Dania Hanif -20Michelle Vanuy -20

You Spin My Tea Right ‘Round

The world’s most efficient way to mix tea

AdvancedShowcase (no instructions)1,065
You Spin My Tea Right ‘Round

Things used in this project


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Fritzing Diagram



const int button1 = 2; //connects to constantly spinning button
const int button2 = 4; //connects to timed button

const int motorPin = 9; //connects to transistor

int switchState1 = 0; //holds value of button1
int switchState2 = 0; //holds value of button2

int potentiometerIn; //holds the input from the potentiometer

int pin1 = 5; //output to the H-Bridge for motor
int pin2 = 6; //output to the H-Bridge for motor

void setup() {
  pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT); //motors are an output because they respond to the buttons
  pinMode(button1, INPUT); //buttons are inputs because they initiate the motor
   pinMode(button2, INPUT);
   pinMode(pin1, OUTPUT); 
 pinMode(pin2, OUTPUT); 

void loop() {
  potentiometerIn = analogRead(A0);
  int output = potentiometerIn / 4; //enables input to connect to the AnalogWrite function
  switchState1 = digitalRead(button1); //button1 is associated with switchstate1
  switchState2 = digitalRead(button2); //button2 is associated with switchstate2

//if the buttons aren’t pressed, then the motor won’t start
if (switchState1 == LOW && switchState2 == LOW) {
    digitalWrite(motorPin, LOW);

//else: the motor will spin
else {
    digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH);
//if button1 is pressed, then constantly spin
  if(switchState1 == HIGH) { 
     analogWrite(pin1, output); 

  //else: don’t spin
else {
    digitalWrite(pin1, LOW); //unpressed forward button(doesn't spin)

  //if button 2 is pressed, then spin for a limited amount of time
  if(switchState2 == HIGH) { 
    analogWrite(pin2, output); 

//else: don’t spin
  else {
    digitalWrite(pin2, LOW);
 delay(25); //delay at end as loop gets called continuously without any delay


Dania Hanif -20

Dania Hanif -20

1 project • 0 followers
Michelle Vanuy -20

Michelle Vanuy -20

0 projects • 0 followers
