Ingo Lohs
Published © GPL3+

How to: Keyestudio Smart Little Turtle Robot v2.0

Fun with obstacles: a short overview.

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Keyestudio - Smart Little Turtle Robot v2.0


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Code 14 - control it with Infrared Controller

// Code 14 - control it with Infrared Controller

#include <Wire.h> // add IIC libraries
#include "Adafruit_LEDBackpack.h" // add the libraries of matrix display
#include "Adafruit_GFX.h"
Adafruit_LEDBackpack matrix = Adafruit_LEDBackpack(); // build an object to control a dot matrix
// IR receiver
#include <IRremote.h> // add the libraries of IR receiver
int RECV_PIN = A0; // define the ir receiver pin as A0
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;
// decoding value of ir receiver
const long IR_front = 0x00FF629D;
const long IR_back = 0x00FFA857;
const long IR_left = 0x00FF22DD;
const long IR_right = 0x00FFC23D;
const long IR_stop = 0x00FF02FD;
const long IR_1 = 0x00FF6897;
const long IR_2 = 0x00FF9867;
const long IR_3 = 0x00FFB04F;
const long IR_4 = 0x00FF30CF;
const long IR_5 = 0x00FF18E7;
const long IR_6 = 0x00FF7A85;
const long IR_7 = 0x00FF10EF;
const long IR_8 = 0x00FF38C7;
const long IR_9 = 0x00FF5AA5;
const long IR_0 = 0x00FF52AD;
// control two motors
#define INT_A 2 // control the left motor direction pin D2
#define INT_B 4 // control the right motor direction pin D4
#define left_A 9 // define the left motor speed control pin as D9
#define right_B 5 // define the right motor speed control pin as D5
int i=0;
long val; // define a variable to receive the signal sent by IR transmitter
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // set the serial baud rate to 9600
irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver
delay(100); // delay 100ms
pinMode(INT_A,OUTPUT); // set the motor control pin as OUTPUT
matrix.begin(0x70); // pass in the address
chushi(); //initial matrix display
void loop()
i = 1;
if(irrecv.decode(&results)) // if receive the infrared signal
val = results.value; // assign the result value to val
Serial.println(val,HEX); // print out hexadecimal val value on the serial monitor
switch(val) // perform the corresponding function for the received data
case IR_front: front(),qian(); break; // if receive the(IR_front = 0x00FF629D),perform the front function(front())and matrix display function(qian())
case IR_back: back(),hou(); break; // backward
case IR_left: left(),zuo(); break; // turn left
case IR_right: right(),you(); break; // turn right
case IR_stop: Stop(),ting(); break; // stop
case IR_1: front_s(); break; // walk in S line
case IR_2: left_l(),ZZ(); break; // turn around the wheel on the left
case IR_3: right_l(),YZ(); break; // turn around the wheel on the right
case IR_4: right_r(),ZX(); break; // turn a circle to the right
case IR_5: left_r(),YX(); break; // turn a circle to the left
default : printf("error");
irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value
// go forward
void front()
digitalWrite(INT_A,LOW); // control the left motor turn forward
digitalWrite(INT_B,LOW); // control the right motor turn forward
analogWrite(left_A,200); // set the two motors’ speed(PWM=200)
// backward
void back()
digitalWrite(INT_A,HIGH); // control the left motor turn backward
digitalWrite(INT_B,HIGH); // control the right motor turn backward
analogWrite(left_A,200); // set the two motors’ speed (PWM=200)
// turn left
void left()
digitalWrite(INT_A,HIGH); // control the left motor turn backward
digitalWrite(INT_B,LOW); // control the right motor turn forward
analogWrite(left_A,100); // set the two motors’ speed(PWM 为100)
// turn right
void right()
digitalWrite(INT_A,LOW); // control the left motor turn forward
digitalWrite(INT_B,HIGH); // control the right motor turn backward
analogWrite(left_A,100); // two motors’ speed(PWM 为100)
// stop
void Stop()
analogWrite(left_A,0); // both PWM are 0
//walk in S line
void front_s()
digitalWrite(INT_A,LOW); // control the left motor turn forward
digitalWrite(INT_B,LOW); // control the right motor turn forward
analogWrite(left_A,50); // left motor PWM=100
analogWrite(right_B,255); // right motor PWM=255 (walk in S line to the left)
delay(300); // delay 1S
analogWrite(left_A,255); // left motor PWM=255
analogWrite(right_B,50); // right motor PWM=100 (walk in S line to the right)
delay(300); // delay 1S
if(irrecv.decode(&results)) // if receive the infrared signal
irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value
val=results.value; // assign the received data to val
if(val==IR_stop) // if receive the stop command
Stop(); // stop
break; // exit the current function
//turn around the wheel on the left
void left_l()
