Hans Sassenburg

Chicken Coop Controller

Sophisticated ESP8266/Cayenne-based chicken coop controller, managing door/light/heater, outputs accessible through web server.

AdvancedFull instructions provided2,316
Chicken Coop Controller

Things used in this project

Hardware components

ESP8266MOD (Wemos D1)
Resistor 220 ohm
LED (red)
LED (yellow)
LED (blue)
BC547 (NPN-transistor)
Resistor 10k ohm
AM2302 (temp/hum sensor)
Solid State Relay (LRSSR-DD, DC input/output)
Solid State Relay (LRSSR-DA, DC input, AC output)
Automatic Chicken Coop door (Kerbl)
Heating plate (24V, VOSS)
Light (220V)
Wires, cables, etc.
Diode 1N4148
LCD display (alphanumeric, 20x4)

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


Read more


Wiring schematics


Chicken Coop Controller - C file

Source code
#include <SD.h>


#define CAYENNE_PRINT Serial
#include <CayenneMQTTESP8266.h>

#include <Wire.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <NTPClient.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <DHT.h>
#include "pitches.h"
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

// Cayenne channels as used on Dashboard
#define CAY_LIGHT       3
#define CAY_DOOR        4
#define CAY_HEATER      5
#define CAY_MANUAL      7
#define CAY_TEMP        8
#define CAY_HUM         9
#define CAY_RESET      10

// Leds
#define OUT_HEATER     D11
#define OUT_LIGHT      D10
#define OUT_DOOR       D2
// door control
#define OUT_DOOR_OPEN  D12
#define OUT_DOOR_CLOSE D13
// temperature/humidity
#define DHT_PIN        D9  
#define DHT_TYPE       DHT22

// geographical time constants 
#define TIME_MIDDAY   (60*12)+31
float   latitude    = 46.00 + (31.00/60);
// light-on time in minutes (corrected for sunrise/sunset); important so chicken eat enough as protection against cold
#define LIGHT_ON_TIME 60*13

#define SR_DOOR_OPEN_OFFSET     0 // offset for opening door AFTER sunrise
#define SS_DOOR_CLOSE_OFFSET   45 // offset for closing door AFTER sunset
#define SR_LIGHT_ON_OFFSET     30 // offset for switching  on light BEFORE sunsrise
#define SS_LIGHT_ON_OFFSET     45 // offset for switching  on light BEFORE sunset
#define SS_LIGHT_OFF_OFFSET    90 // offset for switching off light AFTER  sunset

// temperature constants (below threshold-hysteris -> heater on; above threshold+hysteris -> heater off
#define HEAT_HYSTERESIS       1.0
// below this temperature: door will not be opened
#define TEMP_CLOSE_DOOR      -5.0

DHT     dhtSensor (DHT_PIN, DHT_TYPE); 

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd (0x3f, 20, 4);

// Define NTP Client to get real-time date/time
WiFiClient  espClient;
WiFiUDP     ntpUDP;

// webserver
ESP8266WebServer server(80);

// Set offset time in seconds to adjust for Lenk timezone (GMT-1: 3600)
NTPClient timeClient(ntpUDP,"europe.pool.ntp.org", 3600, 60000);

// number of days past at start of each month, not corrected yet for leap years, used to caclulate day of year
int     numberDaysSinceJan01[12] = { 0,31,59, 90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334};

// WiFi networks info
char*   ssid[] = {"<your SSID1>", "<your SSID2>"};                      
char*   pass[] = {"<your pass1>", "your pass2>"}; 
#define SSID_COUNT (sizeof(ssid)/sizeof(ssid[0]))
#define WIFI_TIMEOUT  10

#define TEST
// Cayenne authentication info (obtained from the Cayenne Dashboard)
char    username[] = "<your Cayenne username>";
char    password[] = "<your Cayenne password>";
#ifdef TEST
char    clientID[] = "<your Cayenne client id for testing>";
char    clientID[] = "<your Cayenne client if for installed device>";

