Tan Do
Published © CC BY-NC

Farmery - Opensource Smart Farm Platform

Farmery is an open-source smart farm management to help you manage your farm business easily by accessing information you need on-the-go.

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Farmery - Opensource Smart Farm Platform

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Espressif ESP32S
nRF52840 Multi-Protocol SoC
Nordic Semiconductor nRF52840 Multi-Protocol SoC
Sense Hub Pro
Sense Hydro Pro 4CH
Broadlink SP3
Xiaomi Hygrometer LCD
Xiaomi Flora
SenseCAP S2104 - LoRaWAN Soil Moisture and Temperature Sensor
Seeed Studio SenseCAP S2104 - LoRaWAN Soil Moisture and Temperature Sensor
SenseCAP M1 LoRaWAN Indoor Gateway - EU868
Seeed Studio SenseCAP M1 LoRaWAN Indoor Gateway - EU868
Gravity™ Analog pH Sensor Kit
Atlas Scientific Gravity™ Analog pH Sensor Kit
Conductivity Sensor K1.0 Kit
Atlas Scientific Conductivity Sensor K1.0 Kit

Software apps and online services

nRF Connect SDK
Nordic Semiconductor nRF Connect SDK
Android Studio
Android Studio

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Drill / Driver, Cordless
Drill / Driver, Cordless
Laser cutter (generic)
Laser cutter (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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IOT Gateway schematic

You can design a new gateway by yourself or buy an opensource gateway like https://www.fanstel.com/open-sources-gateway.
Depend on your sensor, you can combine ESP32 with BLE module, Zigbee module or Lora module. In this project, we combine ESP32 with BLE module to work with BLE sensor and BLE Mesh sensor
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IOT Gateway schematic

You can design a new gateway by yourself or buy an opensource gateway like https://www.fanstel.com/open-sources-gateway.
Depend on your sensor, you can combine ESP32 with BLE module, Zigbee module or Lora module. In this project, we combine ESP32 with BLE module to work with BLE sensor and BLE Mesh sensor.
You can use a Raspberry Pi as a gateway for synchronize the data


This is the ultimate IoT board with wired 100Mb Ethernet Interface, Bluetooth LE, and WiFi. ESP32-GATEWAY and ESP32-GATEWAY-EA should be used in the commercial temperature range 0-70C ESP32-GATEWAY-IND and ESP32-GATEWAY-EA-IND are functionally identical, but using components rated to work in the industrial temperature grade -40+85C FEATURES ESP32-WROOM32 module MicroUSB connector CH340 USB serial converter Built-in programmer for Arduino and ESP-IDF WiFi, BLE connectivity Ethernet 100Mb interface MicroSD card GPIO 20 pin connector with all ESP32 ports Dimensions: (50 x 62)mm ~ (1.95 x 2.45)"


LILYGO® TTGO T-Internet-POE ESP32-WROVER-B LAN8720A Chip Ethernet Adapter And Downloader Expansion Board Programmable Hardware



Sense Switch Dual

Firmware for Sonoff Dual R3 to work with Farmery apps


Tan Do

Tan Do

5 projects • 15 followers
Thanks to AGRHUB's team.
