Published © MIT

Sound Reactive Light Costume

Bring science fiction to life with a personalized light-up outfit!

BeginnerFull instructions provided2 hours1,235
Sound Reactive Light Costume

Things used in this project

Hardware components

EL Wire
SparkFun EL Sequencer
SparkFun EL Sequencer
Li-Ion Battery 1000mAh
Li-Ion Battery 1000mAh
DC to AC converter
Stackable Header
Female/Female Jumper Wires
Female/Female Jumper Wires
LilyPad FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V
SparkFun LilyPad FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V
JST connectors (generic)


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Code snippet #2

Plain text
void setup() {
  // The EL channels are on pins 2 through 9
  // Initialize the pins as outputs
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);  // channel A  
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);  // channel B   
  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);  // channel C
  pinMode(5, OUTPUT);  // channel D    
  pinMode(6, OUTPUT);  // channel E
  pinMode(7, OUTPUT);  // channel F
  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);  // channel G
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);  // channel H
//Initialize input pins on EL Sequencer
  pinMode(A2, INPUT);

Code snippet #3

Plain text
void loop() 
  int amp = digitalRead(A2);
  //If Gate output detects sound, turn EL Wire on
  if(amp == HIGH){
    digitalWrite(2, HIGH); //turn EL channel on
    digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(2, LOW); //turn EL channel off
    digitalWrite(3, LOW);
    digitalWrite(4, LOW);

