Idan BeckRohit Gupta

Autonomous Helicopter

Autonomous stabilization system for a coaxial helicopter with tri-radial tilt control designed for stability.

Full instructions provided1,465
Autonomous Helicopter

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Mega 32
Push Buttons
1N4001 Diode
BUZ71 transistor
4N35 optoisolator
300 ohm resistor
XY accelerometer
Z accelerometer
Small Motors DCM-255
Wood pieces
Particle Board
Power Regulator LM340
Solder Board
Custom PC board
Power Regulator 2950
ATX power supply
MCU power supply
White Board
Helicopter Blade Runner RC
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm


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// ECE 476 Final Projec: Autonomous stability system for a co-axial Helicopter
// Note: This code has been edited for better 
//created Friday, April 7th  
// last updated april 21st 
// last updated april 23rd 
// last updated May 3rd

#include <Mega32.h> 
#include <math.h> 

// Code Credit for fixed point code: Bruce Land

//===The fixed macros=========================================
#define int2fix(a)   (((int)(a))<<8)            //Convert char to fix  
#define fix2intSlow(a)  ((signed char)((a)>>8))    //Convert fix to char
#define float2fix(a) ((int)((a)*256.0))         //Convert float to fix
#define fix2float(a) ((float)(a)/256.0)         //Convert fix to float

#define multfixSlow(a,b) ((int)((((long)(a))*((long)(b)))>>8)) //multiply two fixed # 
#define divfix(a,b)  ((int)((((long)(a))<<8)/((long)(b)))) //divide two fixed #  

//lsqrt is in math.h
#define sqrtfixSlow(a)   (lsqrt(((long)(a))<<8))   //square root  

//==Fast fixed multiply================================= 
char fix2int(int a)
    ldd r30, Y+1 ;moves the high byte of the input to low byte
//==Fast fixed multiply=================================

int multfix(int a,int b)
;*	muls16x16_24
;*	Signed multiply of two 16bits numbers with 24bits result.
;*	r31:r30:rxx = r23:r22 * r21:r20

    push r20
    push r21

    LDD  R22,Y+2  ;load a
	LDD  R23,Y+3 
	LD   R20,Y    ;load b
	LDD  R21,Y+1
	muls	r23, r21		; (signed)ah * (signed)bh
	mov		r31, r0         ;r18, r0
	mul		r22, r20		; al * bl
	mov     r30, r1         ;movw	r17:r16, r1:r0
	;mov     r16, r0
	mulsu	r23, r20		; (signed)ah * bl
	add		r30, r0         ;r17, r0
	adc		r31, r1         ;r18, r1
	mulsu	r21, r22		; (signed)bh * al
	add		r30, r0         ;r17, r0
	adc		r31, r1         ;r18, r1
	pop r21
	pop r20

// End fixed point math code
// *********************************

#define minimum 0       // minimum PWM value
#define maxticks 100    // used for PWM
#define maximum 100     // maximum PWM value
#define Smax 60         // Maximum PWM value for stability motors
#define Sinc 256        // Stability Motor PWM increment
#define milsec 160      // used for our "seconds" counter used for 
                        // helicopter timing

// Define sensor channels
#define GYRO_CHANNEL 0 
#define AROMZ_CHANNEL 3     

// Define Helicopter states
#define GROUND 0
#define LANDING 1
#define TAKEOFF 2 
#define HOVER 3
#define LEFT 4
#define RIGHT 5
#define FORWARD 6
#define BACKWARD 7

// start off on the ground if we live in reality
char heliState = GROUND;

//used for timing of PWM
int ticks = 0;          
char marks = 0;
int msec = 0;
int sec = 0;

// make motor speeds fixed point for greater accuracy
int topRotorSpeed;
int bottomRotorSpeed;
int motorStable1 = 0;
int motorStable2 = 0;
int motorStable3 = 0;

// used sometimes
int avgRotorSpeed = int2fix(0); 
int i = 0;
char j,k;
char temp;

// ADC variables
char Ain = 0;
char Ainlast = 0;
char first = 0;

// Gyroscope
char gyroCalibrate = 0;  // calibration
char gyro[32];           // buffer
char lastG = 0;          // not used

// X accelerometer
char aromXCalibrate = 0;        // calibration
char aromX[128];                // buffer
char flatnessX = 0;             // not used

