Dilghas Ommer
Created May 31, 2021

Forest Fire Detection

Forest Fire Rescue

Forest Fire Detection

Things used in this project

Hardware components

QuickFeather Dev Kit with UART Cable + SensiML
QuickLogic Corp. QuickFeather Dev Kit with UART Cable + SensiML
Evaluation Board, ADS1015 12-Bit ADC
Evaluation Board, ADS1015 12-Bit ADC
Vishay thermistor

Software apps and online services

SensiML Data Capture Lab
SensiML Analytics Studio
QuickLogic Corp. QORC SDK


Read more


Circuit Diagram



Make the edits in the QORC SDK
/** @file sensor_ssss_process.c */

 * Copyright 2020 QuickLogic Corporation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "semphr.h"
#include "timers.h"

#include "datablk_mgr.h"
#include "process_ids.h"
#include "datablk_processor.h"
#include "sensor_ssss.h"
#include "micro_tick64.h"
#include "dbg_uart.h"
#include "ssi_comms.h"
#include "eoss3_hal_i2c.h"

// #include "mc3635_wire.h"
#include "sml_recognition_run.h"

#include "SparkFun_ADS1015_Arduino_Library.h"

// When enabled, GPIO (configured in pincfg_table.c) is toggled whenever a
// datablock is dispacthed for writing to the UART. Datablocks are dispatched
#include "eoss3_hal_gpio.h"
uint8_t sensor_rate_debug_gpio_val = 1;

/* BEGIN user include files
 * Add header files needed for accessing the sensor APIs

/* User settable MACROs */

/* This section defines MACROs that may be user modified */

// MC3635  qorc_ssi_accel;
ADS1015 qorc_ssi_adc;

/* User modifiable sensor descriptor in JSON format */
/* BEGIN JSON descriptor for the sensor configuration */

const char json_string_sensor_config[] = \
	"  \"Temp\":0,"\
"}\r\n" ;
/* END JSON descriptor for the sensor data */

/* User modifiable function. Update the below function
 * to initialize and setup I2C sensors */
void sensor_ssss_configure(void)
  /** @todo Replace contents of this function */
  sensor_ssss_config.rate_hz = SENSOR_SSSS_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ;
  sensor_ssss_config.n_channels = SENSOR_SSSS_CHANNELS_PER_SAMPLE;
  sensor_ssss_config.bit_depth = SENSOR_SSSS_BIT_DEPTH;
  sensor_ssss_config.sensor_id = SENSOR_SSSS_ID;
  static int sensor_ssss_configured = false;

  /*--- BEGIN User modifiable section ---*/
  // qorc_ssi_accel.begin();
  // qorc_ssi_accel.set_sample_rate(sensor_ssss_config.rate_hz);
  // qorc_ssi_accel.set_sample_resolution(sensor_ssss_config.bit_depth);
  // qorc_ssi_accel.set_mode(MC3635_MODE_CWAKE);
  /*--- END of User modifiable section ---*/

  if (sensor_ssss_configured == false)
    sensor_ssss_configured = true;

/* User modifiable function. Update the below function
 * to read sensor data sample from sensors and fill-in
 * the data block with these sensor data values */
int  sensor_ssss_acquisition_buffer_ready()
    int8_t *p_dest = (int8_t *) &psensor_ssss_data_block_prev->p_data;
    int dataElementSize = psensor_ssss_data_block_prev->dbHeader.dataElementSize;
    int ret;
    int batch_size;

    p_dest += sizeof(int8_t)*sensor_ssss_samples_collected*dataElementSize;

    /* Read 1 sample per channel, Fill the sample data to p_dest buffer */

    /*--- BEGIN User modifiable section ---*/
    // xyz_t accel_data = qorc_ssi_accel.read();  /* Read accelerometer data from MC3635 */

    // /* Fill this accelerometer data into the current data block */
    // int16_t *p_accel_data = (int16_t *)p_dest;