digitalWrite(INT_A,HIGH); // control the left motor turn backward
digitalWrite(INT_B,LOW); // control the right motor turn forward
analogWrite(left_A,0); //left PWM=0,left wheel stops
analogWrite(right_B,200); //right PWM=200,right wheel goes front
// turn around the wheel on the right
void right_l()
digitalWrite(INT_A,HIGH); // control the left motor turn backward
digitalWrite(INT_B,LOW); // control the right motor turn forward
analogWrite(left_A,200); //left PWM=200, left wheel goes forward
analogWrite(right_B,0); //right PWM=0,right wheel stops
// turn a circle to the right
void right_r()
digitalWrite(INT_A,LOW); // control the left motor turn forward
digitalWrite(INT_B,LOW); // control the right motor turn forward
analogWrite(left_A,100); // left motor PWM=100
analogWrite(right_B,200); // right motor PWM=200 (car turns around to the left)
// turn around to the left
void left_r()
digitalWrite(INT_A,LOW); // control the left motor turn forward
digitalWrite(INT_B,LOW); // control the right motor turn forward
analogWrite(left_A,200); // left motor PWM=100
analogWrite(right_B,100); // right motor PWM=200 ( car turns around to the left)
////////////////////////matrix display image////////////////////////////
// front image
void qian()
matrix.displaybuffer[3] = B11111111;
matrix.displaybuffer[4] = B11111111;
matrix.displaybuffer[2] = B00000001;
matrix.displaybuffer[1] = B00000010;
matrix.displaybuffer[0] = B00000100;
matrix.displaybuffer[5] = B00000001;
matrix.displaybuffer[6] = B00000010;
matrix.displaybuffer[7] = B00000100;
// back image
void hou()
matrix.displaybuffer[3] = B11111111;
matrix.displaybuffer[4] = B11111111;
matrix.displaybuffer[2] = B00100000;
matrix.displaybuffer[1] = B00010000;
matrix.displaybuffer[0] = B00001000;
matrix.displaybuffer[5] = B00100000;
matrix.displaybuffer[6] = B00010000;
matrix.displaybuffer[7] = B00001000;
//right image
void you()
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
matrix.displaybuffer[i] = B00001100;
matrix.displaybuffer[6] = B00011110;
matrix.displaybuffer[5] = B00101101;
matrix.displaybuffer[4] = B11001100;
// left image
void zuo()
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
matrix.displaybuffer[i] = B00001100;
matrix.displaybuffer[1] = B00011110;
matrix.displaybuffer[2] = B00101101;
matrix.displaybuffer[3] = B11001100;
// stop image
void ting()
matrix.displaybuffer[0] = B11000000;
matrix.displaybuffer[1] = B00100001;
matrix.displaybuffer[2] = B00010010;
matrix.displaybuffer[3] = B00001100;
matrix.displaybuffer[4] = B00001100;
matrix.displaybuffer[5] = B00010010;
matrix.displaybuffer[6] = B00100001;
matrix.displaybuffer[7] = B11000000;
// initial image
void chushi()
matrix.displaybuffer[0] = B00000011;
matrix.displaybuffer[1] = B10000000;
matrix.displaybuffer[2] = B00010011;
matrix.displaybuffer[3] = B00100000;
matrix.displaybuffer[4] = B00100000;
matrix.displaybuffer[5] = B00010011;
matrix.displaybuffer[6] = B10000000;
matrix.displaybuffer[7] = B00000011;
//S line
void S()
matrix.displaybuffer[0] = B00000000;
matrix.displaybuffer[1] = B00000000;
matrix.displaybuffer[2] = B00110001;
matrix.displaybuffer[3] = B11001000;
matrix.displaybuffer[4] = B11000100;
matrix.displaybuffer[5] = B00100011;
matrix.displaybuffer[6] = B00000000;
matrix.displaybuffer[7] = B00000000;
// turn around the wheel on the left
void ZZ()
matrix.displaybuffer[0] = B00000000;
matrix.displaybuffer[1] = B10000011;
matrix.displaybuffer[2] = B11000001;
matrix.displaybuffer[3] = B10100010;
matrix.displaybuffer[4] = B00010100;
matrix.displaybuffer[5] = B00001000;
matrix.displaybuffer[6] = B00000000;
matrix.displaybuffer[7] = B00000000;
// turn around the wheel on the right
void YZ()
matrix.displaybuffer[0] = B00000000;
matrix.displaybuffer[1] = B00000000;
matrix.displaybuffer[2] = B00001000;
matrix.displaybuffer[3] = B00010100;
matrix.displaybuffer[4] = B10100010;
matrix.displaybuffer[5] = B11000001;
matrix.displaybuffer[6] = B10000011;
matrix.displaybuffer[7] = B00000000;
// turn around to the left
void ZX()
matrix.displaybuffer[0] = B00000000;
matrix.displaybuffer[1] = B00011100;
matrix.displaybuffer[2] = B00100010;
matrix.displaybuffer[3] = B01000001;
matrix.displaybuffer[4] = B00000001;
matrix.displaybuffer[5] = B00111001;
matrix.displaybuffer[6] = B00110010;
matrix.displaybuffer[7] = B00101100;
// turn around to the right
void YX()
matrix.displaybuffer[0] = B00001100;
matrix.displaybuffer[1] = B00110010;

matrix.displaybuffer[2] = B00111001;
matrix.displaybuffer[3] = B00000001;
matrix.displaybuffer[4] = B00000001;
matrix.displaybuffer[5] = B00100010;
matrix.displaybuffer[6] = B00011100;
matrix.displaybuffer[7] = B00000000;


Ingo Lohs

Ingo Lohs

182 projects • 194 followers
I am well over 50 years and come from the middle of Germany.