// Y accelerometer
char aromYCalibrate = 0;        // calibration
char aromY[128];                // buffer
char flatnessY = 0;             // not used

// Z accelerometer
char aromZCalibrate = 0;        // calibration 
char aromZ[128];                // buffer

char currentChannel = 0;

void initialize(void); 
void updatePWM(void);  
void updateADC(void);
void calibrateGyro(void); 
void calibrateArom(void);
char FixFilter32(char f[32]);
char FixFilter64(char f[64]);
char FixFilter128(char f[128]); 
char FixFilter256(char f[256]); 
char aromZfilter(char f[256]);

interrupt [TIM0_COMP] void pwm(void){
    if(marks == milsec){
          marks = 0;
          if(msec == 10){
               msec = 0;

void main(void){


    // wait for button press on 1
    while(PIND.1 != 0) { } 


    // Lets a GO!

    topRotorSpeed = avgRotorSpeed;
    bottomRotorSpeed = avgRotorSpeed;

    sec = 0;

         if(ADCSR.6 == 0) updateADC();

         // take off
         // increase the motor speeds quickly but not abruptly
         // so we dont screw up the gears

         if(sec <= 5){
              heliState = TAKEOFF;
              if(topRotorSpeed < int2fix(95)) topRotorSpeed += 16;
              if(bottomRotorSpeed < int2fix(95)) bottomRotorSpeed += 16;    

         // hover
         // We turn on the X, Y, Z accelerometer stability systems

         if(sec == 23) {
               heliState = HOVER;     

         // landing
         // We turn off all the stability accelerometers
         // and their respective motors for stable landing

         if(sec == 299){
          heliState = LANDING;
          motorStable1 = 0;
          motorStable2 = 0;
          motorStable3 = 0;

         if(sec >= 300 && sec <= 400){
              if(topRotorSpeed > int2fix(50))topRotorSpeed -= 1;
              if(bottomRotorSpeed > int2fix(50))bottomRotorSpeed -= 1;

         // grounded
         // We're done! Lets get into an infinite loop so
         // watchdog resets the MCU and is ready for the next flight

         if(sec >= 410){
               heliState = GROUND;
               WDTCR=0x08;   //enable watchdog
               while(1);     //just wait for watchdog to reset machine 

void updatePWM(void){

        int tempTick;
        tempTick = int2fix(ticks);

        // PWM top motor
        if (tempTick > topRotorSpeed) PORTC.0 = 0;
        else PORTC.0 = 1;

        // PWM second motor
        if (tempTick > bottomRotorSpeed) PORTC.1 = 0;
        else PORTC.1 = 1; 

        // front motor (1)
        if(ticks > fix2int(motorStable1)) PORTC.2 = 0;
        else PORTC.2 = 1;

        // right motor (2)
        if(tempTick > motorStable2) PORTC.3 = 0;
        else PORTC.3 = 1;  

        // left motor (3)
        if(tempTick > motorStable3) PORTC.4 = 0;
        else PORTC.4 = 1;

        //PWM reset etc
        if (ticks == maxticks){
            ticks = 0;         


void updateADC(void){

      Ainlast = Ain;

      Ain =  ADCH;

           // currently looking at the gyro channel
           //  clockwise : Ain greater than gyroCalibrate
           //  counter-clockwise : Ain is less than gyro calibrate
           // for clockwise : top less, bottom more
           // for counterclockwise : top more, bottom less

           // use of dead zone of +/- 1 from calibrate value
          case GYRO_CHANNEL:   
                               currentChannel = AROMX_CHANNEL;
                               ADMUX = 0b01100001;
                               // new conversion
                               ADCSR.6 = 1;  

                               // we decided to compensate for gyroscopic motion
                               // during takeoff too
                               //if(heliState != TAKEOFF){ 

                                    for(i = 0;i < 31; i++){
	                                   gyro[i] = gyro[i+1];
	                               gyro[31] = Ain;
	                               temp = FixFilter32(gyro);
                                   // originally used different accuracy calibrations
                                   // for take off and hover, and this usually helps somewhat

