Jackson Love
Published © GPL3+

Mounted Infrared LED Laser Tag System

A laser tag system that uses flex sensors to control an infrared LED transmitter.

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)5 hours886
Mounted Infrared LED Laser Tag System

Things used in this project

Hardware components

MSP-EXP430F5529LP MSP430 LaunchPad
Texas Instruments MSP-EXP430F5529LP MSP430 LaunchPad

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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Block Diagram

System Block diagram


Transmit Code for Infrared LED

Code used to convert flex sensor analog voltage into data to control the infrared LED.
//This program is the transmission portion of Jackson Love's final project.
//The program will read in a analog voltage from two flex sensors
//and control an infrared LED and two servo motors based on the threshold values.
//This program uses a motor driver to step up the current to operate the infrared LED.
#include <msp430.h>
#define Motor BIT2 //P1.2 is designated for the two motors
#define RedLED BIT4 // P1.4 designated for the test LED
#define InfLED BIT3 // P1.3 for the infrared LED
#define Button BIT1
#define Flex1  BIT0
#define Flex2  BIT1
volatile unsigned int ADCresults[2];
const float VCC = 5.08; // 5V pin
const float R1_Divisor = 46120; //Flex sensor 1 divisor
const float R2_Divisor = 46520; //Flex sensor 2 divisor
const float R1StraightResistance = 28190; //Flex sensor 1 straight resistance
const float R2StraightResistance = 30770; //Flex sensor 2 straight resistance
const float R1BendResistance = 120000; //Max resistance value for R1
const float R2BendResistance = 125000; //Max resistance value for R2
int Angle = 1500;	//initial position.
int degree90 = 1600; //90 degrees. Neutral position
int degree45 = 2200;//45 degrees. Position 1
int motorOn = 1;//variable that tracks whether motor is on or off
int state = 0; //state machine variable that tells if at position 0 or 1
//position 0: neutral
//position 1: rotates right

void main(void)
	  WDTCTL = WDTPW+WDTHOLD;                   // Stop watchdog timer
	  P6SEL = Flex1 + Flex2;                             // Enable A/D channel inputs
	  ADC12CTL0 = ADC12ON+ADC12MSC+ADC12SHT0_2; // Turn on ADC12, set sampling time
	  ADC12CTL1 = ADC12SHP+ADC12CONSEQ_1;       // Use sampling timer, single sequence
	  ADC12MCTL0 = ADC12INCH_0;                 // ref+=AVcc, channel = A0
	  ADC12MCTL1 = ADC12INCH_1;                 // ref+=AVcc, channel = A1
	  ADC12MCTL2 = ADC12INCH_2;                 // ref+=AVcc, channel = A2
	  ADC12MCTL3 = ADC12INCH_3+ADC12EOS;        // ref+=AVcc, channel = A3, end seq.
	  ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12ENC;                    // Enable conversions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;    // Stop watchdog timer
  P1DIR |= BIT2 + RedLED+ InfLED; //Motors, Red LED, and Infrared set as outputs
  P2REN |= Button;
  P2OUT |= Button;
  P1REN |= Button;            // enable pull-up resistor for switch
  P1OUT |= Button;            // enable pull-up resistor for S2 (P1.3)
  P1IE = Button;              // enable P1.3 interrupt
  P1IES= Button;
  P1IFG = 0x00;                // clears interrupt flag
  TA0CCTL0 = CCIE;             // CCR0 interrupt enabled
  TA0CCR0  = 5000;            // Set count threshold
  TA0CTL    = TASSEL_1 + MC_0;  // SMCLK, up mode (starts timer!)
  TA1CCTL0 = CCIE;             // CCR0 interrupt enabled
  TA1CCR0  = 1500;            // Set count threshold
  TA1CTL    = TASSEL_2 + MC_1;  // SMCLK, up mode (starts timer!)
  __enable_interrupt();        // enables selected interupts

  while(1) // infinitely loop
	  ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12SC;   //begins ADC sampling conversion
	  ADCresults[1]= ADC12MEM1;  //assigns results buffer to memory 1
	  ADCresults[0] = ADC12MEM0; //assigns results buffer to memory 1

	  if(ADCresults[1] < 2500) // if flex sensor 1 analog reading is less than 2500
 	 P1OUT ^= RedLED; //turn on the Red LED as long as sensor is bent
 	 P1OUT ^= InfLED; //turn on the infrared LED as long as sensor is bent
		  P1OUT &= ~InfLED; //turns off the red LED
	  	  P1OUT	&= ~RedLED; //turns off the infrared LED

  if (ADCresults[0] < 2500) // if flex sensor 2 analog reading is less than 2500
       Angle = degree45;//move motor to angle of 90
       state = 1;//change state
       Angle = degree90;//rotate motor 45 degrees



