John Hightower
Published © GPL3+

MEGR 3171 IOT Group 002 - Automated Aquarium Light

Aquarium light will turn on and off based on time of day and the amount of light in the room, sunlight or artificial light.

IntermediateFull instructions provided5 hours651
MEGR 3171 IOT Group 002 - Automated Aquarium Light

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Argon
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Elegoo push button
Elegoo Two Color Led
AA Batteries
AA Batteries
Photo resistor
Photo resistor

Software apps and online services

Particle Build Web IDE
Particle Build Web IDE
ThingSpeak API
ThingSpeak API

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Tape, Electrical
Tape, Electrical


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Circuit Control Argon Circuit

Circuit diagram of the control argon

Sensing Argon Circuit

Circuit diagram of the sensing argon attached to the aquarium light


Sensing Argon Code

Code for the Sensor argon which turns the light on and off based on predetermined conditions.
int light = A4;
int sensor = A0;
int status = D7;

int detect =0;
const int easternzone = -5;                                                                 // Constant for Eastern time zone

bool circuit_status = false;                                                                // Circuit state is off until an event is published by the other argon.
void setup(){
    Serial.begin(9600);                                                                     //Hardware setup
    pinMode(status, OUTPUT);                                                                //Pin Declarations
    pinMode(light, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(sensor, INPUT);;                                                                          //Constant for the eastern time zone, makes inputing time constraints much easier
    Particle.subscribe("circuit", circuit_stat, MY_DEVICES);                                //Subscribing to the event the other argon publishes when the button is pushed

void loop(){
    detect = analogRead(sensor);                                                            // Setup for sensor value, states that the detect value is the analogRead value captured from the sensor
    if (detect >=700  && circuit_status == true){                                          //If the value is greater than the 700, there is sufficient light in the room and the light turns off. An event is published telling the other argon the light is off.
        Particle.publish("Argon", "light_off", PRIVATE);
          String num = String(detect);                                                      //Gives thingspeak a value to graph
        Particle.publish("Sensor_value", num, PRIVATE);                                     // Publishes value for thingspeak to graph, can be view in Particle Console
    if (detect < 700 && Time.hour() >= 8 && Time.hour() <= 20 && circuit_status == true){  //If all contraints are met the aquarium light turns on and publishes event telling the other argon the light is on.
        digitalWrite(light, HIGH);
        Particle.publish("Argon", "light_on", PRIVATE);
          String num = String(detect);                                                      //Same as above, gives thingspeak values to graph in real time
        Particle.publish("Sensor_value", num, PRIVATE);
    if (Time.hour() ==0 && circuit_status == true){                                         //Code lines 33 - 76 are all the same. They have different time values because the time function does not want to recognize < or > atfer the first statement.
        digitalWrite(light, LOW);                                                           //Turns the light off at pre-determined hours, publishes event to tell the other argon the light is off. Only happens id the circuit is in the on state.
        Particle.publish("Argon", "light_off", PRIVATE);
    if (Time.hour() ==1 && circuit_status == true){
        digitalWrite(light, LOW);
        Particle.publish("Argon", "light_off", PRIVATE);
    if (Time.hour() ==2 && circuit_status == true){
        digitalWrite(light, LOW);
        Particle.publish("Argon", "light_off", PRIVATE);
    if (Time.hour() ==3 && circuit_status == true){
        digitalWrite(light, LOW);
        Particle.publish("Argon", "light_off", PRIVATE);
    if (Time.hour() ==4 && circuit_status == true){
        digitalWrite(light, LOW);
        Particle.publish("Argon", "light_off", PRIVATE);
    if (Time.hour() ==5 && circuit_status == true){
        digitalWrite(light, LOW);
        Particle.publish("Argon", "light_off", PRIVATE);
    if (Time.hour() ==6 && circuit_status == true){
        digitalWrite(light, LOW);
        Particle.publish("Argon", "light_off", PRIVATE);
    if (Time.hour() ==7 && circuit_status == true){
        digitalWrite(light, LOW);
        Particle.publish("Argon", "light_off", PRIVATE);
    if (Time.hour() ==21 && circuit_status == true){
        digitalWrite(light, LOW);
        Particle.publish("Argon", "light_off", PRIVATE);
    if (Time.hour() ==22 && circuit_status == true){
        digitalWrite(light, LOW);
        Particle.publish("Argon", "light_off", PRIVATE);
    if (Time.hour() ==23 && circuit_status == true){
        digitalWrite(light, LOW);
        Particle.publish("Argon", "light_off", PRIVATE);
    if (circuit_status == false){                                                               //If circuit hasn't been turned on, event is published to tell the other argon the circuit is not on.
        digitalWrite(light, LOW);
        Particle.publish("circuit_status", "off", PRIVATE);
    if (circuit_status == true){                                                                //Publishes event to tell the other argon that the circuit is on, this is shown by D7 light on the other argon
        Particle.publish("circuit_status", "on", PRIVATE);

void circuit_stat(const char *event, const char *data){                                         //Subscribed event, listens for the button to publish and then trunes the circuit on from there.
    if(strcmp(data, "circuit_on")==0){
        circuit_status = true;
    digitalWrite(status, HIGH);

Circuit Control Argon Code

Code that turns the entire circuit on, and displays the current status of the circuit.
int light_red = A0;             
int light_yellow = A1;
int status = D7;
int pushB = A4;
int bState = 0;
int sec_interval = 2;
int prev_second = 0;

void setup() {
    pinMode(light_red, OUTPUT);                                          // Pin Declarations
    pinMode(light_yellow, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(status, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(pushB, INPUT);
    Particle.subscribe("Argon", status_update, MY_DEVICES);              // Subscribed to the other argon's published event
    Particle.subscribe("circuit_status", Return, MY_DEVICES);            // Subscribed to the other argon's published event

void loop() {                                                           // loop, setup for the push button


void button() {
  if (digitalRead(pushB)==0){                                           // Senses when button was pushed
  bState = 1;                                                           // button state when pressed
  Particle.publish("circuit", "circuit_on", PRIVATE);                   // Publishes event for othr argon to read/use


void status_update(const char *event, const char *data){                // Function that runs when the other argon publishes "light_on" event, sets output of red led to high
    if (strcmp(data, "light_on")==0){
          digitalWrite(light_yellow, LOW);                              // When event is published light changes color depending on whether the circuit is on or not
          digitalWrite(light_red, HIGH);                                // Turns on red light when circuit is running and the light is on
    else if (strcmp(data, "light_off")==0){                             // Function that runs when "light_off" event is published
        digitalWrite(light_yellow, HIGH);                               // Turns yellow light on to signify circuit is running but light is off
        digitalWrite(light_red, LOW);
void Return(const char *event, const char *data){                       // Function that runs when "off" and "on" events are published
    if(strcmp(data, "off")==0){
        digitalWrite(status, HIGH);                                     // If circuit is not running the D7 light will be on
    if(strcmp(data, "on")==0){
        digitalWrite(status, LOW);                                      // If circuit is running then the D7 light will be turned off


John Hightower

John Hightower

1 project • 0 followers