#define HUM_INITIAL_VALUE 38.00
#define TMP_INITIAL_VALUE 21.00
float   humidity        = HUM_INITIAL_VALUE;     // Initial value
float   humMin          = 99.99;
float   humMax          = 0;
String  humMinT         = "     ";
String  humMaxT         = "     ";
float   temperature     = TMP_INITIAL_VALUE;     // Initial value
float   tmpMin          = 99.99;
float   tmpMax          = 0;
String  tmpMinT         = "     ";
String  tmpMaxT         = "     ";
bool    lightOn         = false;  // Light off
bool    automaticLight  = true;   // Automatic light algorithm enabled
bool    doorClosed      = true;   // Door closed (because restart takes place every midnight)
bool    automaticDoor   = true;   // Automatic door algorithm enabled
bool    heaterOn        = false;  // Heater off
bool    automaticHeater = true;   // Automatic heater algorithm enabled
bool    manual          = false;  // Automatic mode disabled, no LCD display
String  eventList       = "\nTime  Device  state   trigger\n_____ ______  _______ ______________\n";
// real-time values from NTP Client
int     hours;
int     minutes; 
int     seconds;
int     day;
int     month;
int     year;
bool    leapYear = false;
// astro values
int     daysSinceJan01;
int     sunRise;       // computed real-time, includes eot
int     sunSet;        // computed real-time, includes eot
float   eot;           // computed real-time (angular offset of the Sun from its mean position on the celestial sphere)
float   dayLength;     // computed real-time
String  currentDate = "     ";
String  currentTime = "     ";
// use "timers" to keep update-frequencies (Cayenne, dht sensor) low (i.e., 60 seconds)
#define  UPDATE_INTERVAL 60000
unsigned long cayLastMillis = UPDATE_INTERVAL + 1;
unsigned long dhtLastMillis = UPDATE_INTERVAL + 1;
// FUNCTION: read temperature and humidity sensor values if interval expired
void UpdateEnvData ()
  float value;
  if (millis() - dhtLastMillis > UPDATE_INTERVAL)
    value = dhtSensor.readTemperature();
    if ((value > -30.0) && (value < 100.0))
      temperature = value;
      if (tmpMin > temperature)
        tmpMin  = temperature;       
        tmpMinT = currentTime; 
      if (tmpMax < temperature)
        tmpMax  = temperature;       
        tmpMaxT = currentTime;
    value = dhtSensor.readHumidity();
    if ((value > 0.0) && (value < 100.0))
      humidity = value;
      if (humMin > humidity)
        humMin  = humidity;  
        humMinT = currentTime;     
      if (humMax < humidity)
        humMax  = humidity;    
        humMaxT = currentTime;   
    dhtLastMillis = millis();
// FUNCTION: read temperature and humidity sensor values, as well as status of light (off/on) and door (open/closed)
void DisplayEnvData ()
  lcd.setCursor (0,0);
  lcd.print ("T  ");
  lcd.print (temperature);
  lcd.print ("   H = ");
  lcd.print (humidity);
  lcd.setCursor (0,3);
  lcd.print ("D: ");    
  lcd.print (doorClosed);
  lcd.print ("    L: ");
  lcd.print (lightOn);
  lcd.print ("    H: ");
  lcd.print (heaterOn);
// FUNCTION: calculate all relevant astro data for this day
void UpdateAstroData ()
  unsigned long epochTime;
  float x;
  float P;
  // Get real-time date/time
  epochTime = timeClient.getEpochTime();
  if ((epochTime > EPOCH_MIN) && (epochTime < EPOCH_MAX))
    hours   = timeClient.getHours();
    minutes = timeClient.getMinutes();
    seconds = timeClient.getSeconds();
  if (hours < 10)
    currentTime = "0" + String(hours) + ":";
