Ingo Lohs
Published © GPL3+

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Leave a message which scrolls on a Matrix Display

BeginnerFull instructions provided1 hour1,197
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Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Photon
Matrix7219 - 4 in one display
chain ability not tested yet
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
5 pieces necessary


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// Matrix with Particle Photon - works with v0.7.0-rc.3 with 3 Libaries
// Ingo Lohs, v1.0 v. 03.12.2017
// Simple LED Matrix Display with Blynk and daily bible word Integration 
// Uses a 4x MAX7219 Dot Matrix Module to display messages
// Make sure you add these 3 libraries using the Particle IDE

// Umlaute in die Libary aufnehmen, warum geht ß,öäü,ÖÄÜ nicht?

// ToDo:
// * test more then 1 Matrix7219 - how long is the scrolling supported / how many Matrix can chainable?

             -----[    ]-----
       VCC  -|VIN        3V3|-    
            -|GND        RST|-
            -|TX        VBAT|-
            -|RX         GND|- GND
            -|WKP         D7|-
            -|DAC         D6|-
            -|A5          D5|-
            -|A4          D4|- 
            -|A3          D3|-     = DIN
            -|A2          D2|-     = CS
            -|A1          D1|- SCL = CLK
            -|A0          D0|- SDA

// **************

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <SparkJson.h>
#include <ledmatrix-max7219-max7221.h>
#include <blynk.h>

char datum[20];        //= "2017-01-01T00:00:00";
char wochentag[12];    //= "XXXXXXXXtag";
char sonntag[12];      //= "YYYYYYYYtag";
char losungstext[256]; //= "LosungsText: Das ist ein längerer Text ÄÖÜ";
char losungsvers[32];  //= "LosungVers ÄÖÜ";
char lehrtext[256];    //= "LehrText: Das ist ein längerer Text ÄÖÜ";
char lehrtextvers[32]; //= "LehrTextVers ÄÖÜ";

int lastDay = 0;

// **************

SerialLogHandler myLogger(LOG_LEVEL_INFO);

char auth[] = "<<< you blynk code here >>>"; // Put your blynk token here

LEDMatrix *led;

int bitmapWidth = 8;            // 8 is default

String text = "Hello World";    // default string for display
String text2 = "No Texts";      //  default string for Blynk texts
String text3 = "Getting Infos"; // default string for bible word

int mode = 0;

int textLength = text.length();

// default position of the text is outside and then scrolls left
int textX = bitmapWidth;
int fontWidth = 5, space = 1;

// **************

void drawText(String s, int x)
  int y = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
    // Adafruit_GFX method
    led->drawChar(x + i*(fontWidth+space), y, s[i], true, false, 1);

// **************

// In the Blynk app, I used the Termianl widget on virtual pin V1 to send text messages for display.  
WidgetTerminal terminal(V1);

// **************

void setup() {
  // setup a time zone, which is part of the ISO6801 format ? +2.00 : +1.00);    
  Particle.subscribe("hook-response/tageslosung", myHandler, MY_DEVICES);

  // setup pins and library
  // 1 display per row, 1 display per column
  // optional pin settings - default: CLK = A0, CS = A1, D_OUT = A2
  // (pin settings is independent on HW SPI)
  led = new LEDMatrix(4, 1, D1, D2, D3); // my pins vary from the default  
  // > add every matrix in the order in which they have been connected <
  // the first matrix in a row, the first matrix in a column
  // vertical orientation (-90°) and no mirroring - last three args optional
  // the Wangdd22 Matrix has 4 matrix elements, arranged side-by-side
  led->addMatrix(3, 0, 0, false, false);
  led->addMatrix(2, 0, 0, false, false);
  led->addMatrix(1, 0, 0, false, false);
  led->addMatrix(0, 0, 0, false, false);

  terminal.println("Die Losungen");
  terminal.println("Thanks to Richard Klose & ScruffR");
  terminal.println("Ingo Lohs");
  while( >= 0) Particle.process(); // flush USB Serial RX buffer

  Particle.publish("tageslosung", "MyLosung", PRIVATE);

// BLYNK Terminal Widget ---------------------

   String cmd = param[0].asStr();
   text2 = cmd;
   String content = Time.format("%H:%M");
   text2 = cmd + " -- Notiz von " + content;

// In the Blynk app, I used V2 as a button to toggle mode between weather and texts.
    mode = param.asInt();
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, text2);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, "\n"); // Carriage Return - every text displays in a new line

