Ish Ot Jr.
Published © MIT

BABL: A Baby Monitor Powered by tinyML and Edge Impulse!

BABL leverages tinyML to distinguish a baby's cry from other noise, preventing false alarms, and alerting parents only when needed.

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BABL: A Baby Monitor Powered by tinyML and Edge Impulse!

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Nano 33 BLE Sense
Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense

Software apps and online services

Edge Impulse Studio
Edge Impulse Studio


Read more


babl library Github repository

babl Edge Impulse library


babl source code Github repository

babl Arduino NANO 33 BLE Sense project


Ish Ot Jr.

Ish Ot Jr.

21 projects โ€ข 174 followers
Thanks to Jan Jongboom.