    // *p_accel_data++ = accel_data.x;
    // *p_accel_data++ = accel_data.y;
    // *p_accel_data++ = accel_data.z;
    int16_t *p_adc_data = (int16_t *)p_dest;

    int16_t channel_A0 = qorc_ssi_adc.getSingleEnded(0); //Thermistor

    float mv = ( channel_A0/4096.0)*3300; //4096 as ADS1015 is 12 bit
    float cel = mv/10;
    channel_A0 = (int16_t)( cel * 1.8 + 32);

      *p_adc_data++ = channel_A0;
      p_dest += 6; // advance datablock pointer to retrieve and store next sensor data

    /* Read data from other sensors */

    sensor_ssss_samples_collected += SENSOR_SSSS_CHANNELS_PER_SAMPLE;
    batch_size = sensor_ssss_batch_size_get() * SENSOR_SSSS_CHANNELS_PER_SAMPLE;

    // return 1 if batch_size of samples are collected
    // return 0 otherwise
    if (sensor_ssss_samples_collected >= batch_size)
      psensor_ssss_data_block_prev->dbHeader.numDataElements = sensor_ssss_samples_collected;
      psensor_ssss_data_block_prev->dbHeader.numDataChannels = SENSOR_SSSS_CHANNELS_PER_SAMPLE;
      sensor_ssss_samples_collected = 0;
      return 1;
      return 0;

/** End of User modifiable code and variable */

/*========== BEGIN: SSSS SENSOR Datablock processor definitions =============*/
/** @addtogroup QAI_SSSS_PIPELINE_EXAMPLE QORC SDK SSSS pipeline example
 *  @brief SSSS pipeline example code
 * This example code demonstrates setting up SSSS Queues,
 * setting up the datablock buffer manager (\ref DATABLK_MGR)
 * and setting up the datablock processor processing elements (\ref DATABLK_PE).
 * A specific SSSS processing element for motion detection is provided in this
 * example.
 * @{

/** Maximum number of ssss data blocks that may be queued for chain processing */

/** maximum number of vertical (parallel processing elements) that may generate datablock outputs
 *  that may add to the front of the queue.
 *  Queue size of a given datablock processor must be atleast
 *  summation of maximum datablocks of all sensors registered for
 *  processing with some room to handle the vertical depth


uint8_t               sensor_ssss_data_blocks[SENSOR_SSSS_MEMSIZE_MAX] ; //PLACE_IN_SECTION("HWA");
QAI_DataBlockMgr_t    sensor_ssssBuffDataBlkMgr;
QueueHandle_t         sensor_ssss_dbp_thread_q;

/* SSSS AI processing element */
extern void sensor_ssss_ai_data_processor(
       QAI_DataBlock_t *pIn,
       QAI_DataBlock_t *pOut,
       QAI_DataBlock_t **pRet,
       datablk_pe_event_notifier_t *pevent_notifier
extern void sensor_ssss_ai_config(void *pDatablockManagerPtr);
extern int  sensor_ssss_ai_start(void);
extern int  sensor_ssss_ai_stop(void);

/** Sensor SSSS AI processing element functions */

datablk_pe_funcs_t sensor_ssss_sensiml_ai_funcs =
  .pconfig     = sensor_ssss_ai_config,
  .pprocess    = sensor_ssss_ai_data_processor,
  .pstart      = sensor_ssss_ai_start,
  .pstop       = sensor_ssss_ai_stop,
  .p_pe_object = (void *)NULL
} ;

/** outQ processor for SSSS AI processing element */
outQ_processor_t sensor_ssss_sensiml_ai_outq_processor =
  .process_func = NULL,
  .p_dbm = &sensor_ssssBuffDataBlkMgr,
  .in_pid = SENSOR_SSSS_AI_PID,
  .outQ_num = 0,
  .outQ = NULL,
  .p_event_notifier = NULL

