Will Freeman
Published © GPL3+

Breathing Lights (Walabot & Philips Hue)

Make your Hue lights breathe at the same rate as you with Walabot's breathing detection.

IntermediateWork in progress1 hour1,189
Breathing Lights (Walabot & Philips Hue)

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Walabot Developer Pack
Walabot Developer Pack
Philips hue
Philips hue

Software apps and online services

Walabot Developer Pack Walabot SDK


Read more



#include "WalabotAPI.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>

using namespace std;

char request[100];

#define CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(result, func_name)					\
{																\
	if (result != WALABOT_SUCCESS)								\
	{															\
		unsigned int extended = Walabot_GetExtendedError();		\
		const char* errorStr = Walabot_GetErrorString();		\
		std::cout << std::endl << "Error at " __FILE__ << ":"	\
                  << std::dec << __LINE__ << " - "				\
				  << func_name << " result is 0x" << std::hex	\
                  << result << std::endl;						\
		std::cout << "Error string: " << errorStr << std::endl; \
		std::cout << "Extended error: 0x" << std::hex			\
                  << extended << std::endl << std::endl;		\
		std::cout << "Press enter to continue ...";				\
		std::string dummy;										\
		std::getline(std::cin, dummy);							\
		return;													\
	}															\

void setLight(bool on, int transitiontime) {

    // Curl setup
    CURL *curl;

    curl = curl_easy_init();

//    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "");
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "");
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT");
    // End Curl setup

    if (on) {
        cout << "on condition" << endl;
        // Format the request

        sprintf(request, "{\"on\":true,\"bri\":254,\"transitiontime\":%d}", transitiontime);
        cout << request << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "off condition" << endl;

        // Format the request
        sprintf(request, "{\"on\":false,\"transitiontime\":%d}", transitiontime);
        cout << request << endl;

    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS, request);

    // Execute
    CURLcode res = curl_easy_perform(curl);

//    if (res != CURLE_OK) {
        cout << curl_easy_strerror(res) << endl << endl;
//    }


void PrintBreathingEnergy(double energy)
    #ifdef __LINUX__
	printf("Energy = %lf\n ", energy * 1e7);

void SensorBreathing_SampleCode()

	// --------------------
	// Variable definitions
	// --------------------

	// Walabot_GetStatus - output parameters
	APP_STATUS appStatus;
	double calibrationProcess; // Percentage of calibration completed, if status is STATUS_CALIBRATING

							   // Walabot_GetImageEnergy
	double energy;

	// ------------------------
	// Initialize configuration
	// ------------------------

	// Walabot_SetArenaR - input parameters
	double minInCm = 30;
	double maxInCm = 150;
	double resICm = 1;

	// Walabot_SetArenaTheta - input parameters
	double minIndegrees = -4;
	double maxIndegrees = 4;
	double resIndegrees = 2;

	// Walabot_SetArenaPhi - input parameters
	double minPhiInDegrees = -4;
	double maxPhiInDegrees = 4;
	double resPhiInDegrees = 2;

	// ----------------------
	// Sample Code Start Here
	// ----------------------

		For an image to be received by the application, the following need to happen :
		1) Connect
		2) Configure
		3) Calibrate
		4) Start
		5) Trigger
		6) Get action
		7) Stop/Disconnect

	// Configure Walabot database install location
	#ifdef __LINUX__
	    res = Walabot_SetSettingsFolder((char*)"/var/lib/walabot");
	    res = Walabot_SetSettingsFolder("C:/ProgramData/Walabot/WalabotSDK");

	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_SetSettingsFolder");

	//	1) Connect : Establish communication with Walabot.
	//	==================================================
	res = Walabot_ConnectAny();
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_ConnectAny");

	//  2) Configure : Set scan profile and arena
	//	=========================================

	// Set Profile - to Sensor -Narrow.
	//			Walabot recording mode is configure with the following attributes:
	//			-> Distance scanning through air;
	//			-> lower - resolution images for a fast capture rate (useful for tracking quick movement)
	res = Walabot_SetProfile(PROF_SENSOR_NARROW);
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_SetProfile");

	// Setup arena - specify it by Cartesian coordinates(ranges and resolution on the x, y, z axes);
	//	In Sensor mode there is need to specify Spherical coordinates(ranges and resolution along radial distance and Theta and Phi angles).
	res = Walabot_SetArenaR(minInCm, maxInCm, resICm);
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_SetArenaR");

	// Sets polar range and resolution of arena (parameters in degrees).
	res = Walabot_SetArenaTheta(minIndegrees, maxIndegrees, resIndegrees);
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_SetArenaTheta");

	// Sets azimuth range and resolution of arena.(parameters in degrees).
	res = Walabot_SetArenaPhi(minPhiInDegrees, maxPhiInDegrees, resPhiInDegrees);
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_SetArenaPhi");

	// Dynamic-imaging filter for the specific frequencies typical of breathing
	res = Walabot_SetDynamicImageFilter(FILTER_TYPE_DERIVATIVE);
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_SetDynamicImageFilter");

	//	3) Start: Start the system in preparation for scanning.
	//	=======================================================
	res = Walabot_Start();
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_Start");

	//	4) Trigger: Scan(sense) according to profile and record signals to be available
	//	for processing and retrieval.
	//	================================================================================
	bool recording = true;

    cout << "Ready" << endl;

	while (recording)
		// calibrates scanning to ignore or reduce the signals
		res = Walabot_GetStatus(&appStatus, &calibrationProcess);
		CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_GetStatus");

		//	5) Trigger: Scan(sense) according to profile and record signals to be
		//	available for processing and retrieval.
		//	====================================================================
		res = Walabot_Trigger();
		CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_Trigger");

		//	6) 	Get action : retrieve the last completed triggered recording
		//	================================================================
		res = Walabot_GetImageEnergy(&energy);
		CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_GetImageEnergy");

        // Will's Code
        static bool lastInhaling = false;
        static double lastEnergy = energy;

        static unsigned long lastClock = clock();

        static unsigned long inhaleAccumulator = 0;
        static unsigned long exhaleAccumulator = 0;

        static unsigned long inhaleSamples = 0;
        static unsigned long exhaleSamples = 0;

        if (fabs(energy) >= 1e-6) {
            // Person Present

            bool inhaling = energy > 0;
            bool lastInhaling = lastEnergy > 0;

            if ((!inhaling && lastInhaling) || (inhaling && !lastInhaling)) {

                unsigned long currentClock = clock();

                unsigned long timeDiff = currentClock - lastClock;

                if (timeDiff >= 0.5e+6) {

                    if (inhaling) {
//                        cout << "Fade ON" << endl;
                        inhaleAccumulator += timeDiff;

                        unsigned long avg = (float)inhaleAccumulator / inhaleSamples;

                        // Turn on the lights with transition time in 1/10 seconds
                        setLight(true, avg / 100000);
                    } else {
//                        cout << "Fade OFF" << endl;
                        exhaleAccumulator += timeDiff;

                        unsigned long avg = (float)exhaleAccumulator / exhaleSamples;

                        // Turn off the lights with transition time in 1/10 seconds
                        setLight(false, avg / 100000);

                    lastClock = currentClock;


        lastEnergy = energy;

		//	******************************
		//	TODO: add processing code here
		//	******************************
//		PrintBreathingEnergy(energy);

	//	7) Stop and Disconnect.
	//	======================
	res = Walabot_Stop();
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_Stop");

	res = Walabot_Disconnect();
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_Disconnect");

int main()



Will Freeman

Will Freeman

2 projects • 5 followers
Student at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). Ambassador of Hackster Live meetup at CoWorking Night.