// **************

void loop() {;   
  static uint32_t msPublish = millis();

  if (lastDay != && millis() - msPublish > 60000) {
    waitFor(Particle.syncTimeDone, 5000); // works with v0.6.1 with Photon & Electron
    msPublish = millis();
    if (lastDay == return;    // if sync brought us back before midnight, try a bit later again
        // request new day's data
        Particle.publish("tageslosung", "MyLosung", PRIVATE);

// pick which text string will be displayed
    if (mode == 0) {
        String content = Time.format("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M");
        text = text3 + " >> " + content;
        textLength = text.length();
    if (mode == 1) {
        String content = Time.format("%H:%M");
        text = text2 + " >> " + content;
        textLength = text.length();
  if(led != NULL) {
    drawText(text, textX--);
    // text animation is ending when the whole text is outside the bitmap
    if(textX < textLength*(fontWidth+space)*(-1)) {
      // set default text position
      textX = bitmapWidth;
      // show heart
      delay(333);   // 1000 is default
      // turn all pixels off (takes effect after led->flush())
    // draw text
    delay(125);   // 250 is default 
  // animations end
  else if (led != NULL) {
    // shutdown all displays
    // free memory
    delete led;
    led = NULL;

// **************

// WEBHOOK HANDLER TO GET DATA ---------------------

void myHandler(const char *event, const char *data)
  static int cntEvents = 0;
  char mutableCopy[strlen(data)+1];
  strcpy(mutableCopy, data);

  // Start SparkJSON Example"%d: %s, data: %s", ++cntEvents, event, data);
  if (data) {

    /* JSON Source -
      "Datum": "2017-05-05T00:00:00",
      "Wtag": "Freitag", 
      "Sonntag": {},
      "Losungstext": "Du sollst dein Herz nicht verhärten und deine Hand nicht zuhalten gegenüber deinem armen Bruder.",
      "Losungsvers": "5.Mose 15,7",
      "Lehrtext": "Wenn jemand dieser Welt Güter hat und sieht seinen Bruder darben und verschließt sein Herz vor ihm, wie bleibt dann die Liebe Gottes in ihm?",
      "Lehrtextvers": "1.Johannes 3,17"
    StaticJsonBuffer<256> jsonBuffer;
	JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(mutableCopy);
	if (!root.success()) {
      Log.warn("parseObject() failed");
    strncpy(datum       , root["Datum"       ], sizeof(datum)       );
    strncpy(wochentag   , root["Wtag"        ], sizeof(wochentag)   );
    strncpy(sonntag     , root["Sonntag"     ], sizeof(sonntag)     );
	strncpy(losungstext , root["Losungstext" ], sizeof(losungstext) );
	strncpy(losungsvers , root["Losungsvers" ], sizeof(losungsvers) );
	strncpy(lehrtext    , root["Lehrtext"    ], sizeof(lehrtext)    );
	strncpy(lehrtextvers, root["Lehrtextvers"], sizeof(lehrtextvers));
    text3 = strcat(losungstext, " - ");
    text3 = strcat(losungstext, losungsvers);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, text3);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, "\n"); // Carriage Return - every text displays in a new line

    lastDay =;
  else {
    text3 = "no JSON Records available - check the Webhook under Particle Cloud - Console - Integrations!";

// **************


bool isDST()
{ // Central European Summer Timer calculation
  int dayOfMonth =;
  int month = Time.month();
  int dayOfWeek = Time.weekday() - 1; // make Sunday 0 .. Saturday 6

  if (month >= 4 && month <= 9)
  { // March to September definetly DST
    return true;
  else if (month < 3 || month > 10)
  { // before March or after October is definetly normal time
    return false;

  // March and October need deeper examination
  boolean lastSundayOrAfter = (dayOfMonth - dayOfWeek > 24);
  if (!lastSundayOrAfter)
  { // before switching Sunday
    return (month == 10); // October DST will be true, March not

  if (dayOfWeek)
  { // AFTER the switching Sunday
    return (month == 3); // for March DST is true, for October not

  int secSinceMidnightUTC = % 86400;
  boolean dayStartedAs = (month == 10); // DST in October, in March not
                                        // on switching Sunday we need to consider the time
  if (secSinceMidnightUTC >= 1 * 3600)
  { // 1:00 UTC (=2:00 CET/3:00 CEST)
    return !dayStartedAs;

  return dayStartedAs;




Ingo Lohs

Ingo Lohs

182 projects • 194 followers
I am well over 50 years and come from the middle of Germany.
Thanks to oz1051 and ScruffR.
