Jonathan Eskow

Blinkerdoo! with SparkCore

Single player reaction light game that also tells the weather

Full instructions provided1,165
Blinkerdoo! with SparkCore

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Spark Core microcontroller
the Sparkbutton
3.3 V LCD screen
Resistor 221 ohm
Resistor 221 ohm
female to male jumper wires
Male to Male Jumper Wires
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)


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//import statements for libraries will be automatically included by the sparkCore IDE when copied

//this module is to create a concept game using the sparkbutton to power LEDs on the ring and interact with them using two of the buttons on the board

//it also has an additional "weather mode" that is called using the third/bottom button on the sparkbutton

Weather* weather; //activate openweather, include everything

HttpClient* httpClient; //activate HttpClient, include everything

SparkButton b = SparkButton();//claim button object

LiquidCrystal lcd(0, 5, 6, 7, A0, A1); //assign pin outs to LCD screen

void setup() 


lcd.begin(16, 2); //LCD screen will be 16 x 2 characters

Serial.begin(9600); //serial USB

b.begin();//activate button

httpClient = new HttpClient(); //new HttpClient object

    weather = new Weather("Philadelphia,PA", httpClient, 

            "8abf01e17a1883e41c73a8f313226678"); //for different weather change city and state, access token




void loop()


   lcd.display(); //turn on LCD

   lcd.print("Blinkerdoo"); //print on LCD

   delay(100); //delay 100 ms

   lcd.clear(); //clear LCD



    if (b.buttonOn(3)) //if button 3 is pressed, go into weathermode



        weatherMode(); //call weather function

        lcdWeather(); //call lcd function

    } //end if

    else //otherwise game mode


        gameMode(); //call game function

    } //end else

} // end loop

void gameMode() //function for game mode



  bool led3 = true; //boolean variables to dictate behavior of lights and interaction

   bool led9 = false; // with buttons

   int n; //light for button 2

   int m; //light for button 4

   int t = 100; //time constant


    for(t = 100; t > 5; t--) //speed of light hastens with every cycle




        if(b.buttonOn(2) && led3 == true) //if button 2 is pressed LEDs bounce from 3 to 9


         for (n=3; n <= 9; n++)


            b.ledOn(n, 0,0,255); //blue led travels




            led9 = true;




        else if(b.buttonOn(4) && led9 == true)//if button 4 is pressed LEDs bounce from 9 to 3




                for (m = 9; m >= 3; m--)


                    b.ledOn(m, 0,255,0); //green led travels back




                    led9 = false;







    else //if player fails to complete cycle, game is over.








void weatherMode() //weather function


    weather_response_t resp = weather->cachedUpdate(); //ping weather API

    if (resp.isSuccess) //if ping is successful give read out



        Serial.print(" - ");


        Serial.print(" - ");





 int t = resp.temp_high;        //if ping is successful, change LEDs on button according to high temperature for the day, can also use case statements

        if (t > 90) 


            b.allLedsOn(55,0,0); //if temperature is above 90, red LEDs


        else if ((t < 90) && (t >= 80))


            b.allLedsOn(255,128,0); //if temperature is between 90 and 80, orange LEDs


        else if ((t < 80) && (t >= 70 ))


            b.allLedsOn(55,55,0); //if temperature is between 80 and 70, yellow LEDS


        else if ((t < 70) && (t >= 60))


            b.allLedsOn(0, 55, 0); //if temperature is between 70 and 60, green LEDs


        else if ((t < 60) && (t >= 50))


            b.allLedsOn(0, 0, 55); //if temperature is between 60 and 50, blue LEDs


        else if((t < 50) && (t >= 32))


            b.allLedsOn(55, 0, 55); //if temperature is between 40 and freezing, purple LEDs




            b.allLedsOn(50, 50, 50); //if temperature is below freezing, white LEDs



} //end weatherMode()

void lcdWeather() //lcd readout of weather


  lcd.display(); //turn on display


   weather_response_t resp = weather->cachedUpdate();

    if (resp.isSuccess) //if ping is successful, give readout on LCD


        lcd.print(resp.temp_low); //gives low temp for day

        lcd.print(" - ");

        lcd.print(resp.temp_high); //gives high temp for day

        lcd.setCursor(0,1);       //returns

        lcd.print(resp.descr); //gives condition for the day


        lcd.clear(); //clears LCD after 3.5 seconds


    } //end if

   } //end lcdWeather function



Jonathan Eskow

Jonathan Eskow

5 projects • 19 followers
Electronics Engineer at NextFab and ECE undergrad at Temple University