                                   if(heliState == TAKEOFF) j = 8;
	                               else j = 8;     
	                               // we had to use a small threshold since the gyro was a little too sensitive
                                    if(temp < (gyroCalibrate - 1)) {
                                      if(topRotorSpeed < int2fix(maximum)) topRotorSpeed += j; 
                                      if(bottomRotorSpeed > int2fix(minimum)) bottomRotorSpeed -= j;
                                      PORTD.7 = 0;
                                    } else if(temp > (gyroCalibrate + 1)) {
                                      if(topRotorSpeed > int2fix(minimum)) topRotorSpeed -= j;
                                      if(bottomRotorSpeed < int2fix(maximum)) bottomRotorSpeed += j;
                                      PORTD.7 = 0;
                                    } else PORTD.7 = 1;


          // currently looking at the X axis accelerometer channel
          case AROMX_CHANNEL:  
                               currentChannel = AROMY_CHANNEL;
                               ADMUX = 0b01100010; 
                               // new conversion 
                               ADCSR.6 = 1;
                               if(heliState == HOVER){
                                    for(i = 0;i < 127; i++){
	                                   aromX[i] = aromX[i+1];
	                               aromX[127] = Ain;
	                               temp = FixFilter128(aromX); 
                                    if(temp < (aromXCalibrate)) {
                                      flatnessX =  aromXCalibrate - temp;
                                      if(motorStable1 > 0) motorStable1 -= Sinc*2; 
                                      if(motorStable2 < int2fix(Smax)) motorStable2 += Sinc*2;
                                      if(motorStable3 < int2fix(Smax)) motorStable3 += Sinc*2;
                                      //PORTD.7 = 0; 
                                    } else if(temp > (aromXCalibrate + 1)) {
                                      flatnessX = temp - aromXCalibrate;
                                      if(motorStable1 < int2fix(Smax)) motorStable1 += Sinc*2; 
                                      if(motorStable2 > 0) motorStable2 -= Sinc*2;
                                      if(motorStable3 > 0) motorStable3 -= Sinc*2; 
                                      //PORTD.7 = 0;
                                    } else {
                                        if(motorStable1 > 0) motorStable1 -= Sinc*2;
                                        flatnessX = 0; 
                                        //PORTD.7 = 1;


          // currently looking at the Y axis accelerometer channel
          case AROMY_CHANNEL:  currentChannel = AROMZ_CHANNEL;
                               ADMUX = 0b01100011;    
                               // new conversion 
                               ADCSR.6 = 1;      

                               if(heliState == HOVER){
                                    for(i = 0;i < 127; i++){
	                                   aromY[i] = aromY[i+1];
	                               aromY[127] = Ain;
	                               temp = FixFilter128(aromY);
	                               if(temp < (aromYCalibrate)) {
	                                 flatnessY = aromYCalibrate - temp;
	                                 if(motorStable2 < int2fix(Smax)) motorStable2 += Sinc*4;
	                                 if(motorStable3 > 0 ) motorStable3 -= Sinc*2;
	                                 //PORTD.7 = 0;
	                               } else if(temp > (aromYCalibrate)) {  
	                                 flatnessY = temp - aromYCalibrate;
	                                 if(motorStable2 > 0 ) motorStable2 -= Sinc*2;
	                                 if(motorStable3 < int2fix(Smax)) motorStable3 += Sinc*4;
	                                 //PORTD.7 = 0;
	                               } else {
	                               		if(motorStable2 > 0) motorStable2 -= Sinc;
                                             if(motorStable3 > 0) motorStable3 -= Sinc;
                                             flatnessY = 0;
	                               		//PORTD.7 = 1;     


           // currently looking at the Z axis accelerometer channel 
           // when going up we have less g so would be lower
           // when going down we have more g so should be over
          case AROMZ_CHANNEL: currentChannel = GYRO_CHANNEL;
                               ADMUX = 0b01100000;    
                               // new conversion 
                               ADCSR.6 = 1;   

          				if(heliState == HOVER){
                                   for(i = 0;i < 127; i++){
                                        aromZ[i] = aromZ[i+1];
	                              aromZ[127] = Ain;
	                              temp = aromZfilter(aromZ);
	                               // this sensor was a little touchy as one direction was more sensitive
	                               // and noisier than the other.  The threshold allowed us to help this as well
	                               // as prevent the helicopter from losing altitude which was more important than it 
	                               // gaining too much altitude
                                   if(temp > (aromZCalibrate + 3)){
                                        if(topRotorSpeed > int2fix(minimum)) topRotorSpeed -= 2; 
                                        if(bottomRotorSpeed > int2fix(minimum)) bottomRotorSpeed -= 2;
                                        PORTD.7 = 0;
                                   } else if(temp == (aromZCalibrate)){
                                             if(topRotorSpeed < int2fix(maximum - 3)) topRotorSpeed += 5; 
                                             if(bottomRotorSpeed < int2fix(maximum - 3)) bottomRotorSpeed += 5;
                                             PORTD.7 = 0;
                                   } //else PORTD.7 = 1;




void calibrateGyro(void){
  //init the A to D converter 
  //channel zero/ left adj /EXTERNAL Aref
  //!!!CONNECT Aref jumper!!!!
  // choose AREF = 5

