Haoming Weng
Published © GPL3+

A Simple Interactive Project with Processing on SBC

Make an interactive project on the LattePanda, plug in sensors to make it more funny. You can also do it on your computer or Raspberry Pi!

BeginnerFull instructions provided1 hour4,437

Things used in this project

Hardware components

LattePanda 2GB/32GB (Unactivated)
LattePanda 2GB/32GB (Unactivated)
LattePanda 7-inch 1024 x 600 IPS Display
LattePanda 7-inch 1024 x 600 IPS Display
Arduino Leonardo
Arduino Leonardo
DFRobot Analog Rotation Potentiometer Sensor
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04
SparkFun Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Haoming Weng

Haoming Weng

4 projects • 21 followers
A graduated student
