- Crops require lots of water in order to acquire a high yield, this results in a very tiring job for the farmer constantly having to manaually water the crops, hence we have created a system using M5stack and its components to make a sensor to detect when the crops are not getting enough water, the system will then water the crops. This technology would make the farmers job easier as the farmers job becomes autonomous.
Whatisthe Problem.
•How do we create a prototype to help urban farmers to help them grow their crops efficiently and conveniently? While at the same time let them have time to rest and take regular breaks from farming
Background.•Background Research Statement: Urban agriculture has emerged as a promising solution to address food security and sustainability challenges in densely populated areas, such as Singapore. However, the efficient utilization of space, resources, and labor remains a critical concern. Integrating technology into urban farming practices offers an opportunity to optimize resource utilization and enhance productivity while reducing reliance on human intervention.
•The aim of this research is to develop a sustainable technology solution for automating plant growth in urban farming settings. By leveraging advancements in sensors, systems, this solution seeks to create a closed-loop environment where plant growth can be monitored and managed autonomously. Through precise control of environmental variables such as water delivery, the system aims to optimize plant health and yield while minimizing resource inputs.
When there is a lack of moisture this would cause the motor to turn and dispense water out to water the plants on the soil.
You would be required to use the correct card to access the door as it is linked to the RFID sensor
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