    currentTime = String(hours) + ":";     
  if (minutes < 10)
    currentTime += "0" + String(minutes);
    currentTime += String(minutes); 
  struct tm *ptm = gmtime ((time_t *)&epochTime);
  if ((epochTime > EPOCH_MIN) && (epochTime < EPOCH_MAX))
    day   = ptm->tm_mday;
    month = ptm->tm_mon+1;
    year  = ptm->tm_year+1900;
  if (day < 10)
    currentDate = "0" + String(day) + "-";
    currentDate = String(day) + "-";     
  if (month < 10)
    currentDate += "0" + String(month) + "-" + String(year);
    currentDate += String(month) + "-" + String(year);
  // calculate day of the year, note: daysSinceJan01 = 0 on Jan. 1st, so subtract 1
  daysSinceJan01 = numberDaysSinceJan01[month-1]+day-1;     
  // check for leap year
  if((month >= 3) && (year % 4 == 0))
    daysSinceJan01 += 1;
    leapYear = true;
  Serial.print ("DOOR:   Days since Jan. 01 = ");
  Serial.print (daysSinceJan01);
  // calculate daylength
  P = asin(0.39795*cos(0.2163108 + 2*atan(0.9671396*tan(0.00860*(daysSinceJan01-186)))));
  dayLength = 24 - (24/PI)*acos((sin(0.8333*PI/180)+sin(latitude*PI/180)*sin(P))/(cos(latitude*PI/180)*cos(P))); 
  Serial.print (", Day length = ");
  Serial.print (dayLength);
  // calculate equation of time
  x = 2*PI*(daysSinceJan01)/365.242;
  eot = 0.258*cos(x) - 7.416*sin(x) - 3.648*cos(2*x) - 9.228*sin(2*x);
  Serial.print (", EOT = ");
  Serial.println (eot);
  sunRise = TIME_MIDDAY - int(60*dayLength/2) - int(eot);
  sunSet  = TIME_MIDDAY + int(60*dayLength/2) - int(eot);
  // check for restart time (midnight)
  if ((hours == 0) && (minutes == 0))
    // wait 1 minute (to prevent another restart) and restart the ESP
    Serial.println ("Reset config (midnight)");
    delay (60000);
// FUNCTION: check whether light must be turned off/on
void CheckLight ()
  Serial.print ("LIGHT:  Int. bandwidth(lz) = ");
  Serial.print (sunSet + SS_LIGHT_OFF_OFFSET - LIGHT_ON_TIME);
  Serial.print (" - ");
  Serial.print (sunSet + SS_LIGHT_OFF_OFFSET);
  Serial.print (", Ext. bandwidth(sr-ss) = ");
  Serial.print (sunRise+SR_LIGHT_ON_OFFSET);
  Serial.print (" - ");
  Serial.print (sunSet-SS_LIGHT_ON_OFFSET); 
  Serial.print (", Actual value = ");
  Serial.println (60*hours + minutes);
  if ( (60*hours + minutes >= sunSet + SS_LIGHT_OFF_OFFSET - LIGHT_ON_TIME) && (60*hours + minutes < sunSet + SS_LIGHT_OFF_OFFSET) )
    if ((60*hours + minutes < sunRise + SR_LIGHT_ON_OFFSET) || (60*hours + minutes >= sunSet - SS_LIGHT_ON_OFFSET))
      if (lightOn == false)
        Serial.println ("LIGHT (auto): turn on (inside int bandwidth (lz), outside ext bandwidth (sr'-ss').");
        if (60*hours + minutes <= sunRise + SR_LIGHT_ON_OFFSET)
          eventList += currentTime + " Light   on      morning\n";             
          eventList += currentTime + " Light   on      evening\n";            
        digitalWrite (OUT_LIGHT, HIGH);
        lightOn = true;
      if (lightOn == true)
        Serial.println ("LIGHT (auto): turn off (inside int bandwidth (lz), inside ext bandwidth (sr'-ss').");
        eventList += currentTime + " Light   off     daylight\n";  
        digitalWrite (OUT_LIGHT, LOW);
        lightOn = false;
    if (lightOn == true)
      Serial.println ("LIGHT (auto): turn off (outside both bandwidths).");
      eventList += currentTime + " Light   off     night\n";
      digitalWrite (OUT_LIGHT, LOW);
      lightOn = false;
// FUNCTION: check whether door must be opened/closed
void CheckDoor ()
  UpdateAstroData ();
  // Check against sunrise/sunset times
