus

Jiří Praus

10 projects • 202 followers
Developer for Samepage.io and hardware maker. I started with a simple Arduino kit two years ago and I fell in love with the platform.
