Alexey BatinArtem Filatov
Published © GPL3+

SMART SCHOOL SYSTEM. IoE unit REMIC, intellectual-control.

School System of innovative services. And Radio Electronic Multifunctional Intellectual Controller REMIC for classrooms, Cypress-based.

IntermediateWork in progressOver 41 days2,972
SMART SCHOOL SYSTEM.  IoE unit REMIC, intellectual-control.

Things used in this project

Hardware components

PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit
Cypress PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit
The Unit is the main part of REMIC-controller for the functions of classroom online measurements (temperature, humidity, access control, library book movement around the classrooms, etc...)
B5T HVC Face Detection Sensor Module (Omron)
The Unit is the part of REMIC-controller for the pupil-face recognition (and emotions) and for the real-time connection within the School Electronic Journal (attendance or not at the lesson)
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
The Unit is the part of REMIC-controller as the bridge between Classroom and The School Host, for instance - for the Internet School Radio, School Music Base with the program-Robo-Bot for the songs transmission in random order during the rest-periods between lessons, some other functionalities...
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
The Unit is the part of REMIC-controller for control functionality in classroom and for contactless vision of classroom parameters during off-stuff hours, some other functions...

Software apps and online services

PSoC Creator
Cypress PSoC Creator
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Visual Studio 2015
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015


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Custom parts and enclosures

General Structure for Smart School System

Idea for logical border between Internal (Intranet) School Services and general purpose Internet services.

The infrastructure networking base of Smart School System and Cabinet-elements

School have to make the networking in right way...

REMIC (cabinet-controller) structure (in brief)

Idea - to have at any classroom REMIC-controller with the connection in the Class with some detectors (temperature and etc) and in School Intranet...

Brief view for REMIC (with handmade frame-boxes of organic material)

12 color frames around the functional table and electronics modules - are for the picture (10x15) cm of Great Men (in physics class REMIC - with the great physic scientists, in sport hall - with the Great Sportsmen, etc...)


Alexey Batin

Alexey Batin

3 projects • 4 followers
Artem Filatov

Artem Filatov

1 project • 2 followers
Thanks to Denis Minikaev, Nazir Usupov, Andrey Shivrin, Anatoliy Shadrin, Temirbek Taipbay, and Yaroslav Motchalin.
