Hardware Unknown
Published © CC BY-NC-SA

IKEA Bekant Desk Automater

Who has time to wait for minutes per day to push a button? Let's automate the motion of an electric IKEA desk with an Arduino Nano!

BeginnerFull instructions provided4 hours8,274
IKEA Bekant Desk Automater

Things used in this project

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Drill, Screwdriver
Drill, Screwdriver
3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Case body

Main body of the case where the PCBs are attached.

Case cover

Desk PCB holder


Wiring diagram

Fritzing diagram used for reference when soldering and hooking up the desk PCB and main PCB.

Desk PCB hookup guide

Labels on the desk PCB for reference when attaching jumpers to it from the main PCB.



Simple desk automation sketch. Simple in that it emulates a button press for a designated length of time rather than running commands on the desk PCB itself which tell the desk to go to a certain height.
const int up_button = 3; //button on custom PCB
const int down_button = 2; //button on custom PCB
const int stand_button = 5; //button on custom PCB
const int sit_button = 4; //button on custom PCB
const int down_signal = 7; //sent to the OEM desk PCB to move the desk
const int up_signal = 8; //sent to the OEM desk PCB to move the desk
unsigned long stand_delay = 13000; //length of time desk moves when switching to stand mode
unsigned long sit_delay = 12800; //length of time desk moves when switching to sit mode

//track if buttons are currently pressed or not
int up_button_state = 0;
int down_button_state = 0;
int stand_button_state = 0;
int sit_button_state = 0;

//initialize buttons as inputs
void setup() {
  pinMode(up_button, INPUT);
  pinMode(down_button, INPUT);
  pinMode(stand_button, INPUT);
  pinMode(sit_button, INPUT);

void loop() {
  //check if buttons are pressed
  up_button_state = digitalRead(up_button);
  down_button_state = digitalRead(down_button);
  stand_button_state = digitalRead(stand_button);
  sit_button_state = digitalRead(sit_button);

  //if button is pressed, initiate corresponding desk movement

  //move desk up as long as button is held
  if (up_button_state == HIGH) {
    digitalWrite(up_signal, HIGH); 

  //move desk down as long as button is held
  else if (down_button_state == HIGH) {
    digitalWrite(down_signal, HIGH);

  //move desk up automatically for designated length of time
  else if (stand_button_state == HIGH) {
    digitalWrite(up_signal, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(up_signal, LOW);

  //move desk down automatically for designated length of time
  else if (sit_button_state == HIGH) {
    digitalWrite(down_signal, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(down_signal, LOW);

  //keep desk in place when no buttons are pressed
  else {
    digitalWrite(up_signal, LOW);
    digitalWrite(down_signal, LOW);


Hardware Unknown

Hardware Unknown

2 projects • 1 follower
I post my build projects on YouTube (youtube.com/hardwareunknown), hoping to entertain, educate, and inspire you to build yourself. Join me.