#pragma vector=TIMER1_A0_VECTOR
__interrupt void Timer_A1 (void) // Timer A0 interrupt service routine
{   // the TACCR0 CCIFG flag is automatically reset
    if (motorOn == 1)//statement for motor on
       P1OUT |= BIT2;//sets P1.2 as output, turns motor on
       TA1CCR0  = Angle;   // Sets max counter to Angle
       motorOn = 0;//set to 0 for motor off state
           motorOn = 1;
           P1OUT &= ~BIT2; //turns motor off
           TA1CCR0  = 20000;//delay for 20 millisecond
//code from ADC example
//reads the analog values and assigns them to the results buffer
#if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
#pragma vector=ADC12_VECTOR
__interrupt void ADC12ISR (void)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
void __attribute__ ((interrupt(ADC12_VECTOR))) ADC12ISR (void)
#error Compiler not supported!
  case  0: break;                           // Vector  0:  No interrupt
  case  2: break;                           // Vector  2:  ADC overflow
  case  4: break;                           // Vector  4:  ADC timing overflow
  case  6: break;                           // Vector  6:  ADC12IFG0
  case  8: break;                           // Vector  8:  ADC12IFG1
  case 10: break;                           // Vector 10:  ADC12IFG2
  case 12:                                  // Vector 12:  ADC12IFG3
    ADCresults[0] = ADC12MEM0;                 // Move results, IFG is cleared
    ADCresults[1] = ADC12MEM1;                 // Move results, IFG is cleared
  case 14: break;                           // Vector 14:  ADC12IFG4
  case 16: break;                           // Vector 16:  ADC12IFG5
  case 18: break;                           // Vector 18:  ADC12IFG6
  case 20: break;                           // Vector 20:  ADC12IFG7
  case 22: break;                           // Vector 22:  ADC12IFG8
  case 24: break;                           // Vector 24:  ADC12IFG9
  case 26: break;                           // Vector 26:  ADC12IFG10
  case 28: break;                           // Vector 28:  ADC12IFG11
  case 30: break;                           // Vector 30:  ADC12IFG12
  case 32: break;                           // Vector 32:  ADC12IFG13
  case 34: break;                           // Vector 34:  ADC12IFG14
  default: break;

Receiving Circuit Code

Code used with an Infrared Receiver and passive buzzer.
#include  <msp430.h>
#define RedLED BIT0
#define GreenLED BIT6
#define Button BIT3 // output of infrared receiver
#define SPEAKERLOW BIT4 //negative piezzo
#define SPEAKERHIGH BIT5 //positive piezzo
int enableBuzzer = 0;
void playNote(unsigned char pitch);
void playNoteForDuration(unsigned char pitch, unsigned char duration);

void main(void) {
	WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;       // Stop watchdog timer
	P1DIR |= SPEAKERLOW | SPEAKERHIGH;		//sets the two LEDs to output
	P1REN |= Button;
	P1IE = Button;	//enable interrupt for Button
	P1IES = Button;	//initializes the interrupt on the clock edge select
	P1OUT |= Button;			//sets Button as an output
	TA0CCR0 = 3000;              // Upper limit of 3000 cycles
	TA0CCTL0 = CCIE;             // enable the interrupts from TimerA0 CC0
//note that TACTL is not initialized. It will be called in the PORT1 interrupt

	while (1)
		if (enableBuzzer==1)

			P1IE = Button;
#pragma vector = TIMER0_A0_VECTOR	//timer interrupt
__interrupt void TA0_ISR(void)

		enableBuzzer = 1;	//toggles the Green LED

		TA0CTL = MC_0;//then sets the control to MC_0 to stop counting
//if the Button is pressed, PORT1 interrupt starts
//normally, TACTL is MC_0, so this interrupt sets TACTL to MC_1
//if the button is pressed, Timer A will begin counting up to 3000
//This way the timer is only started when the button is pressed
#pragma vector = PORT1_VECTOR
__interrupt void PORT1_ISR(void)
	if (!(TA0CTL & MC_1)){	//if Timer A control is not set to MC_1
		TA0CTL = TASSEL_2|MC_1|ID_2|TACLR;	//sets TACTL is set to MC_1
		P1IFG = 0;	//clears flag
	P1IE &= ~Button;
	P1IFG = 0;	//clears flag

void playNote(unsigned char pitch) //Function to play the array of notes
    P1OUT &= ~SPEAKERLOW;   //grounds the speaker
    P1OUT |= SPEAKERHIGH; //Speaker will constantly be changing therefore creating a sound
    int P;  //local variable for Pitch
    int L = 15000;  //sets the length of the note to be played
    int j;
    int i;
    int h;
    switch (pitch) // note that the frequency to loop ratio is 28923.8/Hz = loop number
    {//a range of 7 notes are used in this array
    case ('c'):  //middle c note in the 4th octave
        P = 360;  //calculated frequency for c
        L = L / P; //This gives each note a common time. Syncs with the chip clock
    case ('d'):  //d note in the 4th octave
        P = 232;
        L = L / P;
    case ('e'):  //e note in the 4th octave
        P = 206;
        L = L / P;
    case ('f'):  //f note in the 4th octave
        P = 195;
        L = L / P;
    case ('g'):  //g note in the 4th octave
        P = 174;
        L = L / P;
    case ('a'):  //a note in the 4th octave
        P = 155;
        L = L / P;
    case ('b'):  //b note below middle c (3rd octave)
        P = 276;
        L = L / P;
    case ('C'):  //c note in the 5th octave
        P = 130;
        L = L / P;
    case ('r'):  //rest case. This allows a musical break in between notes
        P = 0;
        L = L / 4;  //specifically catered to be a different loop cycle
        P = 0;
    for (h = 5; h > 0; h--) { //multiplies the Length (L) to a play at a longer duration
        for (j = L; j > 0; j--)  //sets j = L (15000) to loop 15000 times
            if (P != 0) //when P =0, there is not a set frequency, but is inaudible to hear
                    { //by setting P not to 0, this will read the rest case as a pause, not a frequency
                P1OUT ^= SPEAKERLOW;    //speakers will play a frequency.
                P1OUT ^= SPEAKERHIGH;
            for (i = P; i > 0; i--)
                ; //P set to an integer to keep the frequency everytime. Otherwise P will be 0 constantly as it cycles

void playNoteForDuration(unsigned char pitch, unsigned char duration) //Duration function for playing the note
{ //this function will multiply the length of the note in playNote function for a duration multiplier set in the array
    int i;    //sets i = duration intitially
    for (i = duration; i > 0; i--)
        playNote(pitch); //passes in pitch as it cycles through the array


Jackson Love

Jackson Love

1 project • 0 followers
