Soohwan Kim
Published © Apache-2.0

MBED RPC with W5500 Ethernet Shield

This post shows how to use mbed RPC with W5500 Ethernet Shield and how to port an Ethernet application used lwIP to W5500Interface.

BeginnerFull instructions provided1,370

Things used in this project

Hardware components

WIZnet W5500


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Plain text
      /*  Use EthernetInterface
       *EthernetInterface eth;
       *int ret = eth.init("", "", "");    
      /* ----- Use W5500 Ethernet Shied -----*/
      SPI spi(D11, D12, D13);      /* mosi, miso, sclk */
      //spi.frequency(12500000); /* Optional : set proper SPI clock */
      EthernetInterface eth(&spi, D10, D9); /* spi, cs, reset(dummy) */
      /* ----- Use W5500 Ethernet Shied -----*/


Plain text
      /*  Use EthernetInterface
       *EthernetInterface eth;
       *int ret = eth.init("", "", "");    
      /* ----- Use W5500 Ethernet Shied -----*/
      SPI spi(D11, D12, D13);      /* mosi, miso, sclk */
      //spi.frequency(12500000); /* Optional : set proper SPI clock */
      EthernetInterface eth(&spi, D10, D9); /* spi, cs, reset(dummy) */
      /* ----- Use W5500 Ethernet Shied -----*/


Soohwan Kim

Soohwan Kim

6 projects • 7 followers
Embedded System, ARM mbed, Arduino, TCP/IP, SoC, Open Source Hardware
