Bare Conductive
Published © CC BY-SA

Building a Capacitive Proximity Sensor using Electric Paint

Learn how to make a simple capacitance sensor using a pad of Electric Paint, an Arduino and a resistor.

IntermediateFull instructions provided1 hour1,595
Building a Capacitive Proximity Sensor using Electric Paint

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Electric Paint 1L
Bare Conductive Electric Paint 1L
Electric Paint 10ml
Bare Conductive Electric Paint 10ml
Arduino Leonardo
USB-A to Micro-USB cable
100K ohm resistor
20M ohm resistor
Jumper Wires
Alligator Clips
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Electric Paint 50ml
Bare Conductive Electric Paint 50ml

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Paint brush
Paper Clip


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Bare Conductive

Bare Conductive

103 projects • 63 followers
Bare Conductive produces printed electronics products that enable individuals and companies to integrate electronics into the environment.