  if (60*hours + minutes < sunRise + SR_DOOR_OPEN_OFFSET)
    if (doorClosed == false)
      Serial.println ("DOOR (auto): Early morning, open -> closing ...");
      eventList += currentTime + " Door    closed  night\n";      
      digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR_CLOSE, LOW);
      delay (1000);
      digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR_CLOSE, HIGH);
      doorClosed = true;
      digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR, HIGH);        
  else if (60*hours + minutes < sunSet + SS_DOOR_CLOSE_OFFSET)
    if ((doorClosed == true) && (temperature > TEMP_CLOSE_DOOR))
      Serial.println ("DOOR (auto): During day, closed -> opening ...");
      eventList += currentTime + " Door    opened  daylight\n";
      digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR_OPEN, LOW);
      delay (1000);
      digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR_OPEN, HIGH);
      doorClosed = false;
      digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR, LOW);  
  else if (60*hours + minutes >= sunSet + SS_DOOR_CLOSE_OFFSET)
    if (doorClosed == false)
      Serial.println ("DOOR (auto): Evening, open -> closing ...");
      eventList += currentTime + " Door    closed  night\n";
      digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR_CLOSE, LOW);
      delay (1000);
      digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR_CLOSE, HIGH);
      doorClosed = true;
      digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR, HIGH); 
// FUNCTION: check whether heater must be turned off/on
void CheckHeater ()
  Serial.print ("HEATER: Treshold = ");
  Serial.print (TEMP_HEAT_THRESHOLD);
  Serial.print (", Hysteresis = ");
  Serial.print (HEAT_HYSTERESIS);
  Serial.print (", T(close door) = ");
  Serial.print (TEMP_CLOSE_DOOR);
  Serial.print (", T = ");
  Serial.println (temperature);
    if (heaterOn == false)
      Serial.println ("HEATER (auto): Turning on (below threshold-hysteresis).");
      eventList += currentTime + " Heater  on      below threshold\n";
      digitalWrite (OUT_HEATER, HIGH); 
      heaterOn = true;
  else if (temperature >= TEMP_HEAT_THRESHOLD + HEAT_HYSTERESIS)
    if (heaterOn == true)
      Serial.println ("HEATER (auto): Turning off (above threshold+hysteresis).");
      eventList += currentTime + " Heater  off     above threshold\n";
      digitalWrite (OUT_HEATER, LOW); 
      heaterOn = false;
// FUNCTION: display date and time on LCD display
void DisplayDateTime ()
  lcd.setCursor (0,0);
  lcd.print (currentDate);
  lcd.setCursor (10,0);
  lcd.print ("     ");
  lcd.print (currentTime);
// FUNCTION: display astro data on LCD display
void DisplayAstroData ()
  lcd.setCursor (0,1);
  lcd.print ("SR ");
  if(int(sunRise/60) < 10)
    lcd.print ("0");   
  lcd.print (int(sunRise/60));
  lcd.print (":");
  if(int(sunRise - 60*int(sunRise/60)) < 10)
    lcd.print ("0");   
  lcd.print (int(sunRise - 60*int(sunRise/60)));
  lcd.setCursor (0,2);
  lcd.print ("SS ");
  if(int(sunSet/60) < 10)
    lcd.print ("0");   
  lcd.print (int(sunSet/60));
  lcd.print (":");
  if(int(sunSet - 60*int(sunSet/60)) < 10)
    lcd.print ("0");   
  lcd.print (int(sunSet - 60*int(sunSet/60)));
  lcd.setCursor (11,1);
  lcd.print ("DL  ");
  if(dayLength < 10)
    lcd.print ("0");   
  lcd.print (dayLength);
  lcd.setCursor (11,2);
  lcd.print ("EoT ");
  if(eot < 10)
    lcd.print ("0");   
  lcd.print (eot);
