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Coding with Beaglebone and BluPants

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Coding with Beaglebone and BluPants

Things used in this project

Hardware components

BeagleBone Blue BeagleBone Blue
Car Chassis Kit with Motors, Speed Encoder
Battery 1000mAh 2S 20C LiPoly
Power Supply 12V 3A
Mini Micro ZH 1.5 2-Pin JST Connector
Micro SD card 4G minimum
You will a micro SD card with minimum storage capacity of 4G. You will also need to be able to flash it. If your computer does not have a micro SD port, the shared link from Amazon includes a USB to micro SD adapter.
SG90 Micro-servo motor
SG90 Micro-servo motor
Optional Servo for gripper claw. Connects to port 8.
Gripper for servo
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Optional Check this other post to learn how to add the distance sensor to Beaglebone Blue:
USB Camera
Optional PTZ servos connect to ports 1 and 2
DC Motor, 12 V
DC Motor, 12 V
SparkFun RedBot Kit
SparkFun RedBot Kit
Alternatively, this kit can be used instead

Software apps and online services

BluPants Studio
Balena Etcher
Use the following image:

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Multitool, Screwdriver
Multitool, Screwdriver
Plier, Long Nose
Plier, Long Nose


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Beaglebone Blue pinout

Connected 2 motors to the Beaglebone Blue DC motor drivers 1 and 2.


BluPants: Platform Agnostic IDE for Robots and IoT

BluPants is a Python based module to control robots and IoT automation devices via BluPants Coding Lab. Visit for more details. The Project goal is make robotics and programming available to anyone. Welcome Let's build a community for any child across the globe from the age of 5 to 99. Together we can build the tools to make the journey to STEM accessible to anyone. Compatibility with a variety of existing robotics hardware can make it affordable, at the same time we give unlimited flexibility to expand BluPants as far as the human imagination can go.


16 projects • 7 followers
Robot4(Humans); BluPants goal is to make robotics and programming accessible to everyone.
