Darragh Broadbent
Published © CC BY-NC-SA

ATtiny Breakout

This is a breakout for an ATtiny microcontroller, it allows you to power an ATtiny with a DC supply of up to 40V and access all the pins!

IntermediateWork in progress2 hours1,261
ATtiny Breakout

Things used in this project

Hardware components

onsemi SS13FL Schottky Rectifier
onsemi LM2575 Switching Regulator
Panasonic Electrolytic Capacitor, 100 µF
Panasonic Electrolytic Capacitor, 330 µF
Power Inductor, 330 µH
Microchip ATTINY85
Turned pin headers or a DIP8 socket
Terminal Block, 2 Ways
Only used in the version with terminal blocks
Terminal Block, 8 Ways
Only used in the version with terminal blocks

Software apps and online services

Autodesk EAGLE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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EAGLE CAM outputs

This is a .zip file containing all of the manufacturing files from EAGLE. You can upload the .zip file to a PCB manufacturer such as JLCPCB and it contains all the information required for manufacture and assembly.

EAGLE CAM outputs terminal block version

This is a .zip file containing all of the manufacturing files from EAGLE. You can upload the .zip file to a PCB manufacturer such as JLCPCB and it contains all the information required for manufacture and assembly.

Bill of materials

This file contains the information for all of the components that I have used.

Bill of materials terminal block version

This file contains the information for all of the components that I have used.

Eagle files

This zip file contains the .brd and .sch files for the ATTiny breakout, you can use these to modify the design to your liking.


Darragh Broadbent

Darragh Broadbent

4 projects • 1 follower
I am an engineer based in Yorkshire, UK. My interests outside of work include 3D printing, computing, home automation, and electronics
