zawNg Yao Yu

M5Stack Urban Farming Project C2

Singapore is a small nation, as a result sourcing food locally is a challenge, in turn we have a sustainable technology to solve this issue.

BeginnerWork in progress10 hours218
M5Stack Urban Farming Project C2

Things used in this project


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Security System

This component of the project uses RFID sensor to send a signal to the Pa Hub unit then to the M5stack microcontroller when an admin card is detected, it filters the correct admins card code keyed in before hand, moving the servo motor and opening the door while showing a green rgb colour if it recognizes the card as authorized personal while rejecting any unknown cards, showing a red rgb colour, only letting in those that was deemed authorized personal.

Block diagram

Watering System

For crops to grow healthy and have a high yield, the crops must have moist soil. For this to happen, the soil must always have a certain level of moisture. In this prototype the minimum moisture is set at 0%, so when the earth unit does not detect sufficient water in the soil, it will turn the servo motor and the container with water inside will water the soil.


1 project • 0 followers
Ng Yao Yu
1 project • 0 followers
