David Blake

Email Alert Mousetrap

A system that alerts me when mousetraps are triggered.

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Email Alert Mousetrap


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Arduino Email Mousetrap
By David Blake Sept 2012


#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>

// Network Details
byte mac[] = { 0x12, 0x34, 0xab, 0x54, 0x2e, 0xa7 }; //Give your Arduino a mac address
byte ip[] = { 192,168,1,84 }; //and an IP address suitable for your network
byte dns[] = { 192, 168, 1, 199 }; //a dns server address. It's not used but we need to put something in there for the Ethernet.begin command
byte gateway[] = { 192,168,1,199 }; // Default Gateway or Router address
byte server[] = { 61,9,189,249 }; // mail.bigpond.com (This is my isp's email server IP address)
byte subnet[] = { 255,255,255,0 }; // subnet mask

// These intergers are used as constants to control timing and delays in the script
int wait = 1000; //used for a basic 1 second delay in places
unsigned long hour = 3600000; // For long delay between loops. 3600000 = 1 hour
int delaytime = 6; //Time to wait between emails
int interval = 0; // initial value
int nextinterval = 1; //target value
int period = 0; 

// These integers represent pin numbers and initial states for working out which traps are armed or have fired
int trap2 = 2;
int trapread2 = 1;
int trapstatus2 = 1; //1 for armed
int oldtrapstatus2 = 1;
int trap3 = 3;
int trapread3 = 1;
int trapstatus3 = 1; //1 for armed
int oldtrapstatus3 = 1;
int trap4 = 4;
int trapread4 = 1;
int trapstatus4 = 1; //1 for armed
int oldtrapstatus4 = 1;
int armed = 3;
int totalarmed = 3;
int oldtotalarmed = 3;

Client client(server, 25);

void setup()
// Specify the input pins for the traps
delay(wait); // Think about things....
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, dns, gateway );


void loop()
// Check the status of all traps. HIGH = Armed, LOW = Fired 
trapread2 = digitalRead(trap2);
trapread3 = digitalRead(trap3);
trapread4 = digitalRead(trap4);

if (trapread2 == HIGH) {
trapstatus2 = 1;
else {
trapstatus2 = 0;

if (trapread3 == HIGH) {
trapstatus3 = 1;
else {
trapstatus3 = 0;

if (trapread4 == HIGH) {
trapstatus4 = 1;
else {
trapstatus4 = 0;

// Count how many traps are armed
totalarmed = (trapstatus2 + trapstatus3 + trapstatus4);

// And work out if it has changed since last time. If it has changed send an email saying so
if (oldtotalarmed != totalarmed) {
delay(wait); /* allow the router to identify the Arduino before the Arduino connects to the internet */
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, dns, gateway );


if (client.connect()) {


client.println("helo ***1"); // say hello to the SMTP server.

delay(1000); // Give time for response

client.println("MAIL From ***2"); // identify sender 

client.println("RCPT To: ***3"); // identify 1st recipient 
client.println("RCPT To: ***4"); // identify 2nd recipient 

client.println("DATA"); // announce start of message

client.println("Subject: Mousey Mousey"); // insert subject 
client.println(""); // insert 2 blank lines between subject and body 
client.println(""); // insert 2 blank lines between subject and body 
client.println(""); // insert 1 blank line to start of body 
client.println("The mousetraps status has changed."); // message body
client.println(); // blank line in message

//Now work out how many traps have fired and include the appropriate line in the message
if (totalarmed == 2) { client.print(" There is 1 mousetrap that has gone off "); }
else { client.println("There are ");
client.print(3 - totalarmed);
client.println(" mousetraps that have gone off");

client.println();// blank line in message

// Now tell them which traps have fired or are still armed
if (trapstatus2 == 0) {client.println("Trap 2 has gone off");}
else {client.println("Trap 2 is still armed");}
if (trapstatus3 == 0) {client.println("Trap 3 has gone off");}
else {client.println("Trap 3 is still armed");}
if (trapstatus4 == 0) {client.println("Trap 4 has gone off");}
else {client.println("Trap 4 is still armed");}

client.println("");// blank line in message
client.println("."); /* Notifys mail server of message end */
client.println("QUIT"); /* tells mail server to close connection */

client.stop(); //Disconnect from the mail server
else {
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, dns, gateway );


if (client.connect()) {


client.println("helo ***1"); // say hello

client.println("MAIL From: ***2"); // identify sender 

client.println("RCPT To: ***3"); // identify 1st recipient 
client.println("RCPT To: ***4"); // identify 2nd recipient 

client.println("DATA"); // Announce start of message body

client.println("Subject: The mousetraps are online"); // insert subject 
client.println(""); // insert 2 blank lines between subject and body 
client.println(""); // insert 2 blank lines between subject and body /
client.println(""); // insert 1 blank line to start of body
client.println(" The mousetraps are online."); // message
client.println(); // insert 1 blank line
client.println("No traps have been triggered"); // message
client.println(""); // insert 1 blank line
client.println("."); // Notifys mail server of message end 
client.println("QUIT"); // tells mail server to terminate connection 

client.stop(); //Close the connection from our end

This section builds a big delay in the loop to stop you getting bombarded with emails. 
The Arduino will pause here before going back to check the status of the traps again 
and deciding what email to send.

The value of delaytime should be the number of hours between emails.
while (interval != nextinterval) {
period = period++ ;
if (period == delaytime) {
interval = interval++ ;
period = 0 ;

nextinterval = nextinterval++ ;



David Blake

David Blake

1 project • 1 follower
I just love getting my hands dirty and making stuff work!
