Tottillo Healthkits
Published © GPL3+

Step Counter + App

Check your everyday activity, get info about recommended norms and share your progress on social networks!

BeginnerFull instructions provided2 hours2,164
Step Counter + App

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Battery Holder, 3 x AAA
Battery Holder, 3 x AAA
BBC micro:bit board
BBC micro:bit board

Software apps and online services

MIT App Inventor 2
MIT App Inventor 2
Vittascience platform


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App to upload and analyse the data (in english)

App created by Mit App Inventor to analyze the meaning of the number of the steps and share media files about your progress in the internet

App to upload and analyse the data (in french)

App created by Mit App Inventor to analyze the meaning of the number of the steps and share media files about your progress in the internet

Code for Micro:bit on Vittascience platform


Code for Micro:bit step counter

Code to count number of steps and display it
from microbit import *

steps = None

steps = 0

while True:
  if accelerometer.current_gesture() == 'shake':
    steps = (steps if isinstance(steps, int) else 0) + 1


Tottillo Healthkits

Tottillo Healthkits

21 projects • 91 followers
I am e-health engineer Diana. Interested in general wellness and awareness of what parameters affect our well-being and health.
