Dhairya Parikh
Published © GPL3+

Electricity Saving Using Smart Home Monitoring

The idea is to basically monitor our rooms continuously and if no one is present in the room, the system will turn off the lights and fans.

IntermediateWork in progress3 hours1,406
Electricity Saving Using Smart Home Monitoring

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Walabot Developer Pack
Walabot Developer Pack
For Human sensing.
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
The controller which is connected to the app.
Relay Module (Generic)
To connect to the switch board.
Infineon TLI4971 MS2GO
To get the status of the switches(on or off).

Software apps and online services

This is for testing basis, I will create my own app for the prototype.


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Dhairya Parikh

Dhairya Parikh

21 projects • 123 followers
Project Developer | IoT and Machine Learning Enthusiast | Open Source Enthusiast |