// FUNCTION: convert number of minutes since 00:00 to string hh:mm
void MinutesToString (int minutes, String *result)
  *result = "";
  if(int(minutes/60) < 10)
    *result += "0";   
  *result += String(int(minutes/60));
  *result += ":";
  if(int(minutes - 60*int(minutes/60)) < 10)
    *result += "0"; 
  *result += String(int(minutes - 60*int(minutes/60)));
// FUNCTION: convert numeric value between -99 and +99 to string xx.yy
void ValueToString (float value, String *result)
  *result = "";
  if(value <= -10.00)
    *result += "-";   
    value = -value;
  else if (value < 0.00)
    *result += "- ";  
    value = -value;
  else if (value <= 10.00)
    *result += "  ";   
    *result += " ";   
  *result += String(value);
// FUNCTION: update currrent status on web server
void HandleServerMessage()
  String sign         = " ";
  String stringSr     = "    ";
  String stringSs     = "    ";
  String stringDl     = "    ";
  String stringEot    = "    ";
  String stringDoor   = "    ";
  String stringLight  = "    ";
  String stringTmpVal = "     ";
  String stringTmpMin = "     ";
  String stringTmpMax = "     ";
  String stringHumVal = "     ";
  String stringHumMin = "     ";
  String stringHumMax = "     ";
  String title    = "CHICKEN COOP LENK    -     STATUS REPORT\n________________________________________\n";
  String dateTime = "Date: " + currentDate + "             Time: " + currentTime + "\n\n\n";
  // convert float temperature/humidity values to strings
  ValueToString (temperature, &stringTmpVal); 
  ValueToString (     tmpMin, &stringTmpMin);
  ValueToString (     tmpMax, &stringTmpMax);
  ValueToString (   humidity, &stringHumVal); 
  ValueToString (     humMin, &stringHumMin);
  ValueToString (     humMax, &stringHumMax);   
  String tmpData  = "              " + stringTmpMin + " oC (min at " + tmpMinT +")\n";
  tmpData += "Temperature = " + stringTmpVal + " oC\n";
  tmpData += "              " + stringTmpMax + " oC (max at " + tmpMaxT + ")\n\n";
  String humData  = "              " + stringHumMin + "  % (min at " + humMinT + ")\n";
  humData += "Humidity    = " + stringHumVal + "  %\n";
  humData += "              " + stringHumMax + "  % (max at " + humMaxT + ")\n\n";
  MinutesToString (60*dayLength, &stringDl );
  if (eot < 0.00)
    sign = "-";   
  MinutesToString (60*     fabs(eot), &stringEot);
  String dayData  = "Day number  =    ";
  if (daysSinceJan01+1 < 10)
    dayData += "  ";   
  else if (daysSinceJan01+1 < 100)
    dayData += " ";   
  dayData += String(daysSinceJan01+1);
  if ( leapYear == true)
    dayData += "  (leap year) ";   
  dayData += "\nDay length  =  " + stringDl + "  (hrs)\nEoT         = " + sign + stringEot + "  (min)\n\n";
  MinutesToString (sunRise, &stringSr);
  MinutesToString (sunSet,  &stringSs);
  String sunData  = "Sunrise    at  " + stringSr + "\nSunset     at  " + stringSs + "\n\n";
  String cfgData = "Light      ->  "; 
  if (lightOn == false)
    if (60*hours + minutes > sunSet + SS_LIGHT_OFF_OFFSET)
      MinutesToString (sunSet + SS_LIGHT_OFF_OFFSET - LIGHT_ON_TIME, &stringLight);
      MinutesToString (sunSet-SS_LIGHT_ON_OFFSET, &stringLight);
    cfgData += "Off    (on     at ~" + stringLight + ")\n";   
    if (60*hours + minutes < TIME_MIDDAY)
      MinutesToString (sunRise+SR_LIGHT_ON_OFFSET, &stringLight);
      MinutesToString (sunSet+SS_LIGHT_OFF_OFFSET, &stringLight);
    cfgData += "On     (off    at ~" + stringLight + ")\n";   
  cfgData  += "Door       ->  ";
  if (doorClosed == false)
