Published © LGPL

Monitor your noisy neighbours with Edge Impulse

Are you plagued by your neighbours, dogs barking, loud music or sirens whizzing past? Have the authorities told you to record everything?

AdvancedShowcase (no instructions)12 hours1,675

Things used in this project

Hardware components

AZ Touch ILI9341 TFT & Touchscreen including Enclosure
AZ Delivery ESP Dev Kit C v 4
Nano 33 BLE Sense
Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense
Flash Memory Card, SD Card
Flash Memory Card, SD Card
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm

Software apps and online services

Edge Impulse Studio
Edge Impulse Studio


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Siren Monitor Schematic

Please note, although this shows separate parts, please see parts list as the ESP32 Dev Kit, TFT & SD Card is all a part of one enclosure including power supply which is purchased a a complete kit.

Siren Monitor Schematic

Please note, although this shows separate parts, please see parts list as the ESP32 Dev Kit, TFT & SD Card is all a part of one enclosure including power supply which is purchased a a complete kit.


Siren Monitor - Edge Impulse & Arduino Nano BLE Sense

This is the Arduino Nano BLE Sense code for monitoring audio events. You can create your own account on Edge Impulse and create your own project

Siren Monitor - ESP32, TFT, SD Card, Web Server

This code is for the primary ESP32. It monitors the Arduino Nano BLE Sense and when data is received it processes the data.


2 projects • 8 followers
I love to design and create electronic gadgets and this channel enables me to share what I have done, so others can hopefully benefit.