/* SSSS Live-stream processing element */
extern void sensor_ssss_livestream_data_processor(
       QAI_DataBlock_t *pIn,
       QAI_DataBlock_t *pOut,
       QAI_DataBlock_t **pRet,
       datablk_pe_event_notifier_t *pevent_notifier
extern void sensor_ssss_livestream_config(void *pDatablockManagerPtr);
extern int  sensor_ssss_livestream_start(void);
extern int  sensor_ssss_livestream_stop(void);

/** Sensor SSSS AI processing element functions */

datablk_pe_funcs_t sensor_ssss_livestream_funcs =
  .pconfig     = sensor_ssss_livestream_config,
  .pprocess    = sensor_ssss_livestream_data_processor,
  .pstart      = sensor_ssss_livestream_start,
  .pstop       = sensor_ssss_livestream_stop,
  .p_pe_object = (void *)NULL
} ;

/** outQ processor for SSSS Live-stream processing element */
outQ_processor_t sensor_ssss_livestream_outq_processor =
  .process_func = NULL,
  .p_dbm = &sensor_ssssBuffDataBlkMgr,
  .outQ_num = 0,
  .outQ = NULL,
  .p_event_notifier = NULL

datablk_pe_descriptor_t  sensor_ssss_datablk_pe_descr[] =
{ // { IN_ID, OUT_ID, ACTIVE, fSupplyOut, fReleaseIn, outQ, &pe_function_pointers, bypass_function, pe_semaphore }
    /* processing element descriptor for SensiML AI for SSSS sensor */
    { SENSOR_SSSS_ISR_PID, SENSOR_SSSS_AI_PID, true, false, true, &sensor_ssss_sensiml_ai_outq_processor, &sensor_ssss_sensiml_ai_funcs, NULL, NULL},

    /* processing element descriptor for SSSS sesnsor livestream */
    { SENSOR_SSSS_ISR_PID, SENSOR_SSSS_LIVESTREAM_PID, true, false, true, &sensor_ssss_livestream_outq_processor, &sensor_ssss_livestream_funcs, NULL, NULL},

datablk_processor_params_t sensor_ssss_datablk_processor_params[] = {

void sensor_ssss_block_processor(void)
  /* Initialize datablock manager */
   datablk_mgr_init( &sensor_ssssBuffDataBlkMgr,

  /** SSSS datablock processor thread : Create SSSS Queues */
  sensor_ssss_dbp_thread_q = xQueueCreate(SENSOR_SSSS_DBP_THREAD_Q_SIZE, sizeof(QAI_DataBlock_t *));
  vQueueAddToRegistry( sensor_ssss_dbp_thread_q, "SENSOR_SSSSPipelineExampleQ" );

  /** SSSS datablock processor thread : Setup SSSS Thread Handler Processing Elements */

  /** Set the first data block for the ISR or callback function */

  /* [TBD]: sensor configuration : should this be here or after scheduler starts? */
#if 0
  printf("Sensor Name:                   %s\n", "SENSOR_SSSS_NAME");
  printf("Sensor Memory:                 %d\n", (int)SENSOR_SSSS_MEMSIZE_MAX);
  printf("Sensor Sampling rate:          %d Hz\n", (int)SENSOR_SSSS_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ);
  printf("Sensor Number of channels:     %d\n", (int)SENSOR_SSSS_CHANNELS_PER_SAMPLE);
  printf("Sensor frame size per channel: %d\n", (int)SENSOR_SSSS_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL);
  printf("Sensor frame size:             %d\n", (int)SENSOR_SSSS_SAMPLES_PER_BLOCK);
  printf("Sensor sample bit-depth:       %d\n", (int)SENSOR_SSSS_BIT_DEPTH);
  printf("Sensor datablock count:        %d\n", (int)SENSOR_SSSS_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS);
/*========== END: SSSS SENSOR Datablock processor definitions =============*/