  // A0 is the gyro
  ADMUX = 0b01100000;   

  //enable ADC and set prescaler to 1/64*16MHz=250,000
  //and clear interupt enable
  //and start a conversion

  ADCSR = 0b11000110;

  for(i = 0; i < 31; i++){
       while(ADCSR.6 == 1){ }; // do a bunch of conversions  
       gyro[i] = ADCH;
       ADCSR.6 = 1;   
  while(ADCSR.6 == 1){ }; // take the last one
  gyro[31] = ADCH;
  gyroCalibrate = FixFilter32(gyro); 

  // get ready for accelerometer calibrate
  ADMUX = 0b01100001; 
  ADCSR.6 = 1;

void calibrateArom(void){
  // A1 is the AcceleROMeterX (AROMX)
  for(i = 0; i < 127; i++){
       // do a bunch of conversions
       while(ADCSR.6 == 1){ }; 
       aromX[i] = ADCH;
       ADCSR.6 = 1;   
  while(ADCSR.6 == 1){ }; // take the last one
  aromX[127] = ADCH;    
  aromXCalibrate = FixFilter128(aromX);

  // get ready for next axis
  ADMUX = 0b01100010; 
  ADCSR.6 = 1;   

  //A2 is AcceleROMeterY (AROMY)

  for(i = 0; i < 127; i++){
       // do a bunch of conversions
       while(ADCSR.6 == 1){}; 
       aromY[i] = ADCH;
       ADCSR.6 = 1;   
  while(ADCSR.6 == 1){ }; // take the last one
  aromY[127] = ADCH;
  aromYCalibrate = FixFilter128(aromY); 

  // reset for operation
  ADMUX = 0b01100011;
  ADCSR.6 = 1;

  // A3 is AcceleROMeterZ  (AROMZ)

  for(i = 0; i < 127; i++){
       // do a bunch of conversions
       while(ADCSR.6 == 1){ }; 
       aromZ[i] = ADCH;
       ADCSR.6 = 1;   
  while(ADCSR.6 == 1){ }; // take the last one
  aromZ[127] = ADCH;
  aromZCalibrate = FixFilter128(aromZ);

  // reset for operation
  ADMUX = 0b01100000;
  ADCSR.6 = 1;    


// we coded a number of different filters while we were playing around 
// with different filter buffer sizes 

char aromZfilter(char f[256]){
     int sum = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < 256; i++){
		sum = sum + f[i];	
	// divide by 256
	sum = sum >> 8;
	return sum;

char FixFilter32(char f[32]){
	int sum = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < 32; i++){
		sum = sum + f[i];	
	// divide by 32
	sum = sum >> 5;
	return sum;

char FixFilter64(char f[64]){
	int sum = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < 64; i++){
		sum = sum + f[i];	
	// divide by 64
	sum = sum >> 6;
	return sum;

char FixFilter128(char f[128]){
	int sum = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < 128; i++){
		sum = sum + f[i];	
	// divide by 128
	sum = sum >> 7;
	return sum;

char FixFilter256(char f[256]){
	int sum = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < 256; i++){
		sum = sum + f[i];	
	// divide by 256
	sum = sum >> 8;
	return sum;

void initialize(void){

    // port A input (to ADC)
    // port C output to optoisolators
    DDRC = 0xff;
    // port D all input except for D7
    DDRD = 0b10000000; 
    PORTD = 0xff;

    // set up timer0
    // we use this to make our own PWM with
    // as many channels as we want
    TIMSK = 0b00000010;
    OCR0 = 100; 
    TCCR0 = 0b01001001;


Idan Beck

Idan Beck

1 project • 2 followers
Rohit Gupta

Rohit Gupta

1 project • 1 follower
