Build a low cost air quality sensor with CanAirIO

Citizen science project with mobile and fixed sensors for measuring air quality (PM 2.5) using low-cost sensors and smartphones - wifi

IntermediateFull instructions provided3 hours10,393
Build a low cost air quality sensor with CanAirIO

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Panasonic Air Quality Sensor SN-GCJA5 with wire
ESP32 main board D1 mini v2
OLED Display Module D1 mini
DC-DC Power Supply Converter Booster
103450 battery 2000mah or similar size
Wire adapter from battery to board (choose 2Pin and JST 1.25mm)

Software apps and online services

CanAirIO Android App
PlatformIO (Arduino compatible)

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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Laser cut box (for one box)

Laser cut box (for 10 boxes)


CanAirIO Android Application Source Code

Source code for Android Aplication and preview releases of it

CanAirIO firmware source code

ESP32 firmware source code and releases for some ESP32 boards


Antonio Vanegas
7 projects • 16 followers
Mobile applications specialist, open culture enthusiast, software freedom activist
Liliana Amórtegui
1 project • 3 followers
Daniel Bernal
3 projects • 6 followers
Juan Carlos Pachón Arttesano
2 projects • 4 followers