/* BEGIN timer task related functions */
TimerHandle_t sensor_ssss_TimId ;
extern "C" void sensor_ssss_dataTimer_Callback(TimerHandle_t hdl);
void sensor_ssss_dataTimer_Callback(TimerHandle_t hdl)
  // Warning: must not call vTaskDelay(), vTaskDelayUntil(), or specify a non zero
  // block time when accessing a queue or a semaphore.
  sensor_ssss_acquisition_read_callback(); //osSemaphoreRelease(readDataSem_id);
void sensor_ssss_dataTimerStart(void)
  BaseType_t status;
  TimerCallbackFunction_t xCallback = sensor_ssss_dataTimer_Callback;
  // setup FIFO mode
  int milli_secs = (1000 / SENSOR_SSSS_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ); // reads when a sample is available (upto 416Hz)

  // Create periodic timer
  if (!sensor_ssss_TimId) {
    sensor_ssss_TimId = xTimerCreate("SensorSSSSTimer", pdMS_TO_TICKS(milli_secs), pdTRUE, (void *)0, xCallback);
    configASSERT(sensor_ssss_TimId != NULL);

  if (sensor_ssss_TimId)  {
    status = xTimerStart (sensor_ssss_TimId, 0);  // start timer
    if (status != pdPASS)  {
      // Timer could not be started
  // setup FIFO mode
  // start the sensor

void sensor_ssss_dataTimerStop(void)
  if (sensor_ssss_TimId) {
    xTimerStop(sensor_ssss_TimId, 0);
  // stop the sensor

/* END timer task related functions */

/* BEGIN Sensor Generic Configuration */

sensor_generic_config_t sensor_ssss_config;

void sensor_ssss_startstop( int is_start )
  /** @todo Replace contents of this function */
  if ((is_start) && (sensor_ssss_config.enabled) && (sensor_ssss_config.is_running == 0) )
     sensor_ssss_config.is_running = 1;
  else if ( (is_start == 0) && (sensor_ssss_config.is_running == 1) )
    sensor_ssss_config.is_running = 0;

void sensor_ssss_clear( void )
  sensor_ssss_config.enabled = false;
  /** @todo Replace contents of this function */

void sensor_ssss_add(void)
  sensor_ssss_config.enabled = true;
  /** @todo Replace contents of this function */
/* End of Sensor Generic Configuration */

/* BEGIN SSSS Acquisition */
/* Sensor SSSS capture ISR */
#define SENSOR_SSSS_ISR_EVENT_NO_BUFFER  (1)   ///< error getting a new datablock buffer

#define SSSS_ISR_OUTQS_NUM        (1)
QueueHandle_t   *sensor_ssss_isr_outQs[SSSS_ISR_OUTQS_NUM] = { &sensor_ssss_dbp_thread_q };
QAI_DataBlock_t *psensor_ssss_data_block_prev = NULL;
int              sensor_ssss_samples_collected = 0;

outQ_processor_t sensor_ssss_isr_outq_processor =
  .process_func = sensor_ssss_acquisition_read_callback,
  .p_dbm = &sensor_ssssBuffDataBlkMgr,
  .in_pid = SENSOR_SSSS_ISR_PID,
  .outQ_num = 1,
  .outQ = sensor_ssss_isr_outQs,
  .p_event_notifier = NULL

void sensor_ssss_set_first_data_block()
  /* Acquire a datablock buffer */
  if (NULL == psensor_ssss_data_block_prev)
    datablk_mgr_acquire(sensor_ssss_isr_outq_processor.p_dbm, &psensor_ssss_data_block_prev, 0);
  configASSERT(psensor_ssss_data_block_prev); // probably indicates uninitialized datablock manager handle
  sensor_ssss_samples_collected = 0;
  psensor_ssss_data_block_prev->dbHeader.Tstart = xTaskGetTickCount();

int sensor_ssss_batch_size_get(void)

void sensor_ssss_acquisition_read_callback(void)
    int gotNewBlock = 0;
    QAI_DataBlock_t  *pdata_block = NULL;