    MinutesToString (sunSet + SS_DOOR_CLOSE_OFFSET, &stringDoor);
    cfgData += "Open   (close  at ~" + stringDoor + ")\n";   
    MinutesToString (sunRise + SR_DOOR_OPEN_OFFSET, &stringDoor);
    cfgData += "Closed (open   at ~" + stringDoor + ")\n";   
  cfgData += "Heater     ->  "; 
  if (heaterOn == false)
    cfgData += "Off";   
    cfgData += "On ";   
  cfgData += "    (hys: " + String(TEMP_HEAT_THRESHOLD-HEAT_HYSTERESIS) + " - " + String(TEMP_HEAT_THRESHOLD+HEAT_HYSTERESIS)+ ")\n\n";
  server.send(200, "text/plain", title + dateTime + tmpData + humData + dayData + sunData + cfgData + eventList);
// FUNCTION: : report that web server could not be found
void HandleServerNotFound()
  String message = "File Not Found\n\n";
  message += "URI: ";
  message += server.uri();
  message += "\nMethod: ";
  message += (server.method() == HTTP_GET) ? "GET" : "POST";
  message += "\nArguments: ";
  message += server.args();
  message += "\n";
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++)
    message += " " + server.argName(i) + ": " + server.arg(i) + "\n";
  server.send(404, "text/plain", message);
// FUNCTION: connect to any of the specified WIFI networks
int ConnectToWifi ()
  int i = 0;
  int w = 0;
  WiFi.begin(ssid[0], pass[0]);
  delay (1000);
  lcd.setCursor (0,0);
  lcd.print ("SSID: ");
  lcd.print (ssid[0]);
  lcd.setCursor (0,1);
  Serial.print ("Connecting to ");
  Serial.println (ssid[0]);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
    //If timeout is reached, increment w counter, try the next wifi network
    if (i == WIFI_TIMEOUT)
      //Make sure we havent reached the end of the list of SSIDs
      if (w < SSID_COUNT)
        Serial.print("Timeout. Switching to alternate SSID: ");
        WiFi.begin(ssid[w], pass[w]);
        //If we have tried all the defined SSIDs, reboot and try again, or change to break; and continue on with program
        Serial.println("No WiFi connection available, rebooting...");
      i = 0;
      lcd.print (".");
  return (w);
// FUNCTION: initialise
void setup ()
  int netw;
                Serial.begin (9600);
  // Initialize LCD display
  lcd.begin (20, 4);
  lcd.clear ();
  lcd.backlight ();
  // Initialize leds/outputs: light off, heater off, door nothing
  pinMode (OUT_LIGHT, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite (OUT_LIGHT,  LOW );
  pinMode (OUT_DOOR, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR, LOW);
  digitalWrite (OUT_HEATER, LOW);
  digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR_CLOSE, HIGH);
  digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR_OPEN, HIGH);
  // connect to Wifi, initialize Cayenne interface     
  netw = ConnectToWifi ();
  Cayenne.begin (username, password, clientID, ssid[netw], pass[netw]);
  lcd.setCursor (0,2);
  lcd.print ("Cayenne active.");
  lcd.setCursor (0,3);
  lcd.print ("IP: ");
  lcd.print (WiFi.localIP());
  Serial.print ("IP address: ");
  Serial.println (WiFi.localIP());
  delay (2000);
  // Initialize temp/humidity sensor
  pinMode (DHT_PIN, INPUT);
  dhtSensor.begin ();
  // Initialize a NTPClient to get time
  // put LCD display to rest
  lcd.clear ();
  server.on("/", HandleServerMessage);
  server.onNotFound (HandleServerNotFound);
  UpdateAstroData ();
  eventList += currentTime + " ESP     started reboot\n";    
  tmpMinT = currentTime;
  tmpMaxT = currentTime;
  humMinT = currentTime;
  humMaxT = currentTime;
// FUNCTION: "while true do"
void loop ()
