- Categories:
- Best ARTIK Cloud & Arduino Mashup
- Best Personal Tracking/Wearables Application
- Best Transportation Application
- Best Community/Smart City Application
- Best Smart Home Application
Best ARTIK Cloud & Arduino Mashup
The winner was awarded a $1,000 cash + $500 ARTIK Cloud Credits, ARTIK 5 Developer Kit, Arduino (5x MKR1000). (*US Dollars. Approximated value. Prices may vary.) ($1,774 value)
Best Personal Tracking/Wearables Application
The winner was awarded a $1,000 Cash + $500 ARTIK Cloud Credits + ARTIK 5 Board + Samsung Gear S2! (*US Dollars. Approximated value. Prices may vary.) ($1,900 value)
Best Transportation Application
The winner was awarded a $1,000 Cash + $500 ARTIK Cloud Credits + ARTIK 5 Board + Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Phone + Gear VR! (*US Dollars. Approximated value. Prices may vary.) ($2,500 value)
Best Community/Smart City Application
The winner was awarded a $1,000 Cash + $500 ARTIK Cloud Credits + ARTIK 5 Board + Samsung Gear 360 camera! (*US Dollars. Approximated value. Prices may vary.) ($2,100 value)
Best Smart Home Application
The winner was awarded a $1,000 Cash + $500 ARTIK Cloud Credits + ARTIK 5 Board + Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Phone! (*US Dollars. Approximated value. Prices may vary.) ($2,400 value)
Need help with perfecting your project? Send us an email at developer@artik.cloud or at our Slack live chat and one of our team will be happy to help.
New Category
Best ARTIK Cloud & Arduino mashup! Create your own Innovative IoT Solution using any Arduino board and ARTIK Cloud. If you have an existing Arduino project, you can also use that project and connect ARTIK Cloud to apply to win the ARTIK Cloud Arduino Grand Prize! Read below for further instructions.
We will feature the best projects on our ARTIK Cloud Blog!
Ca$h Bounty!
- Sign up with ARTIK Cloud. Go to the developer site and create a new "device type" (here are some ideas)
- As a user, select "device type" to create a new device.
- Send submission proof to help@hackster.io with Subject "ARTIK Cloud" (here are the rules)
- We'll raffle 2x $100 bounty prizes to qualified submissions every week. Good luck!
Open Source Cloud Connector Bounty!
- Sign up with ARTIK Cloud. Go to the developer site and create new "Cloud Connectors device type" (here are some ideas)
- As a user, select "device type" to create a new device.
- Reference our documentation on building cloud connectors and post your cloud connector on our Github repo
- Send submission proof to developer@artik.cloud with Subject "ARTIK Cloud Cloud Connectors" (here are the rules)
- We'll raffle 10x $300 bounty prizes to qualified submissions and announce winners by October 17. Good luck!
Congrats to our bounty winners! Each received $100.
- Vincent Tsn connected the Hexiwear temp sensor, Edison temperature sensor and Blynk board
- Ravi Sawhney connected the Smart Things sensor and app
- Tushar Chugh connected the Flicbutton
- Reda Abdi connected the Halo device
- Swapnil kalhapur connected the Intel Edison board and Xiaomi Mi board
- Niwantha Nadeesh connected Modemcu and wroom2
- Khairul Uapstuconnected Raspberry Pi
- Hackioartikconnected Philips Hue, Particle Photon and Tessel
- Zoran Roncevic connected DHT senor, Edison CPU temp, Grove LCD, Grove temp, Maker BTN and Maker LED
- Josue Bustos connected the Samsung gear
- Ramith Hettiarachchi connected the Edison temperature sensor
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- Adrien Chan
- Doug Strickland
- Elijah Scheele
- Raghavendra Prasad
- LaurenceHR
- Muhammad Afzal
- Anas Siddiqui
- Khairul Uapstu
The Getting Started with ARTIK Cloud webinar recording is now available.
Check out our recent webinar recording with Arduino co-founder Massimo Banzi on Building a sensing system using the Arduino MKR1000 and ARTIK Cloud.
Samsung ARTIK Cloud™ is an open data exchange platform that makes it extremely easy to connect devices and apps that were never designed to work together. Samsung ARTIK Cloud provides easy-to-use, open APIs, SDKs, and tools to securely collect, store, and act on any data from any connected device or cloud service. Get ready to use our APIs and tools to break down data and device silos and enable new apps and services.
The Challenge
Use our APIs+SDKs to make 2+ devices and data sources talk to each other,
Create powerful Rules to control devices,
Turn the Internet of Things into Interoperability of Things.
Getting Ready for the Challenge
- Create a free account on Hackster.io (if you are not already a member).
- Register to participate in this challenge by clicking on "Register as a participant"
- Sign up for a free Samsung ARTIK Cloud account (if you have a Samsung phone use that account)
- Try the “Hello World!” tutorial to connect a simulated device to Samsung ARTIK Cloud.
- Check out some of our great developer tools, sample code, and in-depth tutorials!
- For additional support, email us at developer@artik.cloud.
Submitting to the Challenge
- Using Samsung ARTIK Cloud, build a new IoT application that connects two (2) or more devices and/or cloud services from our "Works with ARTIK Cloud" list or "Most Wanted" list.
- Add at least one (1) Rule to create a smart interaction between the devices and/or services.
- Document your project on the Hackster.io project template
- Submit your project to this contest by clicking on "Submit my Project"
Documenting your Project
- Write 1-2 paragraphs about how your application addresses the Challenge in its category.
- Provide a link to your code repository (e.g. GitHub)
- Submit instructions on how to run your application. Include links to any open source code you may have used to complete your application.
- Submit a short video (2-5 minutes) demonstrating your application's functionality.
- Provide us with the email you used to register on Hackster.io and developer.artik.cloud.
Win a Grand Prize in one of the 5 following categories:
- Best Personal Tracking/Wearables application
- Best Transportation application
- Best Community/Smart City application
- Best Smart Home application
- Best Arduino & ARTIK Cloud mashup
All project submissions must use the Samsung ARTIK Cloud development platform.
Winners are selected based on the following criteria:
- Creativity of Project (15 points)
- The project must demonstrate originality in addressing the Monthly Challenge theme
- Project Documentation (10 points)
- Project must be thoroughly documented, including links to any open source code
- Code (50 Points)
- Code implementation must be functional and contain helpful comments
- User Experience (15 points)
- The application must demonstrate a high level of usability, with consideration given to design
- Video (10 points)
- The 2-5 minute video must clearly explain how the application works and addresses the Challenge theme
Technical Resources
You may also find the following tutorials helpful:
- Your first IoT device
- Your first Android app
- An IoT remote control
- Your first Cloud Connector
- Control Devices with Rules
Need help submitting your project? Reach out to us at developer@artik.cloud.
Best ARTIK Cloud & Arduino Mashup

Best Personal Tracking/Wearables Application

Best Transportation Application

Best Community/Smart City Application

Best Smart Home Application

Weekly Bounty

Contest Status
Competition begins
June 30, 2016 at 12:00 AM PDT
Submissions close
October 9, 2016 at 11:59 PM PDT
Winners announced by
Oct 26, 2016