Published © LGPL

Arduino controlled power supply for led string lights

Replacement for a 31V power adapter for LED string lights. Soft dimming and possibility to power several strings in parallel on each output.

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Arduino controlled power supply for led string lights

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
l298n dual h bridge module


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Alimentation Guirlande de Noël


Power supply for LED christmas string lights

const byte pin_1P = 3;    // these are the pins connected to the L298N driver
const byte pin_1N = 11;   // you can change it at your desire.
const byte pin_2P = 9;
const byte pin_2N = 10;

//unsigned int frequency = 150;
int halfPeriod = 3333;            // (500000 / frequency)
unsigned long currentMicros = 0;
unsigned long previousMicros = 0;

int Interval;
int defaultInterval = 5;
unsigned long previousInterval = 0;
unsigned long currentInterval = 0;

bool phase = true;                // true: positive alternation  -  false:  negative alternation
long positif = halfPeriod * 0.1;  // duration of positive alternation
long negatif = halfPeriod * 0.1;  // duration of negative alternation
int increment = 1;

void setup()
  pinMode(pin_1P, OUTPUT);     // LED_1 positive
  pinMode(pin_1N, OUTPUT);     // LED_1 negative
  pinMode(pin_2P, OUTPUT);     // LED_2 positive
  pinMode(pin_2N, OUTPUT);     // LED_2 negative
  Serial.begin(2000000);       // (115200);
  Interval = defaultInterval;

void loop()
  currentMicros = micros();
  if (currentMicros - previousMicros >= halfPeriod) {
    previousMicros = currentMicros;
    phase = !phase;

  // Optionally insert the modifications of the "positive" and "negative" times to create effects

  if (positif >= halfPeriod) {
    increment = -1;
  if (positif <=  0) {
    increment = 1;
  if ((positif < 200) || (positif > (halfPeriod - 200))) {
    Interval = defaultInterval * 5;
  else {
    Interval = defaultInterval;
  currentInterval = millis();
  if (currentInterval - previousInterval >= Interval) {
    previousInterval = currentInterval;
    positif = positif + increment ;
    negatif = halfPeriod - positif;
  if ((phase == true) && ((currentMicros - previousMicros) < positif)) {
    digitalWrite (pin_1N, LOW);
    digitalWrite (pin_1P, HIGH);
    digitalWrite (pin_2N, LOW);
    digitalWrite (pin_2P, HIGH);
  else {
    digitalWrite (pin_1P, LOW);
    digitalWrite (pin_2P, LOW);
  if ((phase == false) && ((currentMicros - previousMicros) < negatif)) {
    digitalWrite (pin_1P, LOW);
    digitalWrite (pin_1N, HIGH);
    digitalWrite (pin_2P, LOW);
    digitalWrite (pin_2N, HIGH);
  else {
    digitalWrite (pin_1N, LOW);
    digitalWrite (pin_2N, LOW);




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