  // update environmental data (temp, hum)
  UpdateEnvData   ();
  // update astro data (date, time, sunrise/sunset, eot, ...
  UpdateAstroData ();
  // check light, door and heater; only if automation is turned on
  if (automaticLight == true)
    CheckLight ();
  if (automaticDoor == true)
    CheckDoor ();
  if (automaticHeater == true)
    CheckHeater ();
  // display environmental, date/time, and astro data if in manual mode
  if (manual == true)
    DisplayEnvData ();
    delay (1000);
    DisplayDateTime ();
    DisplayAstroData ();
  // display current configuration for light, heater and door
  Serial.print ("CONFIG: L = ");
  Serial.print (lightOn);
  Serial.print (" (");
  Serial.print (automaticLight);
  Serial.print (")");
  Serial.print (", H = ");
  Serial.print (heaterOn);
  Serial.print (" (");
  Serial.print (automaticHeater);
  Serial.print (")");
  Serial.print (", D = ");
  Serial.print (doorClosed);
  Serial.print (" (");
  Serial.print (automaticDoor);
  Serial.print (")");
  Serial.print (", Manual/LCD = ");
  Serial.println (manual);
  // sync with Cayenne dashboard
  Cayenne.loop ();
  // process server requests
  delay (500);
// Default function for sending sensor data at intervals to Cayenne.
  // turn light on/off, if in manual mode
  if (manual == true)
    if (getValue.asInt() == 1)
      digitalWrite (OUT_LIGHT, HIGH);
      lightOn = true;
      digitalWrite (OUT_LIGHT, LOW);
      lightOn = false;
    eventList += currentTime + " Manual  mode    switch light\n";
  // turn heater on/off, if in manual mode
  if (manual == true)
    if (getValue.asInt() == 1)
      digitalWrite (OUT_HEATER, HIGH);
      heaterOn = true;
      digitalWrite (OUT_HEATER, LOW);
      heaterOn = false;
    eventList += currentTime + " Manual  mode    switch heater\n"; 
  // open/close door, if in manual mode
  if (manual == true)
    if (getValue.asInt() == 1)
      digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR, HIGH);  
      digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR_CLOSE, LOW);
      delay (1000);
      digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR_CLOSE, HIGH);
      doorClosed = true;
      digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR_OPEN, LOW);
      delay (1000);
      digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR_OPEN, HIGH);
      digitalWrite (OUT_DOOR, LOW); 
      doorClosed = false;
    eventList += currentTime + " Manual  mode    switch door\n";            
  // enable/disable manual mode, disable/enable automatic mode for door/light/heater
  if (getValue.asInt() == 1)
    eventList += currentTime + " Manual  mode    enabled\n";
    automaticDoor   = false;
    automaticLight  = false;
    automaticHeater = false;
    lcd.clear ();
    lcd.backlight ();
    manual = true;
    eventList += currentTime + " Manual  mode    disabled\n";
    automaticDoor   = true;
    automaticLight  = true;
    automaticHeater = true;
    lcd.clear ();
    manual = false;
  // restart if in manual mode
  if (manual == true)
    if (getValue.asInt() == 1)
// You can also use functions for specific channels, e.g CAYENNE_OUT(1) for sending channel 1 data.
  // update every minute to avoid too much network traffic
  if (millis() - cayLastMillis > UPDATE_INTERVAL)
    // Write data to Cayenne here
    Cayenne.virtualWrite (CAY_TEMP, temperature);
    Cayenne.virtualWrite (CAY_HUM,  humidity   );
    cayLastMillis = millis();


Hans Sassenburg

Hans Sassenburg

1 project • 3 followers
