MD R. Islam
Published © LGPL

Alexa Doorman: Who Is at My Door?

Ask Alexa to see if someone's at the door or if a package has arrived at your doorstep! Build a smart camera skill using a webcam!

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Things used in this project

Hardware components

UVC-compatible Camera
Only needed for Intel Edison setup
SD Card
Only needed if your device doesn't have enough space to install the repositories.
Intel® Edison and Arduino Breakout Kit
Only one Wi-Fi and camera stream device required.
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Only one Wi-Fi and camera stream device required.
Camera Module
Raspberry Pi Camera Module
Only needed for Raspberry Pi setup
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Needed for ArduCam setup
ArduCam Mini 2MP
Only one Wi-Fi and camera stream device required
ESP8266 ESP-01
Espressif ESP8266 ESP-01
(Optional) If you want to send detection requests to a different server. You do not need a computation device locally with Arduino if you set this up.

Software apps and online services

Alexa Skills Kit
Amazon Alexa Alexa Skills Kit
For the Alexa skill if you want to host it yourself
AWS Lambda
Amazon Web Services AWS Lambda
For Intel Edison setup
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
For Arduino setup


Read more


Arduino Uno R3 + ArduCAM Connections

VUI diagram

How the Alexa Skills work

Architecture Diagram

High level diagram of how all the software components work


Pre-trained TINY YOLO VOC model

This is the tiny version of the detection model that does less than than the full one but some limited memory devices like the Edison/Raspberry Pi require this.
No preview (download only).

Pre-trained model

Download and place in the yolo-detection-api project folder
No preview (download only).

YOLO Object Detection

Uses Darkflow YOLO to detect objects in a frame.

Arduino Sketch

Flash ArduCAM/examples/mini/ArduCAM_Mini_LowPowerMode/ArduCAM_Mini_LowPowerMode.ino

Device Stream Client

This client needs to be installed on the device that will capture images.

Smart Home Skill

Zip the contents of sample_lambda/python and upload to AWS Lambda

Link with Amazon App

This is the app that authenticates with the Alexa skill and manages user data and also hosts endpoints for the Custom Skill


MD R. Islam
7 projects • 13 followers
software engineer
