Daniel Legut
Published © Apache-2.0

A Trail Camera Using Satellites and AI for Animal Research

This camera enables flexible study of animals in areas with poor cellular reception, such as the mountain ranges of Colorado.

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A Trail Camera Using Satellites and AI for Animal Research

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Blues Starnote (Satellite)
Blues Starnote (Satellite)
Consider just getting a starter kit to make it easier: https://shop.blues.com/products/starnote-starter-kit
Blues Notecarrier XS
Blues Notecarrier XS
Consider just getting a starter kit to make it easier: https://shop.blues.com/products/starnote-starter-kit
Blues Notecard (Cell+WiFi)
Blues Notecard (Cell+WiFi)
Consider just getting a starter kit to make it easier: https://shop.blues.com/products/starnote-starter-kit
USB Web Camera 65 Degree FOV 30 FPS
Waterproof Outdoor Project Box with Transparent Cover (11"X7.5"X5.5")
Orange Pi Zero 2W 4GB Model
The 4GB model provides additional memory to allow for software to run faster and smoother. For example, it allows to not have to SSH or use a TTL cable if you don't want to and just use VS code directly on the orange pi itself. A TTL cable isn't quite as easy to to do with this project because of the wiring with the QWIIC Shim.
SR602 PIR Sensor
Sparkfun QWIIC Shim
18650 Battery
The link is to a set of 4 and you only need half that.
18650 Battery Charger
18650 Holder for Individual Battery
Neoprene Solid Rubber Sheet for DIY Gasket (1 Inch Wide)
Heatsinks for Orange Pi
M2M QWIIC Cable Connectors
24 Pin 0.5 mm pitch Reverse Direction Connector Cable
Long HDMI Cable
This helps with programming the satellite connection where you want to have hardware either outside or as close to a window as possible.
Long USB C Cable
This helps with programming the satellite connection where you want to have hardware either outside or as close to a window as possible.
90 Degree HDMI to Mini HDMI
Cold Shoe Mount and Adapter Set
Tie Down Straps
Camera Tripod
This helps with programming the satellite connection where you want to have hardware either outside or as close to a window as possible.
Power Adapter For USB C Cord
90 Degree USB C
You want to get two of the style that is on the right side of the first image. It's the one that would reorient the usb c ports of the orange pi away from the board and towards the transparent lid of the project box.
This plugs into 90 degree USB C connector to allow for use of keyboard and mouse directly with orange pi zero 2w board.
20 AWG Wires
24 AWG Wires
Breadboard Jumper Wires
Cotton Balls
Cotton Swab
Helps clean up flux from soldered connections.
Rubbing Alcohol
Clean up marks and helps with cleaning up flux from soldered connections.
Solder Flux
On/Off Rocker Switch
LM2596 Voltage Converter
This steps down voltage from 2 18650s from fully charged voltage to 5.4 volts. It's tuned by turning the little brass-looking screw with a tiny flat screwdriver.
Black Zip Ties
White M3 Nylon Screws
M3 Standoffs
Black M3 Nylon Screws
Super Glue

Software apps and online services

VS Code
Microsoft VS Code
Blues Notehub.io
Blues Notehub.io
Digital Ocean

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Benchtop Drill Press
Portable Soldering Iron
Wire Strippers
Cordless Hand Drill
The two bits utilized are pictured within instructions.
Vice with Atleast a 7.5" Opening
To clamp and hold project box to drill holes into it.
Eye Glass Repair Flathead Screwdriver
X-Acto Knife
Helping Hands
1/4 Inch Hole Punch


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Schematic for Satellite Trail Camera


Satellite Trail Camera Firmware and Web Application

Repo for Satellite Trail Camera


Daniel Legut
2 projects • 7 followers
Software Engineer with over 5 years of experience developing new products and services.