    if (!sensor_ssss_acquisition_buffer_ready())
    /* Acquire a new data block buffer */
    datablk_mgr_acquire(sensor_ssss_isr_outq_processor.p_dbm, &pdata_block, 0);
    if (pdata_block)
        gotNewBlock = 1;
        // send error message
        // xQueueSendFromISR( error_queue, ... )
        if (sensor_ssss_isr_outq_processor.p_event_notifier)
          (*sensor_ssss_isr_outq_processor.p_event_notifier)(sensor_ssss_isr_outq_processor.in_pid, SENSOR_SSSS_ISR_EVENT_NO_BUFFER, NULL, 0);
        pdata_block = psensor_ssss_data_block_prev;
        pdata_block->dbHeader.Tstart = xTaskGetTickCount();

    if (gotNewBlock)
        /* send the previously filled ssss data to specified output Queues */
        psensor_ssss_data_block_prev->dbHeader.Tend = pdata_block->dbHeader.Tstart;
        datablk_mgr_WriteDataBufferToQueues(&sensor_ssss_isr_outq_processor, NULL, psensor_ssss_data_block_prev);
        psensor_ssss_data_block_prev = pdata_block;
/* END SSSS Acquisition */

/* SSSS AI processing element functions */
void sensor_ssss_ai_data_processor(
       QAI_DataBlock_t *pIn,
       QAI_DataBlock_t *pOut,
       QAI_DataBlock_t **pRet,
       datablk_pe_event_notifier_t *pevent_notifier
    int16_t *p_data = (int16_t *) ( (uint8_t *)pIn + offsetof(QAI_DataBlock_t, p_data) );

    // Invoke the SensiML recognition API
    int nSamples = pIn->dbHeader.numDataElements;
    int nChannels = pIn->dbHeader.numDataChannels;

    int batch_sz = nSamples / nChannels;
    sml_recognition_run_batch(p_data, batch_sz, nChannels, sensor_ssss_config.sensor_id);
    *pRet = NULL;

void sensor_ssss_ai_config(void *pobj)

int  sensor_ssss_ai_start(void)
  return 0;

int  sensor_ssss_ai_stop(void)
  return 0;

void sensor_ssss_event_notifier(int pid, int event_type, void *p_event_data, int num_data_bytes)
  char *p_data = (char *)p_event_data;
  printf("[SSSS Event] PID=%d, event_type=%d, data=%02x\n", pid, event_type, p_data[0]);

/* SSSS livestream processing element functions */

void sensor_ssss_livestream_data_processor(
       QAI_DataBlock_t *pIn,
       QAI_DataBlock_t *pOut,
       QAI_DataBlock_t **pRet,
       datablk_pe_event_notifier_t *pevent_notifier
    int16_t *p_data = (int16_t *) ( (uint8_t *)pIn + offsetof(QAI_DataBlock_t, p_data) );
    //struct sensor_data sdi;
    uint64_t  time_start, time_curr, time_end, time_incr;

    if (sensor_ssss_config.enabled == true)
      // Live-stream data to the host
      uint8_t *p_source = pIn->p_data ;
      int ilen = pIn->dbHeader.numDataElements * pIn->dbHeader.dataElementSize ;
      // Toggle GPIO to indicate that a new datablock buffer is dispatched to UART
      // for transmission for data collection
      HAL_GPIO_Write(GPIO_2, sensor_rate_debug_gpio_val);
      sensor_rate_debug_gpio_val ^= 1;
      ssi_publish_sensor_data(p_source, ilen);
    *pRet = NULL;

void sensor_ssss_livestream_config(void *pobj)

int  sensor_ssss_livestream_start(void)
  return 0;

int  sensor_ssss_livestream_stop(void)
  return 0;


Dilghas Ommer

Dilghas Ommer

4 projects • 2 followers
Experienced Marketing with demonstrated history of working in the research industry. Strong professional with a B.Tech focused in E&I Engg.
