Gleison Storto
Published © CC BY-NC

Constant current load with cut-off voltage

Trying to get a discharge curve of you lithium battery preventing over-discharge? You can get that for less than $10.

BeginnerFull instructions provided4 hours3,762
Constant current load with cut-off voltage

Things used in this project

Hardware components

9V battery (generic)
9V battery (generic)
If using the version with the LM393, you may go to a 5V one. It is of course possible to use a power supply instead of a battery.
General Purpose Dual Op-Amp
Texas Instruments General Purpose Dual Op-Amp
Infineon IRFZ24NPBF
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
If you want something cheaper, buy a 500K trimmer
Resistor 1 Ohm

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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Schematic of version with LM393 (VCC < 6V)

Self explanatory

Schematic of version with LM358 (VCC > 6V)

Self explanatory


Gleison Storto

Gleison Storto

3 projects • 2 followers
Thanks to GreatScottLab.
